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Prepare PowerPOint slides on history of diversity training emergence at work place (3 slides with 5 mins speaker notes ) Journal articles referenced

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Prepare PowerPOint slides on history of diversity training emergence at work place (3 slides with 5 mins speaker notes )

Journal articles referenced

Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jun 03 2021
147 Votes
History of Diversity Training Emergence at Workplace
· Diversity training is making employees culturally intelligent with the aim of improving attitude, knowledge, awareness and skills of employees
· Diversity training started to em
ace industries form the year 2005, when nearly 76% of the businesses chose to adopt these trainings
· Diversity training in workplaces became more prominent by the year 2013 and 85% of these industries adopted these training sessions for development of human resources
With advent of globalisation, diversity in workplaces increased considerably. To incorporate workforces from different cultural backgrounds diversity training were adopted. Diversity training in general can be defined as making employees culturally intelligent with the aim of improving...

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