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Please make sure you read the assessment brief several times Watch the video guidelines in the Assessment Section of Moodle Remember it is an essay that must follow essay writing conventions . No...

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  • Please make sure youread the assessment brief several times
  • Watch the video guidelinesin the Assessment Section of Moodle
  • Remember it is an essay that mustfollow essay writing conventions. No diagrams or tables or other images from your articles - useyourwords.
  • Check the CQU Style Guide for essays.
  • The topic is thechallenges of attracting and retaining staff in your chosen sector- HeaIthcare or Financial Services.Discuss one only.
  • Challenges can meanopportunities as well as difficulties
  • We are advised thatthe essay should be written in the Australian context. many of you chose articles in A2 that were based on overseas health or financial services cases. Please ensure you find articles on anddiscuss the Australian experience.
  • l remind you that you must find andbring into discussion links to 5 themes from Weeks 1-11.This should not be difficult since many topics directly affect employees and will have an impact on whether potential employees would want to work in the sector and also an impact on existing staff being retained in the sector.
    Further to that, find articles related to those linking topics and discuss them in relation to attracting and retaining staff in general or more specifically in the sector you have chosen.
    Remember that links can be to one specific area in any given week's content - that may be just one lecture slide e.g. job design (in may have an impact on retaining staff
  • You mustcite"at least" ten (10) relevant peer reviewed journal articles, and3 chapters from the Nankervis et al XXXXXXXXXXtextbook. You can cite other academic references such as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of the 10 journal articles.
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021 HRMT20024 Central Queensland University


Abhishek answered on May 28 2021
133 Votes
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                            2

Table of Contents
Introduction    3
ent/ Effective HR Strategies and Challenges to Employ Talented Employees in Automobile Industry    3
Strategies    4
Challenges    5
ent Situation behind the Attraction and Selection Preparations in the light of Globalisation    6
HR Managers Making Jobs Attractive and Keep it Competitive for Employee Retention    6
Prioritised Selection Area for Entry Level Jobs    7
Selection Criteria for International Job Applicants    9
Selection Panel    9
Experience    9
Legal Procedures    10
Techniques for Recruiting New Employee do Automobile Industry uses most often    10
Change in Recruitment Styles over the Years and its Cause    11
Stakeholders and their Reaction towards Changes of Attraction and Selection Issues    11
Conclusion    12
References    13
    This assignment talks largely about the HR management in respect to the automobile industry. HR or human resources are the resource of work force that is very significant in any organisation. Without effective human resources, no organisation or industry would be able to perform in a better way. The human resources make the work easier. The service of the human resources
ings a difference in the organisation. Therefore, the work of the HR management is highly significant for any industry. In this assignment, it will be talked about how HR management helps in attracting and retaining staff in the automobile industry.
ent/ Effective HR Strategies and Challenges to Employ Talented Employees in Automobile Industry
Automobiles are one of the largest sectors of the world. Automobile industry incurs a huge profit all across the world. Automobile industry serves the basic needs and requirements of the customers. Therefore, it is very popular within the customers. Since, the automobile industry is a huge hit; it requires a high quality of human resources. Automobile industry requires talented and skilled labourers and employees to ensure maximum profit of the industry (Atena & Tiron-Tudor, 2020). Therefore, it is very popular within the customers.
The turnover of automobile industries is huge. Automobile industry works at large across the world. To ensure the continued profitability of the sectors, skilled and talented labour is of paramount importance. The automobile industry involves various kinds of mechanisms and intriguing complexities. The workforce of the automobile industry needs to be highly aware of all details about automobile sectors. It is the duty of the HR managers to employ the talented people in the organisation to make sure that the work is smoothly done. However, in order to employ those employees, HR management needs to adapt some strategies and face some challenges.
Creating a Brand
The first strategy that the HR makes to attract and retain the staff is to create a
and for the organisation. Brand value is everything. Customers are attracted towards a certain organisation just because of the
and name. The
and name of an organisation ensures the quality services to the customers. In the same way, the
and name also acts as an attractive agent for the candidates. The candidates wish to engage themselves in such a huge
They believe that a huge
and would not only give them experience but also would help them to create personal development. Therefore, the first and the most important strategies adopted by the HR are to create the
and of the organisation. Automobile industries have famous
ands like Ford, Tesla, Volkswagen, etc. Candidates would love to work for such big companies.
Consider College/University Recruiting
The main aim of the HR under the automobile industry is to hire employees that are skilled and efficient enough to know the technologies and mechanisms related to vehicles. In an automobile industry, knowledge is very important, as employees need to deal with technicalities of cars and vehicles. Therefore, HR managers aim to attract candidates from engineering colleges and universities. The candidates from colleges and universities would be qualified enough to deal with complex work.
Job Posting Websites
To attract talented employees, the HR managers also use websites. There are several job seeking candidates in the markets. They are in want of proper jobs to be established in life. The work of the HR manager is to attract such skilled job-seeking candidates. The best way to do that is post jobs or vacancies in websites. From there, the HR managers get in touch with various kinds of skilled candidates and can select the best from the lot.
One of the major challenges that HR managers face is the selection procedures. It becomes very difficult for the HR personnel to select the best option among the applied candidates. It becomes more difficult for the HR when all the applied candidates are skilled and talented.
Management and Employees
The HR professionals select the candidates based on skills and talents. However, there are sometimes, when the decisions of the management and HR differ. The HR needs to maintain an equili
ium position where the selected candidate is equally prefe
ed by the management.
Inadequate Resources
One of the major challenges faced by the HR management is inadequate resources. It is very difficult for the HR personnel to recruit candidates who are skilled and talented. There are not enough scopes or resources to hire such talented employees.
ent Situation behind the Attraction and Selection Preparations in the light of Globalisation
Globalisation has made the world a smaller place. Everyone can connect with everyone i
espective of any boundaries,...

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