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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS This is doctoral work !! Provide 1 response to this post. VERY IMPORTANT-This instructor grades really hard and I need quality response for this student post. Please no...

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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS This is doctoral work !! Provide 1 response to this post. VERY IMPORTANT-This instructor grades really hard and I need quality response for this student post. Please no negative response and keep it professional. Please do not use fake references, and this instructor will check and this instructor will check Please keep plagiarism under 10% or lower

Answered Same Day Sep 16, 2023


Dipali answered on Sep 17 2023
34 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion    3
References    5
    Regarding employee retention and work happiness, especially in the context of millennial, you have
ought up an important aspect. It is true that for businesses to develop successful retention strategies, they need to grasp the link between work happiness and productivity. I appreciate you asking about your own experiences with this.
I have seen a direct co
elation between performance and work happiness or job satisfaction throughout my time at Apple Inc. Employees tend to perform better and favorably affect the performance of the company when they are happy and motivated in their jobs. Here are some observations drawn from my experiences:
· Engagement and Productivity: Employee engagement is higher when they are happy with their work. Increased productivity is frequently the outcome of this higher involvement. For instance, staff members are more inclined to go beyond to accomplish goals and produce extraordinary outcomes when they believe their efforts are appreciated and recognized (Wardana, Putra & Panjaitan, 2022).
· Reduced Turnover: Reduced turnover rates are significantly influenced by job satisfaction. In addition to saving the company the expense and time of...

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