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The project evaluates the foreign exchange risk management process of an organisation. You need to identify an organisation that deals with foreign currency and is exposed to foreign currency risk....

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The project evaluates the foreign exchange risk management process of an organisation. You need to identify an organisation that deals with foreign cu
ency and is exposed to foreign cu
ency risk. There are two objectives of the project:
a) describe the risk management process and
) evaluate the efficiency of the risk management process considering various alternatives.
Assessment criteria
1. Demonstrate your understanding of foreign risk management
2. Identify the key factors required to address while managing risk
3. Demonstrate the foreign cu
ency risk management process of the organisation
4. Evaluate the efficiency of the risk management process
5. Compare the cu
ent risk management technique with other available risk management alternatives
Answered 1 days After Mar 10, 2023


Narasimhaswamy answered on Mar 11 2023
41 Votes
1. Foreign Risk Management:
The risk of financial consequences due to changes in exchange rates is known as cu
ency risk, also known as foreign exchange rate risk. Simply put, exchange rate risk is the possibility that changes in exchange rates will affect a company's operations or financial condition.
Many businesses will seek to manage their risk because they are exposed to cu
ency risk, which means that fluctuations in exchange rates can affect their business. This page examines the various forms of cu
ency risk and provides strategies for mitigating it.
ency risk is the possibility that changes in exchange rates will affect the company's financial position or performance. There are three types of cu
ency risk: transaction risk, economic risk and translation risk. Cu
ency risk is a significant risk that importers, exporters and international businesses should be aware of.
2. Key Factors for Risk Management:
Hedging the transaction risk – internal techniques
Home cu
ency Invoice
A simple solution is to cancel all payments foreign customers and all import payments from your company are processed by you native cu
ency The risk associated with exchange rates was the only one transfe
ed to the customer, it didn't go away.
Lagging and leading
The importer (payer) can try to do so defers payment, if he expects the money to lose value coming settlement or exceeding the credit limit, it is possible Exporter (receipt) you can try to get paid immediately. If you are waiting the cu
ency to be received will depreciate over the next three periods months. This can be achieved in exchange for a discount fast payment.
A company can easily compare invoices and payments that are due at the same time and are in the same foreign country cu
ency. The rest of all transactions are only required trading in cu
ency markets. Open a bank account a foreign exchange is an extension of the concept of co
Hedging the transaction risk – external techniques
Forward contracts
The futures market is a place where you can buy and sell cu
encies at a fixed future price or forward exchange rate. The future therefore, the rate is essentially fixed.
Hedges Money market
The basic concept is exchange in the cu
ent location exchange rate to avoid uncertainty about future exchange rates. It worked depositing or bo
owing foreign cu
ency against actual cash flows from commercial transactions. Therefore, the future rate is essentially fixed.
Futures contracts
Futures are standard hedging instruments that are traded size. The purpose of a cu
ency futures contract is to set the exchange rate at future time under the underlying risk condition.
Ability to buy or sell cu
ency at the subsequent strike price, it is called a cu
ency option. The company...

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