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Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLO: 2, 5] Prior to beginning this assignment, you must complete the Qualitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum and...

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Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLO: 2, 5]

Prior to beginning this assignment, you must complete the Qualitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum and receive feedback from your instructor and classmates. Read the articles by Polkinghorne (2005), Language and Meaning: Data Collection in Qualitative Research, Ryan, Coughlin, and Cronin (2007), Step-by-step Guide to Critiquing Research. Part 2: Qualitative Research, and Shenton (2004), Strategies for Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Projects. Refer to the Writing Center resource Writing an Article Critique(Links to an external site.), to help you analyze and review each article.

This paper is the second part of a two-part integration. Review the discussion threads you, your classmates, and your instructor posted in the Qualitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum. Make note of constructive suggestions, integrate feedback and ideas into your analysis of the articles, and/or identify new qualitative research articles if instructed to do so by your instructor. Incorporate this information into your paper.

Navigate to this week’s discussion forum to review your feedback if necessary.

In your Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper,

  • Create complete APA reference entries for three articles that report on qualitative research studies that address your research topic or research focus. Consider accessing the Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List(Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference entry.
  • Critique each research study, identifying the research question or questions, the qualitative research methodology used in the study, the sample for each study, and evidence of any lack of consistency or bias in the way the study was conducted.
    • Analyze how the studies are similar in the way each study addressed the research topic and how they are dissimilar, noting which study was more compelling to you and why.
  • Evaluate the general concept of trustworthiness in qualitative research studies, as defined by Shenton XXXXXXXXXXand Polkinghorne (2005).
  • Review the strengths of each research study that align with Shenton’s criteria for trustworthiness (credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability).
  • Explain any unresolved questions about your topic of interest that were raised by the studies, and how further research on this topic would augment the findings of the studies you reviewed.

The Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper

  • Must be at least 1,200 words in length (not including title, abstract, and reference pages), and formatted according to the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style(Links to an external site.).
  • Must reference at least two scholarly sources (see Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources(Links to an external site.)), in addition to any required readings cited.
  • Must iinclude the three articles analyzed in the reference list.
  • Must include title, abstract, and reference pages.
Answered Same Day Jun 29, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jun 30 2021
140 Votes
Running Head: Qualitative Research Studies         1
Qualitative Research Studies         
    As organizations decide to expand and take control of larger markets shares, they need to optimize their business operations and improve their leadership to keep the organization on the path of development. This report discusses about three studies and their outcomes included in three different journal articles related to organizational development and leadership. These three journal articles have been thoroughly critiques in this report.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Critical Analysis of Research Study    4
Research Questions Discussed in the Journals    6
Research Methodology and Sample Size    7
Inconsistencies and Biasness in the Studies    7
Comparison and Contrast between the Studies    8
Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research    8
Conclusion    9
References    10
    With advent of globalization and digitization, organizations focus on the leadership prevailing within the organization and the optimal usage of their resources. Therefore, organizational development is one of the primary areas of focus for the management of organization to stay competent. Organizational development in simple words means improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business organizations. Leadership prevailing within the organization is essential for the development of an organization as it guides and directs the human resources within the organization to support in the development of the organization.
Critical Analysis of Research Study
    The three peer-reviewed journals chosen for this study are critiqued as below:
Leadership & Organization Development Journal: A collective organizational learning model for organizational development    
    This journal sheds light on the traditional and conventional learning models that assists in organizational learning essential for the development of practical skills in the employees. These methods have proved to be extremely beneficial for the organizations for fulfilling the organizational needs of the employees as well as of the management. According to Lau, Lee and Chung (2019), leaders are foundation stones of the learning models and structures that are formulated to promote the process of organizational learning. However, the journal highlights the organizational learning and development process of modern organizations that considers the fact that leaders within an organization play an essential role in the development of the organization as they act as a base for the knowledge transfer process. Improvements in the learning process helps an organization to develop based on innovation, creativity and cultural intelligence.
Leadership-development practice bundles and organizational performance: The mediating role of human capital and social capital
    The influence that the leadership existing within the organization has on the development of an organization is based on the individual leadership practices of leaders in the organization. The authors of the journal Su
amony, Segers, Chadwick and Shyamsunder (2018), have highlighted the fact...

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