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Assessment 3 Business Pitch Task Description: This is a group assignment that builds on the work completed in Assessment 2. It allows your group/team to showcase the business idea identified by the...

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Assessment 3
Business Pitch 
Task Description:
This is a group assignment that builds on the work completed in Assessment 2.
It allows your group/team to showcase the business idea identified by the group as the "best one" during workshops earlier in the unit. The objective of Assessment 3 is to refine student's business concept development and presentation skills, including what it takes to explain and pitch an idea for a new business venture. It will allow students to appreciate that potential investors take the investment process seriously and will not commit to a project without first scrutinising it carefully.
While working on Assessment 2, your group/team should have identified an innovative business idea that has the best chance of securing a high proportion of a potential investment, assumed to a maximum of $100,000.
In summary, there are two parts to Assessment 3. The first requires everyone in the team to present the idea and sell the proposed business venture to an 'investor'. The second involves the group/team providing a portfolio of materials (three items) that supports the pitch together with the ‘team charter’ that has guided the performance of the group/team. Each of these is detailed below:
The Pitch
1. Make a 2-minute pitch, which succinctly describes the important aspects of the business concept and the business model to be used.
2. Each team member presents their aspect of the pitch in no more than 4-minutes.
3. Where appropriate, showcase the portfolio of materials to support the presentation
4. The pitch should be structured to include the following:
a) Comprehensive description of the proposed venture idea and underlying business model
) A high-level discussion of the business case, including: the problem solved; how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility, operational feasibility; and the the scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
c) What you are seeking from the investo
d) What you are offering in return
Portfolio of Materials and Team Charte
The group/team must submit three of the following as part of a portfolio of materials in support of the business idea pitched by the group/team:
1. Description and justification of the innovation process used
2. Cash flow projections and Income Statement for the first two years
3. Short video or animated PowerPoint that explains and sells the business idea to potential investors and customers
4. A draft website (maximum six pages) that explains and sells the business idea to potential investors and customers
5. An example of a blog or newsletter or similar communication that explains and sell the business idea to potential investors and customers
6. A 2-page plan/outline that explains how social media will be used
7. A related application software
8. A short
ochure in pdf
9. A prototype of the product
10. A schematic or simulation of the planned service offering
11. Any other item/aspect that demonstrates a key aspect of the product/service you want to develop and which will persuade investors to fund your project.
Referencing Style:
American Psychological Association (APA) 
Assessment Due Date:
Week 12 Monday (28 May XXXXXXXXXX:45 pm AEST
The group/team leader is required to upload to Moodle a copy of the Team Charter, Powerpoint presentation, the script, and the portfolio of materials (where practical).
Submission Instructions:
Using the Group Identifier, the group/team leader is required to upload to Moodle the Team Charter, the PowerPoint presentation, script, and portfolio of materials. 
Assessment 3 presentations will be assessed in class in Week 12 and the following week as agreed
Return Date to Students
Exam Week Friday (15 Jun 2018)
The assignment will be returned after finalisation of grades. 
Assessment Criteria:
The Pitch and Portfolio of Materials will be jointly assessed by the 'investor' and your lecturer. The 'investor' will provide a notional investment out of a maximum $100,000 assigned to the following aspects. Your lecturer will evaluate your pitch on the same aspects as follows:
1. The 2-minute pitch or idea is effectively communicated by the first team presenter. ($5k / 5%)
2. The benefits and significance of the generated idea/solution/are logically and persuasively argued by the whole team. ($10k / 10%)
3. The innovation and/or business opportunity are explained in such a way that the investor understands: how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility; operational feasibility; the scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation. ($15k / 15%)
4. What you are seeking from the investor. ($5k / 5%)
5. What you are offering in return. ($5k / 5%)
6. The way in which the ideas are structured for the presentation are logical, robust, and persuasive. ($5k / 5%)
7. The portfolio of materials is relevant and impressive. ($25k / 25%)
8. Creativity and flair, and an assuring level of commercial acumen was demonstrated effectively by all members of the team. ($10k / 10%)
9. Everyone has the opportunity to present 'equally'. ($10k / 10%)
10. Presentation by the group/team exhibited confidence, was engaging, and answered the investor's questions. ($10k / 10%)
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
· Define and apply key concepts of innovation in commercial, digital, service, and social contexts 
· Investigate cases of disruptive innovation in different business and social contexts by applying lean entrepreneurship principles 
· Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the stages of the innovation process, including learn how to forecast the success and market diffusion of your innovation using business model design logic
· Identify and discuss the technical, financial and organisational constraints to innovation in markets that occur in real-life through the use of teamwork and
Graduate Attributes:
· Knowledge 
· Communication 
· Cognitive, technical and creative skills 
· Research 
· Self-management 
· Ethical and Professional Responsibility 
· Leadership

MGMT20143: Marking Ru
Assessment 3: Pitch
    Unit code and name
    MGMT20143: Think Big
    Student ID and name
    Key Criteria
    High Distinction
(65 – 74%)
50 – 64%)
(below 50%)
    Two-minute pitch: $5k / 5%
Effectively communicated by the first team presenter
    Superior articulation of all the pertinent and most compelling points/facts/estimates.
    Very sound articulation of all the pertinent and most compelling points/facts/estimates.
    A credible articulation of all the pertinent points, facts, and estimates.
    A very general articulation of all the pertinent points, facts, and estimates.
    Poor or grossly inadequate presentation, missing key facts, and lacking even basic estimates.
    Benefits Generated: $10k / 10%
The benefits and significance of the idea are persuasively argued by the whole team.
    Superior and very persuasive articulation of the benefits and significance, and overwhelming evidence that the team rehearsed their presentation in advance.
    Very sound and persuasive articulation of the benefits and significance, and strong evidence that the team rehearsed their presentation in advance.
    A credible articulation of the benefits and significance, and good evidence that the team rehearsed their presentation in advance
    Rudimentary effort to communicate the benefits and significance. Inconclusive evidence that the team undertook any rehearsal of their presentation in advance
    Poor and insufficient effort.
    Clear communication of the idea: $15k / 15%
The idea is explained in a way that the investor understands: how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility; operational feasibility; scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
    Very effective explanation in a way that the investor understands: how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility; operational feasibility; scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
    Very good explanation in a way that the investor understands: how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility; operational feasibility; scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
    A credible explanation in a way that the investor understands: how the idea is monetised; financial feasibility; operational feasibility; scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
    Rudimentary explanation. Forces the investor to question how the idea will be monetised; uncertain financial feasibility; unclear operational feasibility; basic discussion of the scope and scalability of the idea for commercialisation.
    Poor explanation of the idea that leaves the investor baffled. Insufficient effort resulting in a wasted opportunity.
    . C
    What you are seeking: $5k / 5%
What you are seeking from the investor.
    Compelling enunciation of what is being sought from the investor.
    Very good enunciation of what is being sought from the investor.
    A credible enunciation of what is being sought from the investor.
    Rudimentary enunciation of what is being sought from the investor.
    General failure to enunciate what is being sought from the investor.
    Offer: $5k / 5%
What you are offering in return.
    Compelling enunciation of what will be offered to the investor in return.
    Very good enunciation of what will be offered to the investor in return.
    A credible enunciation of what will be offered to the investor in return.
    Very basic enunciation of what will be offered to the investor in return.
    No or limited enunciation of what will be offered to the investor in return.
    Presentation of ideas: $5k / 5%
The way in which the ideas are structured for the presentation are logical, robust, and persuasive.
    Superior presentation that is logical, robust, and persuasive.
    Very sound presentation that is logical, robust, and persuasive.
    Good presentation that is quite logical, generally robust, and reasonably persuasive.
    Adequate presentation that is reasonably logical, provides basic details, but needs further work to be more persuasive.
    Poor presentation that lacks organisation, is missing pertinent information, and is not at all persuasive.
    Portfolio: $25k / 25%
The portfolio of materials is relevant and impressive.
    Highly relevant and extremely impressive - helps to sell the innovation
usiness idea definitively
    Very relevant and impressive - helps to sell the innovation
usiness idea definitively
    Sound portfolio that links seamlessly to support the idea.
    Generally relevant portfolio but provide only adequate support.
    Not relevant or poorly considered materials that do not support the idea.
    Creativity and commercial acumen: $10k / 10%
Creativity and flair, and an assuring level of commercial acumen was demonstrated by all members of the team.
    Superior demonstration of creativity and flair; and the whole group comes across as people with commercial acumen and worthy of the investment.
    A high level of creativity and flair evident; demonstrates that some of the team members have commercial acumen
    A good level of creativity and flair evident; some of the team members have commercial acumen.
    Some creativity and some flair evident; Commercial acumen is basic.
    Not creative and no flair evident; Commercial acumen largely missing.
    Equitable contribution: $10k / 10%
Everyone in the team has the opportunity to present ‘equally’.
    Contributions were optimally balanced and evidence of a very good ability to cooperate within the group, including the ability to masterfully leverage each other’s skillsets
    Contributions were balanced and evidence of a very good ability to cooperate within the group, including the ability to leverage each other’s skillsets
    Contributions were balanced and evidence of a very good ability to cooperate within the group.
    Contributions were mostly balanced with general evidence of ability to cooperate within the group.
    Contributions were unbalanced, evidence of lack of cooperation within the group.
    Presentation quality: $10k / 10%
Presentation by the group exhibited confidence,
Answered Same Day May 18, 2020 MGMT20143 Central Queensland University


Sundeep answered on May 22 2020
140 Votes
Title Layout
What is it about?
Innovative business idea
Business idea of mobile app integration
Aid the tourists in their heritage walk to the heritage places
Mobile app would detect the location of the tourist
Would deliver all the information in the language of the location
Also offer provision to the tourist to translate the information is its own language.
A study of an innovative business idea that is demonstrated in details. The critical success factors of the business idea are discussed and also the feasibility of the plan and the business. The business idea that has been determined is the idea of mobile app that would aid the tourists in their heritage walk to the heritage places and that the mobile app would detect the location of the tourist and would deliver all the information in the language of the location.
It would also offer provision to the tourist to translate the information is its own language.
Problem Identification
Struggle in recruiting effective tour guides
Led to issues in the tourism business
More tourists are engaging in self guided tourism to the heritage places
Been felt a need for using the technological tools and techniques so that tourism business practices of the tour operators can be improved
The idea of the language specific mobile app had been thought for addressing different issues that the tourists face during their travel (Plenter et al. 2017). The use of applications would help the tour guides in the navigation efficiency of the tourists and would also reduce the harassment that the tour guides might provide them such as through overcharging for their services as this app would not only help to navigate the places but would also provide safety through providing appropriate information
Generation of the Benefits
leveraging the technological disruption across different industries(Dijkman, R. M., Sprenkels, B., Peeters, T., & Janssen, A. (2015)
accuracy in the tour guide operations
more accurate information to the heritage places in their own language and not in the local language that would help in better understanding and guidance
help to keep the tourists well informed about the heritage places and would also make their tour more convenient and secured
save costs and improve the tour experience
With the use of this innovative idea, there would be disruption in the tour operation services of the tour operators and they would be able to help to improve the services of the tour companies through technology disruption(Toro-Ja
ín et al. 2016). The application of technology through the use of mobile application would also help the tourists to save costs and improve the tour experience as they would not have to submit to the surcharges charged by tour guides.(Dijkman, R. M., Sprenkels, B., Peeters, T., & Janssen, A. (2015)
Feasibility Evaluation
Effective demand
Rising demand for mobile based application
Required for aiding the tours and the tourists
Not many mobile based application in Australia
It has been seen that there has been rising demand for mobile based application for aiding the tours and there are not many mobile based application in Australia that are using the mobile app for navigation process (Yang et al. 2017).
Feasibility Evaluation
Time & Cost-effectiveness
App development would require a week
Processing time of the App would also be satisfactory(Heizer, J. (2016))
Initial cost for the development of the app is high, but is the one time cost
Cost of management and customization of the app would be cost effective.
Proposed business Model
It is composed of 9 key elements or building blocks that would address the different aspects of the business idea

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