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Welcome to your second essay! For this assignment, you'll be asked to eitheranalyze a text. What this text can be, as with the previous essay, is extremely open-ended: it can be a book, a poem, a...

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Welcome to your second essay! For this assignment, you'll be asked to eitheranalyze
a text. What this text can be, as with the previous essay, is extremely open-ended: it can be a book, a poem, a short story, a collection, a video game, a song, an album, a magazine article, a podcast episode, a YouTube video, a movie, a TV episode, etc. Literature isn't just books!

You must form a thesis that makes an argument based on your interpretation of the text. Think about what something in this text means, or why you think an author/creator made a choice that they did. Then, craft a strong defense for this argument based on the text itself, including quotes from the text you're analyzing (which will be required) and possibly incorporating outside sources (which will NOT be required).

Make sure that you're defending a specificinterpretationof the text; you need to write about what you think an aspect of it means or why an author/creator did something that they did, not just how you feel about the piece overall.
This is not a review of the text; please do not just write about how you liked or didn't like it.


Minimum Requirements:

1.) Your essay must be at least 4 pages double-spaced (meaning onto the 4th page), but there is no maximum length.

2.)You must use 12 pt. Times New Roman text.If you use a different font, I will change it to TNW, and if it no longer meets the length requirement, you will lose points.

3.) YouMUSThave a clearly defined argument about the text that you're working with and how you are interpreting a specific aspect of it.

4.) YouMUSTuse direct quotes from the text you're working with or, if that's not possible (such as if you're talking about a painting), use specific details to demonstrate your points.

Answered Same Day Oct 23, 2023


Deblina answered on Oct 24 2023
27 Votes

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