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Please have Preeti do this exam. This final exam consists of 44 questions There are Multiple choice, True and False and essay questions.

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Please have Preeti do this exam. This final exam consists of 44 questions There are Multiple choice, True and False and essay questions.
Answered 1 days After Mar 02, 2022


Preeti answered on Mar 04 2022
106 Votes
Answers to first 30 questions
1. Macronutrients
2. Ca
3. Balance calorie intake with physical activity to manage weight
4. Clean, separate, cook, chill
5. Estimated average intake
6. Must be obtained from dietary intake
7. Myplate
8. Enrichment
9. Duodenum
10. Rice
11. Fat
12. A bolus
13. Polyunsaturated
14. Colon
15. 10 to 35 percent
16. 216
17. Hydrogen
18. 9
19. 20-35 %
20. Speeds up
21. Nitrogen
22. Dehydration; three
23. BeriBeri
24. Vitamin A,D,E and K
25. Coenzymes/Co-factors
26. Nicotinic Acid
27. Processed food
28. Catabolic and anabolic
29. Exceed
30. 1.2-1.7g/kg of body weight
31. All of these guidelines are to reduce cancer risk
32. True
33. True
34. True
35. False
36. True
37. False
38. True
39. False
40. False
41. a) A balanced diet is essential for the health of an individual. It is essential to develop an eating plan that incorporate adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety. Adequacy helps us to check that all the nutrients that we are taking are in adequate amount. Balance to ensure that the diet includes all the nutrients that are required by the body. Calorie control to keep the total calories in check. Moderation is the selective eating or eating only as much as required by an individual. Eating food in moderation amount helps in preventing weight gain [1]. Variety to include wide assortment of food so that one can take variety of nutrients. Because different food provide different type of nutrients. In a study it was reported that variety of foods helps in increasing the metabolism of an individual [2].
After taking this course, I got to know about certain food habits that I was following which are unhealthy for me. I have made changes in my diet in terms of protein consumption, taking healthy fats etc.
For Example,
1. Protein Intake. Before taking this course, I haven’t realised that my protein intake is not meeting my daily requirement of protein. So now I started to take more dairy products, eggs, meat etc to meet my daily protein requirement.
2. Healthy Fat. Now, I rarely eat processed food which are high in saturated fats and focuses more on foods that contain healthy fats such as walnuts, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Physical Activity. Now, I try to be physically active whole day and try to maintain my goal of 10,000 steps per day. I track my steps every day and try to include some sport in my physical activity at least thrice per week.
4. Moderation. Moderation is essential for maintaining good health. Before taking this course, I was fond of fast food but now I take it in moderation. For example, If I take fries then I won’t be having any fast processed food for another week so that the overall impact of it on my health would be less.
5. Variation. I also include a variety of food items in my diet such as apples, bananas, ca
ot juice, whole grains, milk, cheese etc so that I wouldn’t exceed some nutrients and get deprived of others.
6. Sodium Intake. High sodium intake is a risk factor for high blood pressure, which is a main factor for heart attacks and strokes. So, I try to maintain my sodium intake by avoiding processed foods
7. Calcium. Before taking this course, I wasn’t meeting my calcium requirement and calcium is essential for bone health. Now I try to include at least 1 or 2 dairy item daily in my diet to meet my calcium requirement.
8. Whole grains. Whole grains are healthiest source of ca
ohydrates. They are also rich in proteins, fiber, antioxidants. They are known to reduce the risk for...

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