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Reviewing Alternative Sources of Information: Part 2 [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the Evaluating Web Resources (Links to an external site.) and...

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Reviewing Alternative Sources of Information: Part 2

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the Evaluating Web Resources(Links to an external site.) and Scholarly and Popular Resources(Links to an external site.) video tutorials from the Ashford University Library.

This paper is the second part of a two-part integration. Review the discussion threads you, your classmates, and your instructor posted in the Reviewing Alternative Sources of Information: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum. Make note of constructive suggestions, integrate feedback and ideas into your analysis of the articles, and/or identify additional institutional, organizational or governmental agency sources if instructed to do so by your instructor. Incorporate this information into your paper.

Navigate to this week’s discussion forum to review your feedback if necessary.

In your Reviewing Alternative Sources of Information: Part 2 paper,

  • Critique each of the three sources from the gray literature that address your research topic or research focus, identifying the owner/sponsor of the source (the institutional, organizational or governmental agency) and describing the relationship between the mission or purpose of the institution, organization, or agency and the topic of interest to you. For example, if you identified a report or a summary of statistics from the Autism Research Institute, identify the mission or purpose of the Autism Research Institute and justify the use of the source as being appropriate to support research on your topic of interest. Provide a complete APA citation for each source. Consider accessing the Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List(Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference citation.
  • Analyze the information from each institutional, organizational, or governmental agency source, reporting how the various sources relate or link to one another and how the information is congruent or contradictory across the sources. For example, did you identify two different sets of data about your topic that offer collaborating (or contradictory) perspectives about your research topic or research focus? Report whether the information you found included references to scholarly articles or research, and whether the sources you identified link you to other relevant and credible sources.
  • Evaluate the evidence of quality of each source, using the criteria introduced in the Discussion Forum.
    • Indicate whether there is evidence of lack of consistency or bias in the information you found
    • Identify any ethical concerns you may have about the source
  • Explain how the information from these three sources can be used to reinforce the relevance or importance of your research topic or research focus, indicating how the sources will help you make a compelling case for studying the topic you have identified.

The Reviewing Alternative Sources of Information: Part 2 paper

  • Must be at least 1,200 words in length (not including title, abstract and references pages), and formaated according to the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style(Links to an external site.)
  • Must reference at least two scholarly and/or credible sources (see Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources(Links to an external site.)), in addition to any required readings you cited.
  • Must list the three sources analyzed in the reference list.
  • Include title, abstract, and reference pages in your paper.

Use resources listed in the Week 1 assignment to help you correctly format your paper.

Answered Same Day Jul 13, 2021


Arunavo answered on Jul 15 2021
149 Votes
The present assignment indulges in the critique and analysis of the three key sources found in grey literature, which are related to the research topic “organizational leadership”. The papers address the topic and increase the understanding of the topic, so that the research can be ca
ied forward later, in a better manner. The evaluation of the evidences leading towards the authenticity of the information, along with the application of these sources has also been done in this assignment.
Table of Contents
Critiquing and Analyzing the Information Addressing the Research Topic    4
Source 1:    4
Source 2:    5
Source 3:    6
Evaluating the Evidence of Quality (Including Consistency and Ethical Concerns) of Each Source    7
Application of the Information    8
References    9
Critiquing and Analyzing the Information Addressing the Research Topic
Source 1:
McClellan, J., Levitt, K., & DiClementi, G. (2017). Emotional intelligence and positive organizational leadership: A conceptual model for positive emotional influence. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 17(3), 2626
Organizational leadership is the dual focused management approach, which works in the organization for the individual employees and whatever is best for the group. This also a process or an attitude towards following the work ethics and that empowers a person to perform in any level of the organization, which is the top, middle or the bottom level of the organization.
McClellan, Levitt and DiClementi (2017) have discussed that in the organizational leadership there is a bigger role of emotional intelligence. There has been a study, which shows the relevance of the emotional intelligence to the leadership and the management where it has been seen that the practical models of emotional intelligence works primarily over the negative emotion of a leader.
The authors have further discussed that the emotional intelligence should focus primarily on the emotional components of the mind as a subcomponent over the
oader concept of the emotional intelligence. Further, it has been discussed that the emotional intelligence has a relationship with the transformational form of leadership. This form of leadership transcends into the short-term goals and this offers the employees on the focus towards the higher order intrinsic needs.
Source 2:
Obal, M., Morgan, T., & Joseph, G. (2020). Integrating sustainability into new product development: The role of organizational leadership and culture. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 30(1), 43-57
However, as argued by Obal, Morgan and Joseph (2020), the organizational leadership and culture has a great implication over the new product development and the integrating sustainability. With the corporate sustainability research continues to grow on a continuous basis, the organizational factors influences the ability of the organization to strategically integrate the sustainability orientation of the performance of the new product development.
The authors have further discussed that sustainability orientation leads to the analysis of the market performance of the new...

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