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Assessment Criteria Health of Older Adults (NURS 2024) – Assessment 1: Case Report Feedback Rubric Assessment Criteria High Distinction [85-100] Distinction [75-84] Credit [65-74] Pass 1 [55-64] Pass...

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Assessment Criteria
Health of Older Adults (NURS 2024) – Assessment 1: Case Report Feedback Ru
    Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction
    Pass 1
    Pass 2
    Fail 1
    Fail 2
    Introduction (5%)
    Clearly identifies the client and provides a succinct and clear overview of the case study. Includes relevant background. The purpose and the structure of the case report is clearly and logically provided.
    Clearly identifies the client and provides a succinct and clear overview of the case study. The purpose and the structure of the case report are clearly and logically provided.
    Identifies the client and provides an overview of the case study. The purpose and the structure of the case report are clearly provided.
    Identifies the client. The overview of the case study is limited. The purpose or the structure of the report is present but is not clear.
    Identifies the client. The overview of the case study is not clear or relevant to the client’s case. The purpose and structure of the report is not clear.
    Introduction not related to the client’s case. No mention of the purpose of the report, no clear indication of the structure of the report.
    Primary Diagnosis (15%)
    Clearly identifies the primary diagnosis for the client. Provides a clear and succinct description of the pathophysiology using medical terminology. Demonstrates clear links to case study, cu
ent evidence and interpretation of clinical information.
    Clearly identifies the primary diagnosis for the client. Provides a clear and succinct description of the pathophysiology using medical terminology. Identifies clear links to case study.
    Identifies the primary diagnosis for the client. Provides a description of the pathophysiology and manifestations for the primary diagnosis using medical terminology. Identifies links to case study.
    Identifies the primary diagnosis for the client. Provides a
ief description of the pathophysiology and manifestations for the primary diagnosis. Identifies links to case study.
    Identifies the primary diagnosis for the client. The description of the pathophysiology and manifestations is inadequate. Does not identify clear links to the case study.
    Does not identify the primary diagnosis for the client. No clear description of the pathophysiology or manifestations. No links to the case study.
    Nursing Problems (15%)
    Two (2) nursing problems, related to the client’s primary diagnosis, are clearly identified and described.
Rationales for selected problems reflects in-depth thinking and critical analysis using a holistic approach. Includes reference to cu
ent evidence.
    Two (2) nursing problems, related to the client’s primary diagnosis, are identified and clearly described. Rationales for each nursing problem are provided with adequate consideration of client’s health status and supported by evidence.
    Two (2) nursing problems, related to the client’s primary diagnosis, are identified and clearly described. Rationales for each nursing problem are clear and supported by evidence.
    Two (2) nursing problems are identified but one (or both) are not clearly related to the client’s primary diagnosis and/ or not clearly described.
The rationales for each nursing problem are unclear OR not supported by evidence.
    Less than two (2) nursing problems, related to the client’s primary diagnosis, are identified. Two (2) nursing problems are not clearly described OR rationales for each nursing problem are not provided.
    Nursing problems are not identified OR they are unrelated to the client’s primary diagnosis. No rationales provided. No use of evidence.
Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction
    Pass 1
    Pass 2
    Fail 1
    Fail 2
    Nursing Management (25%)
· Nursing assessment
· Nursing interventions
· Medication management
    Discusses one (1) method of nursing assessment that is highly relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for each assessment argued with consideration of client’s health status and well supported by evidence.
Discusses one (1) nursing intervention that is highly relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for the interventions argued with consideration of client’s health status and well supported by evidence.
Discussion of the RN role related to medication management is relevant for each selected nursing problem and well supported by evidence.
Discussions for each section of the nursing management plan reflect in-depth thinking and critical analysis using a holistic approach.
    Discusses one (1) method of nursing assessment that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for the assessments are argued with consideration of client’s health status and supported by evidence.
Discusses one (1) nursing intervention that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for the interventions argued with consideration of client’s health status and supported by evidence.
Discussion of the RN role related to medication management is relevant for each selected nursing problem and supported by evidence.
    Discusses one (1) method of nursing assessment that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for the assessments are clear and supported by evidence.
Discusses one (1) nursing intervention that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Rationale for the interventions are clear and supported by evidence.
Discussion of the RN role related to medication management is relevant for each selected nursing problem and supported by evidence.
    Discusses one (1) method of nursing assessment that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Limited rationale and evidence provided.
Discusses one (1) nursing intervention that is relevant for each selected nursing problem. Limited rationale and evidence provided.
Discussion of the RN role related to medication management for each selected nursing problem is unclear OR not well supported by evidence.

    Inappropriate selection of nursing assessment. Methods of nursing assessment are not clearly described OR rationale for their selection is incomplete or unsupported by evidence.
Inappropriate selection of nursing interventions OR
Nursing interventions are not clearly described. Rationales for each nursing intervention is not provided OR not supported by evidence.
Discussion of the RN role related to medication management is not relevant to the nursing problem OR not supported by evidence.
    No identification of nursing assessments for each selected nursing problem OR no rationale for assessment provided.
No identification of nursing interventions for each selected nursing problem OR no rationale for interventions provided.
No discussion of the RN role in medication management for each selected nursing problem.
    Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction
    Pass 1
    Pass 2
    Fail 1
    Fail 2
Discharge Planning (25%)
    Two (2) issues related to discharge planning are clearly identified.
A person-centred discharge plan using a multidisciplinary approach is provided.
Discussion is well supported by evidence.
    Two (2) issues related to discharge planning are clearly identified. An individualized discharge plan is provided, with consideration given to the client’s needs.
Discussion is supported by evidence.
    Identifies two (2) issues related to discharge planning specific to the client.
Fundamental structure of the plan for two (2) discharge concerns is identified. Discussion is supported by evidence.
    Identifies two (2) issues for discharge planning but one (or both) are not clearly related to the client’ case study.
An overview of the plan for two (2) discharge concerns is present. Discussion is unclear OR not well-supported by evidence.
    Less than two (2) issues related to discharge planning identified.
Discharge plan not related to the client.
Discussion is not supported by evidence.
    Issues related to discharge not identified.
No discharge plan identified.
    Conclusion (5%)
    Very clear and succinct summary of the key points from the report.
    Clear summary of the key points from the report.
    Summary of the major finding of the case report are provided.
    Limited summary of the major finding of the case report are provided.
    Poor summary of the major finding of the case report are provided.
    No summary of the major finding of the case report are provided.
    Use of supporting literature (5%)
· integration of literature
· referencing with UniSA Harvard style
· academic Integrity
    Use of wide range of high quality literature and evidence which is very relevant to the topic.
Literature very well-evaluated and synthesised.
All sources co
ectly referenced according to UniSA Harvard style guidelines both in-text and in reference list.
    Use of a range of high quality literature and evidence which is very relevant to the topic.
Literature well-evaluated and synthesised.
All sources co
ectly referenced according to UniSA Harvard style guidelines both in-text and in reference list.
    Use of a range of literature and evidence which is relevant to the topic.
Literature is mostly well-integrated in the discussion.
Most sources co
ectly referenced according to UniSA Harvard style guidelines both in-text and in reference list.
    Use of adequate literature relevant to the topic.
Evidence may not always be of highest level but still related to the topic.
Adequate integration of the literature in the discussion.
Most sources co
ectly referenced according to UniSA Harvard style both in-text and in reference list with no evidence of plagiarism
    Basic sources used or material not always of high quality e.g. overuse of sources such as websites of organisations but related to the topic.
Limited integration of literature in the discussion.
Some inconsistencies in formatting and omissions, but a good attempt to co
ectly reference according to UniSA Harvard style guidelines both in-text and in reference list. No evidence of plagiarism.
    Minimal sources used or material used of poor quality e.g. Reliance on secondary sources such as websites of organisations related to the subject matter.
No obvious or poor attempt to integrate literature in the discussion.
In-text referencing is insufficient.
Reference list is inco
ect or incomplete.
Some evidence of plagiarism.
Possible refe
al to AIO
    No evidence sourced and/or inappropriate evidence.
No references in text.
No reference list.
Evidence of extensive plagiarism
Refer to AIO
    Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction
    Pass 1
    Pass 2
    Fail 1
    Fail 2
Overall writing and presentation (5%)
    Presents a very clear, thoughtful and well organised response.

Adheres to all guidelines.
Exemplary: sentence & paragraph structure, use of headings, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, use of 3rd person, use of inclusive language.
Word limit met, well sequenced, logical flow.
    Presents a clear, thoughtful and well organised response.

Adheres to all guidelines.
Excellent: sentence & paragraph structure, use of headings, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, use of 3rd person, use of inclusive language.
Word limit met, well sequenced, logical flow.
    Generally presents the response in a clear and usually thoughtful manner.
Adheres to all guidelines re: sentence & paragraph structure, use of headings, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, use of 3rd person, use of inclusive language.
Word limit met, sequencing of ideas, logical flow.
    The response is adequately developed but some sections are not clear, thoughtful and/or not well organised.
Adheres to most guidelines re: sentence & paragraph structure, use of headings, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, use of 3rd
Answered Same Day Apr 19, 2020 NURS 2024 University Of South Australia


Anju Lata answered on Apr 22 2020
153 Votes
Parkinson’s disease is a highly complex neurodegenerative health problem which impairs the normal quality of life. The patient fees inability to move and do his normal daily activities. In addition to degenerating cells and neurons in the
ain, he suffers from a reduction in the concentration of neurotransmitters between the neurons. It causes tremors when the neurons perform the transmission of impulse through the Central Nervous System (Grover, Somaiya, Kumar and Awasthi,2015).
The report presents the case study of a 76-year-old patient Mr. Charles Williamson who is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The work also presents the multidisciplinary clinical interventions performed for his treatment. Firstly, it describes the initial diagnosis of the patient at the time of admission to the hospital. Then it illustrates the Nursing Problems faced by the healthcare staff while performing the treatment of the patient during his stay at the hospital. Thirdly, the report offers the Nursing Management and Interventions involved in the treatment of disease and identifies two nursing problems with their assessment, interventions and medication management. Lastly, the work elaborates the discharge planning for the patient of Parkinson’s disease mainly focusing on the scenario of Mr. Williamson. The study presents the overall process of treatment and necessary initiatives taken to reduce the symptoms and enabling the patient to live improved living standards(Grover et al,2015).
Mr.Charles Williamson is a 76-year-old man admitted to the hospital for respite care for Parkinson’s disease(PD). He was first diagnosed with the PD ten years ago. He has a family history of PD as his mother also had the disease for 22 years. He is alert but slightly anxious with tremors in his upper limbs. He has Mask-like facial appearance and hoarse monotonous voice. His physical examination diagnosed normal BP (120/72) with orthostasis. Heart Rate is 76. He can arise comfortably from chair without pushing it with hands but he exhibits a noticeable drag or scuffing of the right foot. He is slow and rigid in movement with unstable balance. Recently he had fallen at home and sustained with
uises and a skin tear at his right lateral lower leg. He also reports of lack of appetite and constipation. When he drinks water, he starts to cough.
The Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative illness of Central Nervous System. It adversely affects the movement of the body and causes tremor most often. The patient experiences rigidity, slowness of movements, and walking difficulties. Depression and Dementia are common symptoms of PD. Sleeping and Emotional disorders also are mainly noticed in disease (Mandal,2017). The people having a family history of PD are more likely to get the disease. Slow degeneration of cells and neurons in Substantia Nigra part of the
ain (known as Pars Compacta) is the main cause of PD. Substantia Nigra creates dopamine, a neurotransmitter which transmits the signal between various parts of the
ain to facilitate coordination between them. The disease observes a considerable loss of Dopamine increasing with age. When the neurons get affected by the PD, they produce very less amount of Dopamine resulting into its unavailability in binding to the postsynaptic receptors (Robertson,n.d.).
Source: https:
During the hospital stay, the patients with Parkinson’s disease may suffer from many issues like changes in mental behavior, cere
al hemo
hage, falls, psychiatric symptoms, and infection. The falls are the most common cause of accidents in the hospital which render the PD patients immobile and
ing them to emergency wards. Therefore the Nursing staff must be educated to deal with these patients successfully (Robertson,n.d.).
Cessation or delay in Anti-Parkinson treatments often induce improper clearance of
onchial airways, distu
ed thinking, the impaired capacity of communication, improper intake of nutrition, problems in swallowing, a
ested mobility, higher risk of falls and subsequent injury, improper coping mechanism, and lack of awareness. A prolonged Levodopa therapy may result in drug toxicity in PD patient which causes hallucination, confusion and decreasing effectiveness of the drug on the body.
Due to unavailability of a proper cure for the disease, the healthcare aims to control the PD symptoms...

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