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My Topic is about SFO Airport*Only master Plan*APA 7th

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Master Plan, A.L.P, and Airfield Plan Design
Week 5
Master Plan
The airport master plan is the primary document used at airports for short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term planning. It is a study addressing development needs of the airport in five-year, 10-year, 15-year and 20-year planning increments. It represents the airport sponsor vision, taking into account input from stakeholders, the local community, government agencies and planners
Master Plan
The goal of the master plan is to provide a framework to guide future airport development that is cost-effective and satisfies the needs of the airport, the market and the community, while also balancing environmental and socioeconomic impacts.
Master Plan
An ALP update study is sequenced into the airport capital improvement plan as an AIP eligible project. Airport master plans are prepared to support an existing airport’s modernization or the construction of a new airport. The master plan includes a comprehensive study of an individual airport that considers the airport’s cu
ent capabilities, projects future activity, and suggests development projects to enable the airport to accommodate the additional demand.
Master Plan
The master plan approach emphasizes goal setting, while taking into consideration environmental requirements and public participation. The master plan, through the ALP, also provides a graphical presentation of the airport and the anticipated land uses in its vicinity and establishes a realistic implementation schedule along with an achievable financial plan. Finally, the master plan should set the stage for future planning processes by monitoring key conditions and permit changes in plan recommendations as needed.
Master Plan
Each master plan study must focus on the airport’s specific needs for which a plan is being prepared, and the scope of a study must be tailored to the individual airport. Therefore, certain master planning elements may be emphasized in a given study, while other elements may not be considered.
Master Plan
Master plans should provide documentation that supports the airport’s existing capabilities, forecasted traffic and proposed developments. The master plan should include realistic schedules for project implementation, an achievable financial plan, and enough project detail for subsequent environmental evaluations. The master plan also should be flexible to permit changes in plan recommendations. At the end of the master plan process, the airport should have an updated ALP and an updated, 20-year capital improvement plan.
Master Plan
The airport master plan process includes the following phases or elements: (1) pre-planning (2) public involvement (3) environmental considerations (4) existing conditions (5) aviation forecasts (6) facility requirements (7) alternatives to development and evaluation, (8) airport layout plans, (9) a facilities implementation plan and (10) a financial feasibility analysis.
Master Plan
An update of the ALP drawing is an element of any master plan study, and keeping the ALP cu
ent is a legal requirement for airports that receive federal assistance. An update of the ALP drawing set will reflect actual or planned modifications to the airport and significant off-airport development. The scope of work for the master plan update should address the appropriate level of detail for each element.
Master Plan
Essentially, each master plan is intended to produce:
A technical report
A summary report
An updated ALP
A webpage
A public information kit
Master Plan
While the FAA may accept each master plan, it does not constitute the agency’s approval. Accepting a master plan does not commit the federal government to participate in any proposed development or certify that any development is environmentally acceptable. “Accepting” the master plan means the FAA has reviewed the elements of it to ensure that sound planning techniques have been applied.
Master Plan
The FAA “approves” the forecast and the ALP. Demand forecasts must resolve any inconsistency between forecasted levels and the Terminal Area Forecasts (TAF)7 produced by the FAA. The ALP must conform to FAA design standards, and approval of the ALP suggests that the proposed developments are safe and efficient. Also, accepting the plan does not constitute FAA approval to use the land for aeronautical or non- aeronautical purposes (those are separate processes that are reflected on the master plan), nor it does not represent the FAA’s obligation or approval to fund airport improvements shown on the ALP, but may make them eligible for federal funding.
Master Plan
In tailoring a study to an individual airport’s needs, planners and airport sponsors must make two major decisions: what type of study to conduct, and what level of detail to develop for the individual elements of the study. The airport operator usually identifies the need for a planning study based on existing shortcomings in the cu
ent plan or the introduction of a new type of aircraft, critical environmental problem, or change in the airport’s strategic vision.
Master Plan
The airlines, tenants, federal, state or regional planning agencies, or the airport operator, all may identify the need for a master plan update. The type of study (i.e., master plan vs. ALP update) is determined by the elements that need to be included and the level of effort involved in gathering them. Usually, the FAA and the airport sponsor make this decision jointly.
Master Plan
The cu
ent version of FAA AC 150/5100-14, Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects, provides important guidance on consultant selection. Another useful reference is “Guidelines to Selecting Airport Consultants,” published by the Airport Consultants Council (ACC), an aviation-industry trade association
Master Plan
As a general rule, airport sponsors hire consultants to prepare planning studies. Before soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs), or Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from consultants, the airport sponsor should have a clear understanding of the issues that have defined the need for the study
Master Plan
These requests can be distributed by many methods, including public announcements, direct requests and personal discussions. The selection process begins with an invitation to submit information via an RFP or an RFQ.
Master Plan
The invitation should include:
The project title
The general scope of work
A submission deadline
Submittal content requirements
An airport contact
Master Plan
The airport sponsor may anticipate that an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be necessary as part of the master plan update. In that case, they should consult with the local FAA ADO or Regional Airports Division to determine the appropriate time to begin the consultant selection process. If the airport sponsor or the local FAA Airports Office anticipates the need for an EA, the sponsor or FAA9 should select a qualified environmental contractor to prepare the EA.
Master Plan
The next step in the master plan update is collecting data about the airport and the su
ounding service area. This
step includes an inventory of existing facilities (hangars, terminal buildings, FBOs, etc.), airspace structures (air traffic control tower), navigation aids (NAVAIDS), airport- related land use, and aeronautical activity; a review of the airport’s environmental setting (i.e., air quality, water quality status); and socioeconomic factors.
Master Plan
Socioeconomic factors include demography, disposable personnel per capita income, economic activity, the status of industries, geographic factors, competitive position, sociological factors, political factors, and community values.
The following classifications are typically used in this element of a Master Plan:
Commercial Passenger Terminal Facilities
General Aviation Facilities
Cargo Facilities
Support Facilities
Access, Circulation, and Parking
Non-Aeronautical Facilities
Master Plan
Also included in the existing conditions is a review of the regional settings and su
ounding land use. It is important to collect information about the political boundaries beyond the airport property line, and to identify the airport service area and competitive airports. Historically, airport planning only looked at the potential environmental impact of development,
Airport Layout Plan
Grant Assurance #29 Airport Layout Plan requires that the airport sponsor keep the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) updated at all times (FAA, 2009, p XXXXXXXXXXALPs are drawings used to graphically depict cu
ent and future airport facilities. ALP standards are in Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B, Airport Master Plans, and in the FAA’s Standard Operating Procedure 2.0 Standard Procedure for FAA Review and Approval of Airport Layout Plans (ALPs), dated October 1, 2013.
Airport Layout Plan
The ALP is a graphical representation of the existing and proposed airport land, terminal, other facilities and structures owned by the airport, protection zones and approach areas. The ALP also features a na
ative that includes essential aeronautical forecasts, the rationale for proposed developments, the rationale for unusual design features or modifications to FAA Airport Design Standards, and environmental features that might affect airport operations.
Airport Layout Plan
The ALP is approved and signed by the FAA, thereby becoming a legal document. All development ca
ied out on federally obligated airports must be accomplished per an FAA- approved ALP. FAA Order XXXXXXXXXX, Airport Improvement Program Handbook, provides supplemental guidance for the preparation of an ALP. The FAA’s approval of the ALP signifies FAA concu
ence in the plan’s conformity to all applicable airport design standards and criteria.
Airport Layout Plan
It also reflects the agreement between the FAA and the airport sponsor regarding the proposed allocation of airport areas to specific operational and support functions. However, it does not represent FAA release of any federal obligations attached to the land or properties in question. It does not constitute FAA approval to use the land for non-aeronautical purposes, as this requires separate approval from the FAA regional division.
Airport Layout Plan
If the Airport Sponsor changes the airport or its facilities, and those changes are not reflected in the ALP, and the FAA determines the change will adversely affect the safety, utility, or efficiency of any federally owned or leased or funded property on or off the airport, the FAA may require the airport to eliminate the adverse effect or bear the cost of rectifying the situation.
Airport Layout Plan
ALPs should be reviewed and validated every two to seven years, depending on the airport’s size and the extent of changes to improvements and actual operations, compared with forecasted operations. Routine ALP updates, commonly called “pen and ink,” changes occur as facilities change over time. However, in some circumstances the FAA may desire or encourage an ALP Update Study, which is essentially a smaller version of the Master Plan update study
Airport Layout Plan
Generally, an ALP update may be necessary when the existing projects in the ALP or facilities at the airport cannot accommodate the forecasted aeronautical needs, or the existing facilities do not meet airport design standards (FAA airport design standards change over time, so it is possible that an airport can be out of compliance with design standards simply by doing nothing).
Airport Layout Plan
ALP updates also should be considered when there have been many physical changes to the airport, numerous pen-and- ink1 changes to the existing ALP, or when the Airport Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP) needs an update. The FAA directs its Airports District Office (ADO) staff to show leadership concerning the ALP and provide guidance to airport sponsors when an ALP is due for an update.
Airport Layout Plan
The ALP should reflect any changes that may affect the navigable airspace or the airport’s ability to expand, including the airport’s physical features and the critical land uses in and around the vicinity of the airport.
Airport Layout Plan
An ALP should be made up of:
Cover Sheet
ALP Sheet
Data Sheet
Facilities Layout Plan
Terminal Area Plan
Airport Airspace drawings
On-airport/Off-airport Land Use Drawings
Airport Property Map
Airport Layout Plan
ALPs must be submitted to the FAA Airports District Office or Regional Airports Division for approval. The FAA approves ALPs to ensure that all existing and proposed airport developments shown on the plan will be safe, useful and efficient. Safe means the airport meets design standards or modified design standards and provides for the safe operation of aircraft; useful is in relation to airport purposes
Airport Layout Plan
The FAA also provides for three levels of approval: unconditional, conditional and mixed. “Unconditional Approval” means all items of proposed development requiring environmental processing have received environmental approval. “Conditional Approval” means environmental processing has not been completed for all of the items of proposed development requiring it
Airport Layout Plan
“Mixed Approval” means that some near-term projects depicted in the ALP have completed the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews, while long-term projects have not. In a Mixed Approval, those elements that unconditionally are approved can be implemented, but elements (e.g., developments) not covered by the NEPA document are only “conditionally approved.” The airport cannot move forward until the required NEPA processes are completed
Airport Layout Plan
The FAA defines “near-term” as a project that is “ripe for decision” as opposed to “long- term,” which is a project that is “not ripe for decision.” The FAA provides little guidance on its meaning of the term “ripe2,” which typically will leave the final decision in the hands of the ADO
Airfield Design
Airport operators, the FAA, planners and others established the layout and design of the runway and taxiway systems at many airports in the 1930s and 1940s. A typical military airport had a triangular pattern, and many of these original layouts still exist today, although in modified forms. As aircraft and navigational technology improved, economic realities resulted in expanding existing layouts rather than complete redesigns.
Airfield Design
Modern airport planning should consider both the present and potential aviation needs, as well as demand associated with the airport. Runways and taxiways should meet existing and, to the extent possible, future separation requirements regarding width, strength and length. Future runway and taxiway designs should be supported by appropriate planning and shown on the approved ALP.
Airfield Design
Airport design standards provide basic guidelines for a safe, efficient and economical airport system. As outlined in FAA A/C 150/5300-13A Airport Design, the standards address the
Answered 3 days After Dec 04, 2023


Shubham answered on Dec 08 2023
21 Votes
I. Introduction
The master plan San Francisco International Airport includes vital roadmap for short-term, intermediate-term and long-term development. It includes addressing needs in 5, 10, 15 and 20-year increments. It requires reflects vision of airport sponsor incorporating stakeholder, community and government input. The plan aims for cost-effective that is environmentally balanced and socially impactful growth. It includes focusing on goal setting and the master plan outlines comprehensive process including an Airport Layout Plan update, financial feasibility analysis and public engagement. FAA acceptance signifies sound planning with approval that focuses on forecasts and ALP adherence. It includes studies and consultant selection that aligns with unique requirements and regulatory considerations of airport.
II. Planning Phases and Elements:
1. Pre-Planning:
· Identification of Planning Need: It includes recognizing deficiencies in the cu
ent plan or addressing emerging issues like new aircraft types, environmental challenges and strategic shifts.
· Decision-Making Process: This requires collaborative determination of the study type and necessary level of detail that typically made jointly by FAA and airport sponsor (De Neufville, 2020).
2. Public Involvement:
· Importance of Stakeholder Input: It includes acknowledgment of the crucial role played by stakeholders including the local community, government agencies and planners in shaping the master plan.
· Methods for Public Engagement: This requires focusing on inclusive methods like public announcements, direct requests and personal discussions to involve stakeholders in the planning process.
3. Environmental Considerations:
· Overview of Environmental Impact Assessment: It highlights the significance of environmental impact assessments within the master planning process.
· Coordination with FAA ADO: This requires stressing the importance of collaboration with the FAA ADO and Regional Airports Division particularly if an Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement is anticipated (Koseoglu & Nurtan-Gunes, 2018).
4. Existing Conditions:
· Inventory of Airport Facilities: This requires comprehensive examination of existing facilities, including hangars, terminal buildings and FBOs.
· Review of Environmental Setting: It includes analysis of air and water quality along with a consideration of socio-economic factors for ensuring a holistic understanding of the existing conditions of airport.
· Socioeconomic Factors: It includes use of demographic data per capita income, economic activities, industrial status, geographic factors, competitive position, sociological aspects, political factors and community values (Sidiropoulos, Majumdar & Han, 2018).
· Classification Framework: It includes categorization of elements like airfield, passenger terminal facilities, general aviation facilities, cargo facilities, support facilities, access, circulation, parking, utilities and non-aeronautical facilities.
III. Data Collection:
In-depth gathering of information related to each classification:
· Airfield/Airspace: Runway configurations, navigational aids, and airspace structures.
· Passenger Terminal Facilities: Terminal buildings, gates, and passenger amenities.
· General Aviation Facilities: Facilities catering to non-scheduled air transport.
· Cargo Facilities: Warehouses, freight terminals, and related infrastructure.
· Support Facilities: Maintenance, rescue, firefighting, and other support structures.
· Access, Circulation, and Parking: Roads, parking facilities, and transportation infrastructure.
· Utilities: Water, electricity, and other utility infrastructure.
· Non-Aeronautical Facilities: Commercial and recreational spaces that is directly related to aviation.
IV. Aviation Forecasts:
· It requires projection of future traffic for addressing short-term, intermediate-term and long-term planning increments.
· It includes resolution of inconsistencies between forecasted levels and Terminal Area Forecasts produced by the FAA.
III. Data Collection:
This requires Comprehensive examination of runway configurations, navigational aids and airspace structures for ensuring thorough understanding of the aviation capabilities of airport.
Commercial Passenger Terminal Facilities:
It provides with in-depth analysis of terminal buildings, gates and passenger amenities to evaluate the existing infrastructure supporting commercial aviation activities. Commercial Passenger Terminal Facilities is the spaces in airport that is designed to facilitate a
ival, departure and services for commercial airline passengers. It includes check-in counters, security checkpoints, boarding gates, baggage claim and other amenities for convenience of traveller.
General Aviation Facilities:
This includes detailed inventory of facilities catering to non-scheduled air transport including hangars, maintenance areas and services specific to general aviation (Rajapaksha & Jayasuriya, 2020).
Cargo Facilities:
It includes examination of cargo-related infrastructure like warehouses, freight terminals and logistics areas. It is crucial for the movement of goods through the airport.
Support Facilities:
This requires identification and assessment of support structures encompassing maintenance, rescue, firefighting and other facilities contributing to the operational efficiency of the airport.
Access, Circulation and Parking:
It includes thorough review of roadways, parking facilities and transportation infrastructure to understand and optimize passenger and cargo movement in the airport.
This requires evaluation of utility infrastructure including water and electricity to ensure that essential services are in place to support airport operations.
Non-Aeronautical Facilities:
It includes examination of commercial and recreational spaces that is directly tied to aviation activities. It provides with holistic view of the diverse functionalities of airport.
Regional Settings and Su
ounding Land Use:
It includes investigation of
oader regional context beyond airport boundaries including political boundaries, airport service areas and competitive airports (Jacquillat & Odoni, 2018). It provides
oader perspective that is important for understanding the influence of airport and role in larger geographical context.
IV. Aviation Forecasts:
It is considered as the crucial phase of San Francisco International Airport Master Plan. It includes focusing on projecting traffic and development needs over the next five, 10, 15 and 20 years. This requires describing about meticulous approach that is taken to anticipate the growth and demand of airport. It is aligned with sponsor of airport with vision and stakeholder inputs. The process involves comprehensive forecast of air traffic for considering variables like new technologies, changing market dynamics and evolving aviation trends. It includes addressing short-term, intermediate-term and long-term planning increments. The master plan ensures adaptability to dynamic industry changes.
The particular focuses on placed on resolving any inconsistencies between forecasted levels and FAA Terminal Area Forecasts. This alignment is important for gaining FAA approval and ensuring that projected development is in harmony with national aviation standards (Greer, Rakas & Horvath, 2020). The goal of master plan is to provide with cost-effective framework for development and it provides balances for needs of airport, market demands and community considerations. It is important for addressing environmental and socioeconomic impacts. This requires adhering forecasting principles for San Francisco International Airport Master Plan that aims to create a strategic roadmap. It guides growth and development in sustainable and efficient manner for meeting evolving demands of aviation industry and
oader community.
V. Facility Requirements:
In the facility requirements phase of San Francisco International Airport...

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