Models for Health and Wellness
Discussion Topic: Human Trafficking
Use this Discussion to practice for the Assignment.
Begin a dialogue with fellow classmates regarding the impact of human trafficking on existing health and wellness models. Concepts from this Discussion will prepare you for the Assignment.
·What is human trafficking?
·What are some of the preventative measures being implemented?
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making frequent, informed references to lesson materials and Seminars. Include examples as appropriate, and be sure to include your references. Initial Discussion responses should be around 150 words and include a reference.
Project Design and Administration for Health Care
Microsystems and Professional Responsibility
Be sure to review the Discussion Board grading rubric in the course Syllabus.
For this Discussion Board, a minimum of 300 words is required for the initial response and a minimum of 150 words for responses to your classmates. During this unit, you will discuss the following three questions.
·What impacts will continuous quality improvement have on medical research?
If academic institutions become more involved in managed care, what will be the impacts on continuous quality improvement?
·What factors are shifting the role of the primary care physician in the future?
Health and Wellness Programing
You are preparing to implement the program you have designed. Now you must plan for implementation. Based upon the program you are developing, answeroneof the following questions:
·Describe at least three specific actions can you take to tailor the programyou are developing to the target population. Explain your choices.
This Is A Discussion Board Not An Essay Each Class is Different Please use APA and citation