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Please describe market capitalization as a valuation method, what are strengths and weaknesses? Then,please discuss book value as a valuation method. Compare it to market capitalization.

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Please describe market capitalization as a valuation method, what are strengths and weaknesses? Then,please discuss book value as a valuation method. Compare it to market capitalization.
Answered Same Day Dec 15, 2019


David answered on Dec 24 2019
153 Votes
Market Capitalization or Market cap is the total value of outstanding shares of a Company (Kenon 2016).
Market Cap=Number of Outstanding shares x Present Cost of 1 share.
For example If a company has 25 million outstanding shares and cost of a single share is $50, then it will have Market Cap of 20 million x $50 =$1 Billion.
Market Cap value is used to estimate the strength and size of a company in terms of potential investment and trade capacity.
i. Market Capitalization can tell the investors about relative size of a...

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