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In this assessment, you will develop a written and illustrated reflection. Using your learning through Week 1 of the unit, use theory to discuss your personal experience of visiting...

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In this assessment, you will develop a written and illustrated reflection.

Using your learning through Week 1 of the unit, use theory to discuss your personal experience of visiting place.

The key question is, "

What do you learn when you listen, notice, think, and reflect with 'place'?".

Note: Do not attempt this task until you have completed Sessions 1 & 2 of the pre-class and in-class activities, including the embedded readings.

To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Go through the content in sessions one and two, and read the embedded readings.

  2. Visit a place of nature.Find a garden, beach, forest, reserve etc. in your local community). You must physically visit this place.

  3. Notice what draws you into connection and find somewhere to sit and reflect.Ideally, you are seated on the ground.

    1. Experience being in the place.

    2. Notice: what draws you in? What interests you? What are you connected to?

    3. Think about what you are starting to learn about Aboriginal connection to Country, and about the impact of colonisation on this place. W
      hose Country is it? -Make sure you find out who the traditional owners are.write about koalas

    4. Think about the many elements (the more-than-human elements: sky, rocks, land, animals, creeks, plants etc.) and how they haveagencyin that place.

    5. How are you entangled with and connected to these elements in place?How are these elements affecting you?
      How are you engaging and thinking withplace as a pedagogical contact zone?Explain the science of rainbows.

  4. Document your engagement with place, looking at the resources in Session 1 & 2 and the questions above. This will be used as part of your reflection.

    1. Draw pictures

    2. Write notes

    3. Make sure you take a selfie and other photos that will show you identifiably in that place

  5. Write your reflection.

    1. Briefly include some factual information about the place:
      where is it? - give the address and name of the place
      what is it like? - describe the place
      when did you go? - give the time and date

    2. Write about your experience. This should include reporting and story telling about your experience of being there, and also your reflection on the ideas from the unit about engagement with place. Show how your thinking with those ideas responds to the experience of being in that place.

      Write about your passion for koalas and rainbows

    3. Include supporting illustrations of your experience i.e. pictures, drawings (these do not add to the word count).

    4. Include a selfie that shows you were there.

    5. Include an acknowledgement of Country. Tell us whose Country it is, and where you found that information.

    6. Include in-text citations where you use ideas from the unit, and a reference list at the end that includes all the sources you have cited.

  6. Reviewthe rubric alongside your final draft - do you think you have addressed all criteria? (The rubric will be available later in the week.) Reread these instructions and ensure you have followed them all. Proof read your work.

  7. Upload your work to the Assessment Dropbox by the due date, including a reference list


Do not talk about children

Do not talk about what children will learn

Do not talk about teaching children
Do not observe children or include photos of children


The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

  • Criterion 1: Acknowledgement of Country and Documentation of Walk (25%)

  • Criterion 2: Storytelling of Experience (25%)

  • Criterion 3: Use of Theory, Unit Concepts & Referencing (50%)

500 words max

(not including reference list, location details and supporting illustrations)

Answered 2 days After May 26, 2024


P answered on May 28 2024
10 Votes
Reflection on my visit to Tasker Park in Campsie, NSW 2194
Description about the Park
Last week I have visited Tasker Park which is located in Campsie, NSW 2194. This place is su
ounded with Cooks river with u
an retreat, consist green spaces, play area and walking paths for the people who are interested to walk and relax. The park consists of mature trees, various plant varieties across the river creating a peaceful environment to enjoy the nature beauty.
I would like to acknowledge that Wangal people who belong to Eora Nation are protecting this Tasker Park land from past thousands of years. Hence, the Tasker Park represents the Aboriginal heritage of the country.
Personal experience
As soon as I entered the Tasker Park I felt the calmness around the shaded paths.
Upon a
iving at Tasker Park, I felt an immediate sense of calm as I walked along the shaded paths. The interplay between the river flow sound, shades across the trees, evening sunlight has created a mesmerizing pattern, where I have chosen a shaded area across the rive
ank to sit. After I sat, I have observed...

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