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Topic Project report on Diversity Management Completing this assignment will help you achieve the following learning outcome/s and ECU Graduate Attributes: Learning outcomes: 1. develop HRM responses...

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Project report on Diversity Management
Completing this assignment will help you achieve the following learning outcome/s and ECU Graduate Attributes:
Learning outcomes:
1. develop HRM responses to contemporary social, legal and economic developments;
2. appraise literature and theories on selected HRM topics and issues;
3. present their knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences; and
4. apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate judgement and problem solving of contemporary HRM issues.
    Graduate attributes:
· Ability to communicate
· Critical appraisal skills
Before starting this assignment, you should have conducted background reading relevant to the unit and to the topic and, as a minimum, attended the seminars to date and completed the required reading for each week.
Assignment instructions
You will write a synopsis (summary) of the cu
ent Human Resource Management (HRM) academic research on a contemporary HRM topic (see topics below). This segment of the assignment will be worth 40%. The synopsis must not exceed 3000 words (excluding executive summary) and should be in the required format, see later in this plan. The assignment should identify key themes and issues and be structured accordingly on the recent research on your chosen topic. You should create your synopsis as a report, that is, you should include a cover page, index, headings and subheadings and clear Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion sections. You must include at least 15 relevant academic references (since the year 2008).
It must include all in text and end text reference citations as per the APA guidelines

On-line scholarly journals from reputable databases must be consulted. Information from freely available webpages is not always reputable and will not be accepted as source documents. It is important to make sure that you access RECENT material relevant to HR practice in the cu
ent day.
Note: Assignment submitted for this unit must NOT previously been submitted for assessment in this unit and/or any other unit or course. A mark of zero shall be awarded if the assignment has been submitted previously in this unit and/or any other unit or course.”
Marking criteria
Marks will be allocated on the basis of critical thinking and development of argument, written expression, structure, content, and referencing.
Assessment format
The following is a suggested report format. There are various formats in use by organisations and authors must adopt a format suitable for the purpose of the report. A report of a research project, for example, would include such sections as Methodology.
Presentation: Reports should be well presented, set out with an easy to read style and clear diagrams, figures and tables. You must decide whether to number paragraphs or not depending on how this will help the presentation. Your report should be referenced co
A title page: Include: subject or title of report, identifying information about the author, the name of the person for whom the report has been prepared, the date of submission, (and in the case of a University assignment the details of the tutor, tutorial group, your student number and the Unit details.)
Executive summary: This should contain the aim of the report, a
ief background summary,
ief details of the investigation or research, the major findings or key issues arising, and any recommendations if these are appropriate.
Remember this may be the only part of the report that is read if the busy executive for whom it is intended is not impressed by the content. It should also make it easy for the same busy executive to decide which part of the report to look for in the Table of Contents if they do not have time to read it all.
A table of contents: The table of contents should clearly show the key headings of the report and indicate the number of the page on which these headings appear. You may also like to include a list of tables and figures.
An introduction: In a report your introduction needs to identify the purpose of the report and the terms of reference or framework in which you are working. This should set the scene by discussing the significance of the area under investigation. It should also map out the remainder of the report for the reader.
The main body with relevant headings and sub-headings identifying the key themes, issues and topics and discussion of each of these. If the purpose of the report is to present a review of the literature for the consideration of the reader then it might contain a discussion of the differing views presented in the literature on the topic followed by an analysis or evaluation of these. If the purpose of the report is to recommend action the discussion might cover an analysis of the cu
ent situation in the organisation along with the review of the literature on that topic, followed by recommendations that logically arise from the discussion. Headings should be kept simple and the content should be able to be read without these. YOUR REPORT SHOULD BE REFERENCED TO SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENTS AND ANALYSIS.
A conclusion: The conclusion should be in your words and must pull together the key points and identify future directions (i.e. ‘where to from here’). It should not introduce new material.
A reference list: in the University prefe
ed format.
Answered Same Day Apr 06, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Apr 08 2020
146 Votes
Diversity Management
Executive Summary
For the reason that dealing with diversity even now continues to be a challenge within companies, managers are likely to learn managerial abilities required within a multicultural functioning atmosphere and equip themselves for teaching others in their companies to value cultural disparities and consider all staff members with respect (King, 2012). For few managers and business leaders, diversity is a big issue even though it recognizes no corporate limit and has no confines. Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to provide a deep insight into the area of diversity management.
Introduction    4
Diversity Management    5
Tools for managing a diverse workforce    8
Cultural mentoring: For managing workforce diversity    9
Reasons for diversity management within Corporations    10
Obstacles to effective diversity management    11
Conclusion    12
References:    13
To start with, diversity could normally be described as recognising, accepting and understanding individual disparities regardless of their gender, race, age, ethnicity, class, physical ability, Sexual orientation, race, spiritual practice and others (Chiboiwa et. al., 2010). It is highly believed that every person is distinctive but also shares several environmental or biological traits. Diversity could be grouped into two different areas. The primary area like age, sexual orientation, gender and others, displays the chief disparities amid several people (Daley, 2016). These primary disparities also hold high impact upon initial meetings and could be simply observed and work like filters through which individuals see the world. Moreover, the secondary dimensions like education, religion, geographical location and income are basically those traits, which aren’t evident during the foremost meeting and could also modify throughout distinct encounters (Pascal et. al., 2013). Such traits are only observed subsequent to some interactions among the people. Globalization during this present time has prompted high interaction among individuals belonging to diverse cultures as well as backgrounds as compared to before (Daley, 2016). Individuals are cu
ently more open-minded within the marketplace globally with competition arising from almost everywhere (Dike, 2013). Additionally, diversity could prove to be an issue for the company nevertheless could also work like a solution. The main challenge here is to extract the key spirit of diversity as well as tactically handle it for the enhancement of the individuals and the company as a whole (Reagans and Zuckerman, 2011).
Moving ahead, the majority of companies in their own viewpoint take up diversity in their workplace or company for becoming more imaginative and open to modifications (Moynihan and Pandey, 2008). Augmenting and enhancing workplace diversity has turned out to be a vital concern for the management during the latest years because of the acknowledgment of the way how the workplace is gradually transforming (Chiboiwa et. al., 2010). For the reason that dealing with diversity even now continues to be a challenge within companies, managers are likely to learn managerial abilities required within a multicultural functioning atmosphere and equip themselves for teaching others in their companies to value cultural disparities and consider all staff members with respect (King, 2012). For few managers and business leaders, diversity is a big issue even though it recognizes no corporate limit and has no confines. Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to provide a deep insight into the area of diversity management.
Diversity Management
Diversity Management could be simply described as the concept of planning, organizing, directing and employing all the widespread managerial traits for the purpose of building a corporate environment wherein all diverse staff members regardless of their similarities as well as differences, could actively and efficiently make contribution towards the competitive benefit of an organization (Winfield et. al., 2010). Further, the continuing sections attempt to provide high insight into several aspects associated with diversity management.
Advantages of Diversity Management
· High productivity level
Augmenting productivity within the workplace has been observed as being one among the key challenges for leaders and managers as well as the corporation in general (Winfield et. al., 2010). Because of the actuality that each company has its own exceptional business structure and goals, diverse approaches might be employed for challenging or addressing the corporation for increasing outcome (Chiboiwa et. al., 2010). One among those approaches takes in employing workplace diversity as well as handling it efficiently. At the time when management considers the well-being of its staff members at heart through providing them appropriate compensation, employee appraisal and health care, It allows staff members to feel that they belong to the corporation regardless of their cultural backdrop by staying loyal and hardworking that eventually helps in increasing overall productivity and profit levels of the company (King, 2012).
· Exchange of different perspectives and team work
During latest times teamwork is highly promoted through businesses and companies like a means for ensuring superior results on assigned tasks and also, for products and services delivery. One individual ca
ying out several tasks could not perform at the same speed like a team could; as a result every group member
ings in diverse concepts and puts forward an exceptional standpoint during problem solving for efficiently a
iving at the most appropriate resolution at the shortest time possible (King, 2012).
· Learning and growth
Diversity within the workplace builds an opportunity for personal growth of the staff members. At the time when employees are being open to some new ideas, cultures and standpoints, it could greatly assist every individual to intelligently reach out and hold a proper vision of their workplace within the worldwide environment (Winfield et. al., 2010). The higher time spent with co-workers belonging to diverse cultures could gradually remove the subconscious obstacles of ethnocentrism and xenophobia, thus motivating staff members to become knowledgeable members of the community and company (King, 2012).
· Sound Communication
Workplace diversity could greatly reinforce an organization’s relation with some particular set of buyers through making communication highly efficient. Consumer service department is one area where efficient communication is highly important (Chiboiwa et. al., 2010). A consumer service representative or personnel could be paired up with consumers from their particular location or area,...

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