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Parasites – Eating Us Alive Parasites Video Name __________________________________ 1. How did the people in Milwaukee get a parasite? _________________________________ 2....

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Parasites – Eating Us Alive
Parasites Video Name __________________________________

1. How did the people in Milwaukee get a parasite? _________________________________

2. What were the symptoms of this infection? ______________________________________

3. What are the three major groups of parasites? ____________________________________

4. What is a vector? ___________________________________________________________

5. Where does a tapeworm live? _________________________________________________

6. How does a person generally get a tapeworm? ____________________________________

7. How do you catch giardia? ___________________________________________________

8. What is the intermediate host of the schistosome? _________________________________

9. How does the schistosome cercarie enter the human host? __________________________

10. What happened to Napoleon’s troops in Egypt? ___________________________________

11. What is the literal translation of malaria? _______________________________________

12. Why might it be difficult to eliminate parasites altogether? ___________________________

13. Describe what is meant by “biological control”. ___________________________________

Answered Same Day Jun 19, 2021


Tanmoy answered on Jun 20 2021
141 Votes
Parasites         Name: Deja Adams
1. How did the people in Milwaukee get a parasite?
The people of Milwaukee got affected to parasite from water. Even the doctors in USA were shocked on how could the parasites survived in water and spread as a pandemic in Milwaukee. It was the cryptosporidium parasite which affected the people. It was a tiny intestinal parasite affected more than 400 residents of Milwaukee residents. More than 200 people died due to this infection.
2. What were the symptoms of this infection?
The symptoms of this infection were severe dia
hoea with 20-25 episodes of dia
hoea in a day, nausea, cramping and some vomiting.
3. What are the three major groups of parasites?
The three major groups of parasite are as follows: (1) Protozoa is a single cell organism (2) Helminths are worm like parasites (3) Ectoparasites lives on rather their hosts like fleas and lice.
4. What is a vector?
Vector is an organism which does not spreads diseases itself but causes the diseases through transmission pathogens like...

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