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Question 7 How can policies and procedures be used to help manage compliance and ethical practice in both internal work practice and external service delivery? (100 words) Question 1Question 2Question...

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Question 7

  • How can policies and procedures be used to help manage compliance and ethical practice in both internal work practice and external service delivery? (100 words)

  • Question 1Question 2Question 3Question 4Question 5Question 6Question 7Question 8Question 9Question 8

    Question 8

    • Outline a standard format or template for policies and procedures. Provide brief information on what they should include. (200words)

    • please guys make sure you write your thoughts. avoid taking from the internet. use the internet to get ideas. my lecturer is very sensitive about internet.
    • Dot point answers and put refrences under each question

Answered Same Day Nov 27, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
144 Votes
· Procedures and Policies are known as the enablers for an organization. Policies aid the employees to work on the way towards fair business practices.
· Policies help the employees to defend themselves from the unfair dismissal claims.
· Policies help the business to avoid unfair means and...

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