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TOPIC: IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION Table of Contents Quantitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) 3 Source 1: 3 Source 2: 4 Source 3: 4 References. 6 Quantitative...

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Quantitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) 3
Source 1: 3
Source 2: 4
Source 3: 4
References. 6

Quantitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback)
Employees are considered to be an asset to the organization. Engaging the employees is one of the most crucial tasks for the organization. That helps keep the employees motivated as that will help the continuous venture to meet the organizational goals.
Source 1:
Dhanya, M. R., & Prashath, R. T XXXXXXXXXXA Study on Drivers of Employee Engagement and Employee Retention in the Healthcare Sector, Tiruchirappalli Corporation. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(7), XXXXXXXXXX.
One of the articles published by Dhanya and Prashath XXXXXXXXXXis about a study on the drivers of employee engagement and employee retention in the healthcare sector. In this article, the authors focus on the amount to which the employees are committed to their organization's goals, objectives, and values that will help achieve the organizational and individual targets.
This process will help the managers determine the amount of seriousness and loyalty the employee is showing for the organization. Thus, the employee's performance can be adequately monitored. The organization's goals and strategy can be judged through how employee engagement is present in the organization. The retention of highly engaged employees and the talented workforce will be an asset to the company. Thus the management tries to persuade the employees to be retained in the organization for a maximum period.
Further, the task of the management, as discussed by the author, is to distinguish between the slow and the high performer in the organization. That will help the management in making proper strategies. Further, the provision of the training should be prepared, as that will help the management to train the high performer properly and to improve the work level of the slow performers. The analysis done by the author is qualitative, in which the author tried to focus on the quality of the workforce in a more elaborative manner.
Source 2:
Chandani, A., Mehta, M., Mall, A., & Khokhar, V XXXXXXXXXXEmployee engagement: A review paper on factors affecting employee engagement. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(15), 1-7.
In another paper by Chandani, Mehta, Mall, and Khokhar (2016), it is about the factors affecting employee engagement. In this article, the authors have tried to discuss the various elements of meeting at the macro level, which is at the organizational and micro-level levels, at the individual level. The variations factors, which have arisen in the research, as discussed by the authors is because of the diversity of the workforce, which consists of gender, race, ethnicity, educational level, skills, job characteristics, and many more factors.
Further, the research paper has focused on the different kinds of policy formations as considering all the factors of the employees and the work that is being done in the organization. This research paper is wholly done quantitatively, as the focus of the article is more on the number of employees and their background, which will contribute to the organization's performance.
Source 3:
Barnham, C XXXXXXXXXXQuantitative and qualitative research: Perceptual foundations. International Journal of Market Research, 57(6), XXXXXXXXXX.
A research paper can be either qualitative or quantitative. As discussed by Bamham (2015), qualitative and quantitative research is the conventional way the familiar lines go together. The quantitative analysis is more of a factual data and is based on the various kinds of data gathered during the research. On the other hand, qualitative research is mainly based on the deep insight of the facts, and the contents are more subjective. The qualitative research is more focused on human experiences and interaction. Thus in the papers mentioned above, the examples of both qualitative and quantitative analyses have been seen.

Barnham, C XXXXXXXXXXQuantitative and qualitative research: Perceptual foundations. International Journal of Market Research, 57(6), XXXXXXXXXX.
Chandani, A., Mehta, M., Mall, A., & Khokhar, V XXXXXXXXXXEmployee engagement: A review paper on factors affecting employee engagement. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(15), 1-7.
Dhanya, M. R., & Prashath, R. T XXXXXXXXXXA Study on Drivers of Employee Engagement and Employee Retention in the Healthcare Sector, Tiruchirappalli Corporation. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(7), XXXXXXXXXX.
Answered Same Day Jul 10, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 10 2021
145 Votes
Reply to Douglas McCoy
Why do you think it is important at this point in the course to conduct a review of three quantitative articles related to your topic area of interest?
My area of interest is to comprehend how is employee engagement related to employee staying or leaving an organization. It is important to conduct quantitative research on the articles as it provides more data and hard evidence to establish strong case that employee engagement is critical driving for employee retention. Furthermore, it is necessary to conduct at least three quantitative research on the topic as it is easier to measure and the results can be displayed with the help of data and hard figures. Essentially, in conducting quantitative research on this topic allows us to leverage different statistical tools that help us extract critical facts from research to include identification of trends exhibited by the employees...

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