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Read the following: HR Council. (n.d.). Getting the right people. Retrieved from The article above discusses the importance of job...

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Read the following:

HR Council. (n.d.). Getting the right people. Retrieved from

The article above discusses the importance of job descriptions and how they can be used to increase individuals and organizational effectiveness. In your discussion, discuss/answer the following:

  1. How can they simplify an Organization’s Human Resource Management?
  2. Discuss how you feel about job descriptions. Are they always accurate? Why or why not?

What is the purpose of “other duties as assigned”? What are the pros and cons of this statement?

I need 3-4 paragraphs, 2-3 in-text citations, APA, 2-3 references

Answered Same Day Mar 08, 2020


Preeti answered on Mar 10 2020
148 Votes
Article analysis
How can they simplify an organisation’s human resource management?
Job descriptions plays influential role in simplifying HRM through clearly articulating job duties and responsibilities to be performed and qualifications required by the organisation for fulfilling it. HRM is a wider nature function ensures sourcing right qualified candidates, placing them on right position at right pay structure. For this, it is pertinent on the part of human resource manager to clearly identify and define job responsibilities in accordance to the organisation goals, and, placing right qualified candidates on identified job responsibilities (Uzonna, 2013).
Discuss how you feel about job descriptions? Are they always accurate? Why or why not?

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