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LHR C1 VOI T YY] China’s Currency Daniel Gonzalez, Truc Huynh, Uliana Batih, Patrycja Sirag Group 1 December 1, 2022 Analysis and Synthesis - comprehensive report that may include data, figures,...

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China’s Cu
Daniel Gonzalez, Truc Huynh, Uliana Batih, Patrycja Sirag
Group 1
December 1, 2022
Analysis and Synthesis - comprehensive report that may include data, figures, charts, analysis
List of References at the end of the report. APA Citation Style
China’s Cu
Font: Times New Roman, 12, double space.
Part 1: Discuss present and past Chinese cu
ency system-Truc
*#** This is not done yet. NEED to add more information ***
etary syst 1 that a government implements to provide the money in a
’s econ cople within the country or international to exchange for goods
vices in er and coins as a method of payment.
Answered Same Day Nov 29, 2022


Rochak answered on Nov 29 2022
40 Votes
China’s cu
ency devaluation is one thing which not only impacts China but also affects other economies around the world. The first country to take a stand against China’s deliberate efforts of devaluing its cu
ency was the United States and this they did because the United States is one of the biggest export destinations for China therefore to boost exports it went ahead and devalued its cu
ency (Qingiiang 2012).
China’s cu
ency devaluation has the following affects on other economies around the world:
· Increasing dependency on one country: When a country devalues its cu
ency this affects all the economies that have a trade relationship with the country, this is because if a country is an export hub for China the same country will now be more dependent on China because of the lower value of Yuan and therefore they will be able to purchase more goods
Similarly, the country that exports to China will find it difficult to sell...

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