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Assignment Human Resources Management Chapters 7 & 8 All employees want training and development. As the hotel supervisor, it is your job to determine what type of training and development you want to...

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Assignment    Human Resources Management    Chapters 7 & 8
All employees want training and development. As the hotel supervisor, it is your job to determine what type of training and development you want to provide to your employee. You need to ensure you get an adequate return on investment to justify the expense of the training. In order to see this return on investment, you need to establish a performance management program to review your employees’ performance.
If you perform these elements of human resources well, you will definitely be considered for a promotion to Vice-President, Operations of this national hotel chain
This assignment should be 2.5 – 5 pages, Times New Roman font, size 12double spaced.
    Marks Possible
    Marks Awarded
    Training and Development
· In 2 paragraphs, tell me about the type of training the new hire will need and how you will go about providing the training
· In 2 paragraph, tell me about the orientation program you will develop and deliver to this new hire, and any new hires in the future
· In 2 paragraphs, tell me about what development opportunities a room attendant may request, and how you can provide them.
(~ 1 – 2 pages)
    Performance Management
· Identify 3 specific and clear performance standards that will be used to measure the success of the room attendant
· In 1 – 2 paragraphs, tell me who will be the best person(s) to measure/evaluate the performance of the room attendant
· In 1 - 2 paragraphs, discuss the three different performance review methods, which method you will use and why.
(~ 1 – 2 pages)
    · Tell me 3 things you have learned about recruitment, selection, training/development and performance management that you DID NOT know prior to reading these chapters; and which you will NOW put into practice
(~ ½ - 1 page)
    Business professional presentation, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.

Managing Human Resources
Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers (Ch 5)
Learning Outcomes
For the learner to understand and explain:
The connection between recruitment strategy and recruiting efforts
Methods to recruit internally
Methods to recruit externally
How to measure and improve recruiting efforts
Career management programs and the needs of individual employees
Strategy and recruitment
The connection between a firm’s recruitment strategy and their recruiting efforts
See pages XXXXXXXXXXon the connection between recruitment and strategy
In today’s context, most firms want to be the employer of choice – this will allow the employer to attract high cali
e candidates from virtually anywhere in the world. To become the employer of choice, many firms are now working hard at developing and displaying their employer
and…..their employee proposition. In doing this, employers are thinking of their employees as consumers and the employers focus on what their “employee consumers” want with respect to jobs, rather than the age-old method of the organization selling themselves to candidates
Decisions about talent need to be considered within the context of the business’s strategies and priorities. Where is the business growing or shrinking, what skills and abilities does the firm’s objectives require and what does the business need with regard to obtaining talent, in order to be successful.
Note that recruiting efforts themselves, are also considered strategies. Some of the various recruitment strategies include: recruiting locally or globally, recruiting internally or externally, using hiring agencies or in-house recruiters.
I’ll first talk about recruiting locally or globally – in tight labour markets – that is markets with very low unemployment and a difficulty in finding qualified talent, it sometimes means that we have to look beyond our city, our province and our country to find talent. This is one of those reasons that results from an effecting scanning of the external environment as discussed in chapter 2. We have to look at who might be available in our external environment and make decisions about how far we have to cast out net. In 2005, in Calgary, I worked for BDO and we could not find designated Chartered Accountants, in Canada, with approximately 10 years experience. Because of this, all firms including BDO were recruiting from all over the world. In order to be able to
ing workers into Canada, we had to receive approval from our federal government. We had to have what is known as a Labour Market Opinion – and we needed an approved Labour Market Opinion. Sometimes, strategies come about because we have no other choices.
When we talk about the strategy of recruiting internally – this is a recruitment strategy where generally only the entry level positions are hired from the labour market, and then for any vacancies that arise in positions other than entry level, and these vacancies are filled from within. This strategy has a direct impact on the culture of an organization – both a positive effect and a negative effect and a firm needs to carefully consider this strategy before implementing.
The positive effects on the organization’s culture of hiring internally, is that the firm is trying to show employees that they have growth and promotion opportunities, it can also show that the organization is willing to invest in the employees and this helps to improve retention and morale. A downside to hiring internally is that there are usually more people applying for the position, than positions available, and invariably some people will not get the job….and thus they will be disappointed. So just as filling vacancies internally can improve morale, it can also decrease morale for those who were not successful. It is for this reason that managers need to strongly consider this strategy before deciding to implement it. And don’t forget that if a position requires specialized talent, and the firm’s strategy is to hire/promote internally, the specialized talent might not be available. Then, if the firm changes strategy and looks externally, those employees who thought they might get an opportunity to grow their skills will be disappointed.
And then there is the strategy of whether to use an agency that is an expert in recruiting, or to do the recruiting in house. These strategies often come down to the size of the organization and the expertise of the talent you are trying to hire. Smaller organizations that might not have an in house HR department often look to external recruiters for assistance. And for positions that are rare and require very specialized talents, even in-house recruiters may seek assistance from external experts in recruitment. This decision often comes down to the cost
enefit of doing it yourself which may take longer but will be less expensive versus, filling a vacancy quickly but at a higher cost.
Internal recruiting methods
When the strategy is to promote and hire within
There is a natural inclination to look inside an organization first when planning on filling vacancies . We assume that looking internally to fill a vacant role will be much quicker as the organization will already have knowledge about how their cu
ent employees perform and how they get along with their co-workers. There is also the fact that hiring from within means the workers generally gets up to speed much quicker than new hires would, because they already are familiar with the organizational culture, the norms, the processes and the expectations.
The next slide highlights some of the internal recruitment methods we can use….Note that some of these methods were explained in chapter 2 under the topic of internal resource analysis
Internal recruitment methods
Internal job postings
Identifying talent through performance appraisals
Skill inventories and replacement charts
See pages 167 – 169 to read more extensively on internal recruitment methods
Internal job posting are just what this sounds like….job vacancies are posted but only the people who already are employed at the organization have access to and can apply for to these postings. This method is quicker and very cost effective. However, I remind you that usually many people apply and there is usually only 1 vacancy so while I person will be motivated and pleased, many other will be disappointed
Identifying talent through performance appraisals – this is a method whereby employees have the opportunity to express to their manager their desire for promotion opportunities, and for their manager to assist them in gaining the experiences needed for those opportunities.
Skills inventories and replacement charts – also mentioned in Chapter 2’s internal resource analysis – is a method whereby organizations can track an employee’s education, past work experience, vocational interests, specific abilities and skills, compensation history and job tenure to see how they can best the used in the organization.
External recruiting methods
When the strategy is to hire from outside the organization
See pages 170 – 178 to read more extensively on external recruitment methods.
External recruitment is where the greatest opportunity for finding talent lies. This strategy can be costly both in dollars and time - it can take a lot more time to fill vacancies with external hires vs. internal hires - yet on the plus side, it can produce more capable talent for the organization.
On the next two slides, I will talk about many of the ways we can recruit eternally.
External recruitment methods
Walk-ins and Unsolicited applications
The Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Recruiting
Job Fairs
Employee Refe
Executive Search Firms
Advertisements – this is the once-traditional method of placing an ad in the newspaper, and before we had the internet, this ads in the newspapers could cost thousands of dollars. Here is an example: in the 1980’s the Saturday newspaper used to have a section dedicated to Careers. People looking for their next opportunity would anxiously await the a
ival of this paper. If organizations were hiring for senior level executives, they would often place a quarter page or half page ad, and this ad would run in most of the major papers across the country – from Vancouver to St. John. And this one ad, in one edition, for one senior level position, could easily cost $20,000 to appear just once. Of course the advent of the internet means this method is not as widely used, but in smaller communities that have their own local newspaper, this method is still used even today.
Walk-ins and Unsolicited applications – ask your parents or grandparents what the phrase “pound the pavement” means and likely they will tell you that this was about taking an arm full of resumes and hand delivering them to organizations. The candidates were not responding to job ads, they were people who just walked-into an organization and dropped of
Answered Same Day Jun 04, 2021


Rupsha answered on Jun 05 2021
135 Votes
Management-Human Resource Management
Table of Contents
Training and Development    3
Type of Training    3
The Orientation Programme    3
Development Opportunities    4
Performance Management    5
Performance Standards    5
Choosing Best Person    5
Performance Review Methods    5
New Learning    6
References    7
Training and Development
Type of Training
Numbers of people who are working for hotel management and other associated works often claim that development of career and personal skills can take place through training. Therefore, as the hotel supervisor it is the duty of a person to provide quality training and ensure proper development of skill for the people who are hired for the job. The training that should be provided for the hotel in question is of varied nature. The first criterion that must be fulfilled is the development to the basic skill set of the candidates required to ca
y out the works associated in the hotel.
     The training shall consist of a number of layers that will promote the development of personal skills for the candidates. Management skills and soft skills shall be a basic part of the training program that shall be held. Development of all criteria needed to fulfil SMART goals shall be given utmost priority. Training shall be provided by professionals who have experience of working in the field for at least 5 to 10 years. This training shall be made compulsory for the newly hired candidates in order to develop their skills and provide them industry experience.
 The Orientation Programme
The orientation programme that shall be conducted in order to impart the knowledge and skills of the newly hired candidates shall be made interesting and interactive. The program shall consist of interactive sessions conducted by trained individuals to make sure that the newly hired candidates feel at ease to be a part of the program. The soft skills and human resource management shall be given utmost importance for the proceedings of this program. For room attendant understanding the needs of the consumers and the demands that follow the trends is important (Belias, Vasiliadis & Mantas, 2020). These learning shall be imparted within the individuals for better understanding of the job and...

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