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2 | Project Management Methodologies Due Date Friday (18-May XXXXXXXXXX:55 PM AEST Task Description Introduction Businesses need to be innovative and creative to create a niche for their business...

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2 | Project Management Methodologies
Due Date
Friday (18-May XXXXXXXXXX:55 PM AEST
Task Description
Businesses need to be innovative and creative to create a niche for their business operations. As competition is ever increasing, survivability of an organisation will depend on how well they respond to these challenges. One possible solution is project management. Good project management practices can help organisations to better plan, organise, manage and control work, which leads to better performance and increased productivity.
The project management methodologies of organisations may vary but nonetheless will have a common project management language and framework across the organisation, often adapted from external standards like those of the PMI. However, management structures are different in every organisation and therefore one project management methodology does not fit all. Selecting a standard methodology that does not fit within the framework of the organisation may not achieve its promised benefits.
You are a project management consultancy and have been hired to advise three separate organisations on the best choice of project management methodology for each of their respective organisations. Details of the organisations are provided in assessment information accessible from the Assessment block in the unit Moodle site.
You are to present your recommendations for the most appropriate project methodology for EACH of the three organisations to adopt. The methodologies can be chosen from one of the two most commonly known methodologies (i.e. PMBOK developed by the Project Management Institute or PRINCE2,developed by the Office of Government Commerce in the UK) or any other project management methodology that you think best suits the relevant organisation's needs. Your recommendations must be supported by detailed explanations and must also address the following questions:
· Is implementing a project management methodology considered a management level activity? Who should be involved?
· Should the chosen project management methodology be implemented in its entirety? Please support your decision with an implementation plan.
· What issues might you encounter when implementing the chosen project management methodology?
· What should be done to address the difficulties faced in attempting to implement the methodology?
· What benefits do you attribute to the use of the chosen project management methodology
Your submission should be made using Microsoft Office documents and the essay submitted as a separate 2,500 - 3,000 word Microsoft WORD document. Supporting diagrams / figures may be presented in other formats - Excel, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents, as part of the appendix and will not count towards the essay’s word limit. Tables should be placed in the essay and shall be included in the word count. You should describe all of the required parts of your methodology in as complete manner as you deem appropriate. A range of sample methodologies will be identified for you to study during the unit. If you wish to include examples of any parts you may do so in an appendix. You must not include pictures or diagrams in the body of the essay. You must provide an ILLUSTRATION OR DRAWING OF YOUR METHODOLOGY /IES. in the appendix of your essay. Your essay should be a properly constructed academic essay. It should contain an effective introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should introduce the essay and include your argument. The body should present the evidence you have collected to support your recommendations, provide your assumptions, summarise the evidence and the conclusion should restate your recommendations on a high level. The essay should contain a coherent, but necessarily restricted review of the academic literature on the project management topics in question. The literature review should be integrated into the essay, not a separate section. Do not include an executive summary or an abstract. A reference list formatted in the prescribed Harvard style is compulsory. Do not include a bibliography. 
This assessment item involves researching your assigned topic to enhance your understanding of project management concepts and utilisation of academic literature. Whilst you use the recommended textbooks you may also refer to relevant peer reviewed, academic journal articles. You will be expected to present information and cite at least twenty (20) times from relevant course material or other PEER REVIEWED sources.
Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2020 PPMP20009 Central Queensland University


Amar answered on May 18 2020
154 Votes
Project Management Methodologies
Executive Summary
The overall process necessary for assessment, documentation as well as the selection concerning right, effective, and optimal methodology for project management with each of the specific projects are highly comprehensive, time consuming as well as complex in the initially and yet worth from the overall project outcome perspective in case the methodology that is most appropriate has been utilized. In this report presents the detailed assessment of the three different organization and their specific circumstances and needs to propose suitable methodologies for undertaking project management in an effective manner.
Table of Contents
1.    Executive Summary    1
2.    Acknowledgement    2
3.    TASK A    4
3.1.    Introduction    4
3.2.    Body    4
3.3.    Conclusion    5
4.    TASK B    6
4.1.    Standing on the PMBoK statement    6
4.2.    Description of the PMBoK-based approach to Client A, B & C    6
4.3.    Pictorial illustration of the methodology    6
4.4.    Impact of the selected methodology on stakeholders    6
5.    TASK C    8
5.1.    Proposal of methodolog(ies)    8
5.2.    Comments on the necessity of customisation    8
5.3.    Justification of the choice    8
5.4.    Implementation plan for clients A, B & C    8
6.    TASK D    10
6.1.    Introduction    10
6.2.    Tools and techniques to find the cause of the problem    10
6.3.    The Basic 7 QC tools    10
6.4.    Continuous improvement and implementation plan    10
6.5.    Difficulties and solutions    11
6.6.    Long term benefit    11
6.7.    Conclusion    11
7.    References    12
Appendix 1    14
Appendix 2    15
1.1. Introduction
The overall process necessary for assessment, documentation as well as the selection concerning right, effective, and optimal methodology for project management with each of the specific projects are highly comprehensive, time consuming as well as complex in the initially and yet worth from the overall project outcome perspective in case the methodology that is most appropriate has been utilized (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017; Schwalbe 2015; Fleming and Koppelman 2016; Ha
ison and Lock 2017).
In this context, Project Management Institute (“PMI”) has established a standard that is globally recognized and refe
ed as Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (“OPM3”). The same aids the organizations to identify measure as well as enhance the capabilities of project management as well as the processes. The same aids in solidifying the project outcomes that is successful as well as at the end determine the best practices and also strengthen overall connection amongst the strategic planning as well as execution. In essence, OPM3 lays emphasis with respect to effectiveness of organizational strategic impact at an overall level as well as incorporate the suitable projects, programs as well as portfolio management (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017; Schwalbe 2015; Fleming and Koppelman 2016; Ha
ison and Lock 2017).
In this context, the objective of this report is to undertake the detailed assessment of the three different organization and their specific circumstances and needs to propose suitable methodologies for undertaking project management in an effective manner.
1.2. Body
After the criteria for assessment has been suitably factored within the relevant decisions, one shall be required in developing the process for identifying suitable and best options to undertake the methodology for project management with respect to the specific projects. The said process shall require suitable revisits, reviews as well as modifications over the course of the project in keeping up with the changes / evolution in the overall business as well as the needs of the stakeholder.
The general set of steps for determining the suitable methodology for the project management includes the following – [i] determination of the project drivers in the manner of identifying as well as weighing the primary objectives as well as the priorities concerning the project, [ii] Post the determination of the drivers of the project, objectives as well as requirements, determine all of the relevant criteria which the methodology shall affect as well as vice versa, [iii] determine all of the possible / available methodologies which shall be highly relevant towards the specific project, [iv] spending time in comparing as well as contrasting each of the methodology for project management with respect to the specific project, [v] considering which of the methodology shall result in the optimal outcomes as well as provide least amount of risk, [vi] gaining feedback as well as overall buy-in / concu
ence, [vii] documenting the relevant methodology as well as the rationale, [viii] implementation of the concerned methodology, and, [ix] monitoring as well as modification to the same as needed (Walker 2015; Heagney 2016; Meredith et al. 2016; Kerzner 2018).
With respect to organizational development, and also in case of project context, the stated list of activities to identify and implement suitable methodologies shall be of relevance in terms of the applied assessment criteria. In the cases of selecting the right methodology, the same set of criteria needs to be suitably factored in. The same could be further
oken down in the form of internal as well as external criteria aided by relevant set of sub-categories with respect to each. The internal criteria encompass the organization related factors, project related factors, people related factors, and process related factors and the technology related factors. The external criteria encompass the vendor related factors, expectations / requirements concerning the external stakeholders and the guidelines from PMBoK (Walker 2015; Heagney 2016; Meredith et al. 2016; Kerzner 2018).
The Appendix 1 presents the detailed list of factors under each of these headings and sub-headings.
1.3. Conclusion
Even though highest of the risk factors shall be likely in falling within the capabilities as well as the...

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