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SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES CAPSTONE PROPOSAL (Plan A Thesis or Plan C Special Project) Revised 7/5/19 Attached Capstone Proposal Prepared For: Individual XXXXXXXXXXGroup Name(s): CCSU ID(s):...

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(Plan A Thesis or Plan C Special Project)
Revised 7/5/19
Attached Capstone Proposal Prepared For: Individual XXXXXXXXXXGroup
Name(s): CCSU ID(s):
Major: Degree (select one):
Primary Capstone Advisor:
Title of Capstone:
Check Appropriate Box
If Human or Animal subjects are involved, attach your proposal:
IRB IACUC No Human or Animal subjects were involved.
Required Signatures:
Primary Capstone Advisor:
Signature Print Name Date
Committee Members:
Signature Print Name Date
Signature Print Name Date
Signature Print Name Date
Accepted By: Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Capstone Type (select one): Plan A: Master's Thesis Plan C: Special Project
Signature Print Name Date
    CCSU IDs:
    Title of Capstone:
    Print Name:
    Print Name_2:
    Print Name_3:
    Print Name_4:
    Print Name_5:
    CheckBox_1: Off
    Check Box2: Off
    Degree: []
    Capstone Advisor:
    Check Box5: Off
    Check Box6: Off
    Check Box7: Off
    Check Box8: Off
    Check Box9: Off

The Special Project as the Capstone Experience
Table of Contents
Introduction XXXXXXXXXX

Chapter 1 Special Project as the Capstone Experience 2
▪ Registering for the Special Project 2
▪ Guidelines/Approaches/Common Characteristics 3
▪ The Special Project Process 4
▪ Steps for Planning, Executing, and Writing the Special Project 5
▪ Five Key Issues: Time, Cost, Access, Faculty Support and Approval 6
▪ Writing Strategies 8
Chapter 2 School of Graduate Studies Policies and Requirements XXXXXXXXXX10
▪ Submission Requirements XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Special Project Cover Page Sample XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Abstract Cover Page XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Biographical Note XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Digitized/Electronic Submission XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Special Project Deadlines XXXXXXXXXX
▪ Capstone Ru
XXXXXXXXXXSpecial Project Checklist 12
Chapter 3
XXXXXXXXXXSpecific Department Requirements 13
▪ Table 1 - Department Plan C Special Project 13
▪ Table 2 – Department Plan E Special Project 14
References 16
XXXXXXXXXXGraduate Studies Forms (http:
XXXXXXXXXXGraduate Capstone Course Registration
XXXXXXXXXXCapstone Proposal
XXXXXXXXXXFinal Capstone Submission
ic for Special Project
XXXXXXXXXXGraduation/Program Completion Application
Other Forms
XXXXXXXXXXDescription of the Institutional Review Board and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee


Congratulations! You are going to engage in the Special Project, one of the graduate capstone experiences at
Central Connecticut State University for students in master’s programs. Your project will be a demanding and
intellectually challenging task. You will learn and practice the skills required for organized research and
documentation, analysis of information and effective communication. In doing your project you will be making
the transition from one who is a consumer of knowledge to one who actively contributes to the knowledge base
of their field or discipline. You are becoming part of the Graduate Studies Community of Scholars by advancing
knowledge through innovation and research.

This handbook contains general guidelines for completing the Special Project capstone. However, since Special
Projects can take multiple forms, such as applied research, action research, exegesis, exhibitions, performances,
and cu
iculum design and development, the students should consult their departments for specific guidelines
for the various approaches.

The Special Project Handbook has three chapters, and reference forms which can also be found on the Graduate
Studies Forms webpage; http:
esources/capstone.html. Chapter 1 provides general
guidelines that govern all Special Projects, regardless of the approach used by the department. Chapter 2
discusses specific standards (policies and requirements) required by the School of Graduate Studies regarding
Special Projects. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the courses designated as Special Projects and the
approaches that departments may choose for their Special Projects. The forms found on the website provide
important information. These cover the Institutional Review Board and Institutional Animal Use and Care
Councils, as well as sample forms and documents that are needed for your Special Project. The Special Project
ic is a ru
ic developed and approved by the Graduate Studies Committee meant to inform you of criteria
y which your Special Project will be assessed. Lastly, is the Graduation/Program Completion Application.
This form must be completed and submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in order for your planned
program to be audited and processed for graduation.

Many thanks to the Graduate Studies Policy Standing Committee and all faculty members who contributed
information to this handbook to help students successfully complete their capstone.

While every effort will be made to keep this Handbook up-to-date, please confer with your graduate advisor
about any recent changes that may have taken place. Please contact the School of Graduate Studies at XXXXXXXXXX-
2363 if you have questions.

Writing a Special Project takes time, hard work, and patience. Nonetheless, you should find it to be a
worthwhile and rewarding endeavor. I wish you successful completion of your Special Project work.

Christina A. Robinson
Christina A. Robinson, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies, Research and Faculty Development

Chapter 1
The Special Project as the Capstone Experience
The Special Project is a culmination of the Master’s Program for students who elect Plans C or E for their
Graduate Studies capstone experience at CCSU. Specific guidelines depend on the approach the Special Project
takes within the individual departments. Nonetheless, all Special Project Capstones provide an opportunity for
students to complete an academically rigorous, professional project that contributes in some meaningful way to
the discipline and communities to which they belong. The Project should reflect an understanding of knowledge
elated to the discipline or field and an ability to apply this knowledge. The capstone represents the student’s
ability to demonstrate a synthesis of the master’s program. Students completing Plan C receive valuable
mentoring by their faculty supervisor and committee members. Students in Plan E are in classes with other
students who are all working on similar approaches to the Special Project, led by an instructor who provides
mentoring and guidance.
Registering for the Special Project
To register in the Special Project capstone, Plan C, you must complete the Graduate Capstone Course
Registration and obtain the necessary signatures. The Dean, School of Graduate Studies or designee, is the last
person to sign the form which must be submitted to The School of Graduate Studies. You should register for the
Special Project in the registration period for the semester you intend to begin work with your Special Project
advisor on the proposal. You must register using the Capstone Course Registration Form during the regular
egistration period. No capstone forms will be accepted after the add/drop registration period ends (i.e., after the
third week of classes).
To register in the Special Project capstone, Plan E, you must register for the department’s designated course
during the regular registration period as you would for any other coursework. (Some departments require
special permission by the department chair.)
In order for you to register in the Special Project Capstone (whether plan C or E), graduate policy requires that
you have at least a 3.00 overall GPA and that you have completed 18 credits in programs with 30-35 credits or
24 credits in programs with 36 or more credits.
Students only register for their Capstone one time. If the student receives a grade of incomplete (INC) and then
does not register for any other course work, the student must then register for CREG 001 each fall and spring
semester until the project is completed and a grade change has been submitted to the Dean’s office. This allows
students continued access to computer facilities, the li
ary, parking, and the faculty.

Special Project Guidelines
Each Special Project, regardless of the form it ultimately takes, must contain the following:
1. Abstract
2. Definition of the Project
3. Project Objective (its purpose, a rationale for conducting the project)
4. Review of Literature
5. Research Methods or Plans for conducting the Project
6. Results and/or Findings
7. Summary/Conclusion
8. Bibliography/References
9. IRB/IACUC approval or exemption if appropriate
10. Appendices as appropriate (For maximum clarity, please provide a title for each appendix in the table of
contents; example- Appendix A: IRB Forms, Appendix B: Participant Questionnaire, etc.)
Approaches to the Special Project
Various approaches exist for completing Special Projects, such as those that follow:
1. An extended research paper, based on primary and/or secondary sources.
2. An artistic exhibition or creative performance.
3. An action research project in a classroom or professional setting.
4. An applied project of practical research that includes details of the design and implementation of a
5. An internship with an accompanying paper that documents the experience and includes descriptive data
with analysis.
6. A cu
iculum project that is designed, implemented, and evaluated.

As indicated above, what constitutes an appropriate Special Project varies between disciplines and among the
departments offering this option. Although no single description of a Special Project exists, each is an exercise
in rigorous research and application to the discipline.
Common Characteristics
A Special Project is an exercise in applied research. Special Projects stress problem solving and knowledge
application. They normally consist of an expansion or synthesis of work from courses within the student’s
planned program. In this regard, to complete the Special Project successfully, the student must demonstrate
mastery over both the specific content area and the methodology of the discipline.
A second common element to all Special Projects involves examining a specific topic of interest related to the
discipline, chosen with the Special Project faculty supervisor. The topic should focus on a limited area and
explore an issue or question related to their discipline. Students are asked to demonstrate their skills in using
the methodologies of their fields and applying their knowledge to the selected topic of interest. It also requires
the student to have an in-depth understanding of the particular area of interest. The student must know the
ent “state of the art” or literature if they are to add to it.
Third, a Special Project represents an opportunity to work closely with one or more faculty members in your
field. One characteristic of good graduate education is the opportunity for faculty and students to work together

in a close relationship characterized as mentoring. Nuances, connected to the discipline, are best conveyed in
the context of a close working relationship. Working on a Special Project under the supervision of faculty
provides an opportunity for learning that goes beyond what is found in other graduate school activities.

A final characteristic of a Special Project is more personal in nature: a Special Project is an exercise in self-
discipline. Completing a Special Project requires sustained initiative and focus for an extended period of time.
YOU, the student, provide the structure of your work. The choice of topic is largely yours. Faculty will
generally look to you to be the initiator of your Special Project work. A Master’s degree acknowledges you as a
professional in your field; the mark of a professional is the ability to be self-motivated and self-directed.
To recap, a Special Project is a document that entails independent activity, with research that is integrated into
its application. The Special
Answered 1 days After Dec 09, 2022


Rochak answered on Dec 11 2022
52 Votes
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia way back in Fe
uary 2022 not only affected the two countries with sanctions, losses and other things but it also affected the world because after the war the prices rose and it affected the countries badly around the world.
The countries which are hit the hardest are the developing and emerging ones because they mostly rely on imports of commodities such as fuel and grain which are majorly imported from Russia and Ukraine respectively (Mbah and Wasim 2022).
Now, the major reason for price rises is many because both the countries who are part of the war are heavy suppliers to the world for more than just one commodity.
Ukraine is one country which is listed as the largest producer of sunflower oil which is an essential commodity that is used to cook food, produce goods and other things.
Russia is among the largest producer of oil with big oil reserves and therefore it is one of the major players in defining oil prices based on output.
If both the countries are combined and the exports/produce are considered cumulatively then the two countries are responsible for more than 50% of the supplies of the vegetable oils that the world needs.     
Also, other than this both countries are responsible for like 36% which is 1/3rd of the world’s wheat consumption.
Effect of War on Prices in the United States
Analyzing the effect of war on the prices of goods in the United States is the study we will be doing as part of this project.
The best indicator to be used to analyze the increase in prices is the CPI which tells us how much there has been an increase in the prices of goods.
As can be seen in the above graph in January...

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