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MGT2HRM Assessment Task 3 – Individual Assessment Topic The following information is provided as a guide to how you should do Assessment Task 3: Individual Assessment on Policy Design. The aim of this...

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MGT2HRM Assessment Task 3 – Individual Assessment Topic

The following information is provided as a guide to how you should do Assessment Task
3: Individual Assessment on Policy Design.

The aim of this assignment is to develop a HRM policy that can be used in the workplace.
You can choose an organisation in which you are cu
ently working, were previously
employed, or aspire to work.

Develop a HRM policy on ONE of the following topics for your chosen organisation:

o Recruitment and selection

o Performance management

1. Use the following assignment structure:

PART 1 – Policy Analysis

PART 2 – Policy Development

In Part 2, the following structure could be followed.

1. Overview
2. Scope
3. Policy Statement
4. Legislation
5. Process (1 page diagram or flowchart)
6. Accountabilities
7. Evaluation Measures


Appendices (if required)

If you need more information on the structure of your assignment or develop your
writing skills, there are many different resources available to help you. You can use the
LTU services available by searching on the La Trobe website, ask the Li
ary and search
online. Alternatively, you can just ask your workshop leader for advice.

2. What are the expectations?

You need to conduct a
ief policy analysis, which will underpin your policy. You are
expected to research widely to identify examples of relevant policies and journal articles.
You need to use a minimum of ten academic, peer-reviewed journal articles to support
your policy. All reference material must be appropriately cited in the text of your
assignment. If you choose to base your policy on a pre-existing one, you need to identify
and reference this policy.

Follow the style guidelines for the Academy of Management Journal.

Note that Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT acceptable sources for this
assignment. Only scientific studies (reported in academic journal articles), commentaries
y eminent academics or Government Reports should be used.

It is essential that your assignment is written in a neat, professional, and engaging
manner. Convey your ideas clearly and concisely, and use appropriate transitions
etween the different sections of the assignment. Finally, and importantly, please be
sure to check your assignment for spelling, grammar and punctuation before submission.

PART 1 – Policy Analysis (800 words)

As a guide, you may focus on some of the following issues (or other similar issues) in the Policy
Analysis section.

1. Internal & External issues analysis
Internal issues refer to:
 Organisational objectives, business strategic choice, HR needs and HR strategies,
 Organisation culture and its approaches (management values) to managing employees,
 Ethical treatment of employees (i.e. organisational justice),
 Ethical business practices (decision-making),
 Approaches to corporate social responsibility

External issues refer to the contextual factors (external environment) that influence policy.
These contextual factors include:
 Law (industrial relations, anti-discrimination, occupational safety and health, and
 Government policy (employment, education and training, immigration & citizenship,
industrial relations)
 Economic conditions (economic conditions in good times and bad times)
 Societal values & issues (prevailing values and preferences shared by stakeholders
outside the organisation)

2. High priority issues
Among the above-mentioned internal and external issues, identify one or more issues that
need to be addressed in the policy that you are developing.

3. Policy problem
If you choose to review and rewrite an existing HR policy, you need to point out what the
problems are with the existing policy and why changes in the policy are necessary.

PART 2 – Policy Development

Write a policy on your chosen topic.
The following information and sections should be included in your policy.
1. Overview
ief description of the intent and rationale of the policy.
2. Scope
Who are covered in the policy?
Identify to which parties in the organisation or to which particular situations the policy applies.
Are there situations where it might apply generally across the organisation?
3. Policy Statement
This should be a concise and formal statement of the principal objectives of the policy. It should
provide a framework for mandatory principles (management philosophies and principles) to be
incorporated in the related procedures.
4. Legislation
This section should discuss laws and legal obligations that have direct or indirect consequences
on the policy, e.g., EEO, OHS, Discriminatory laws, privacy, etc.
5. Process
Consider the processes (activities) that are included in the policy and undertaken by involved
parties in order to effectively achieve the objectives of the policy.
(For this assignment, you will present the necessary processes in a one-page flowchart or
diagram, NOT in words).
6. Accountabilities
The hierarchical roles and authorities that are involved in the development, approval,
implementation, and engagement of end-users of the policy, for example:
 Development & drafting - HRM manager,
 Approval - CEO in conjunction with board members,
 Implementation - Line managers or concerned line managers,
 End-users - Employees or concerned employees
7. Evaluation Measures
Consider means to monitor and measure the effectiveness of the policy.
A minimum of ten academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Appendices (if required)

Requires attention Meets expectations Good Very good Excellent
10 marks
Very limited or no
esearch undertaken on
HR policy area selected;
Research of internal
and external factors
affecting the
inadequate; Little or no
evaluation of research;
Statements not
supported with
General research
undertaken on HR policy
area selected; 10
somewhat related journal
articles identified; Limited
esearch of internal and
external factors affecting
the organisation; Some
attempt to evaluate
esearch but many
statements not supported
with evidence.
Sound research
undertaken to identify
at least 10 applicable
journal articles on HR
policy area selected;
Sound research of
internal and external
factors affecting the
organisation; Research
evaluated to a sound
level and some
statements supported
with evidence.
Broad research
undertaken to identify
10 very good sources
on HR policy area
selected; Broad research
of internal and external
factors affecting the
organisation; Research
well evaluated and most
claims supported with
esearch undertaken
10 excellent sources
on HR policy area
selected; Extensive
esearch of internal and
external factors
affecting the
organisation; Well-
easoned evaluation of
esearch with all claims
supported by evidence.
Policy Analysis
Is unclear or seriously
limited in presenting or
developing a position
on recruitment and
selection or
management in the
case organisation;
Limited or no
explanation actors
impacting the policy
Inadequate knowledge
of recruitment and
selection or
Presents a vague or limited
position on the policy
issues relating to either
ecruitment and selection
or performance
management in the case
organisation; Explains a
couple of factors impacting
on the policy environment;
Some knowledge of
ecruitment and selection
or performance
Presents a clear
position on the policy
issues relating to either
ecruitment and
selection or
management in the
case organisation;
Explains a range of
factors impacting the
policy environment
using examples; Good
knowledge of
ecruitment and
selection or
demonstrated using
Presents a well-
considered assessment of
the policy issues relating
to either recruitment and
selection or performance
management in the case
organisation; Explains
the factors impacting the
policy environment using
sound reasoning and/or
well-chosen examples;
Very good knowledge of
ecruitment and selection
or performance
management shown and
this knowledge is woven
into the policy analysis.
Evaluative review of the
policy environment
elating to either
ecruitment and
selection or performance
management in the case
organisation; Conflicts,
problems and
contradictions are
explained using well-
chosen examples;
Exceptional knowledge
of recruitment and
selection or performance
management shown and
this knowledge is woven
into the policy analysis.
One or more required
elements of policy are
missing; Policy
statement is either not
evident or is not
grounded in any
understanding of
equirements or
Most policy elements are
included but are addressed
superficially; Policy
statement is simplistic and
shows superficial
understanding of
governance structures and
legislative frameworks;
Diagram/flow chart of
All policy elements are
included and addressed
at a basic level; Policy
statement is sound and
shows some
understanding of
governance structures
and legislative
frameworks; Process is
All policy elements are
well developed and
effectively presented;
Policy statement is well
developed and based on a
good understanding of
governance structures
and legislative
frameworks; Process is
All policy elements are
very well developed and
insightful and presented
professionally; Policy
statement is very well
developed and feasible
and based on an
excellent understanding
of governance structure
ent governance
structure of the
organization; Process
diagram/flow chart is
either not included or is
vague; No evaluation
measures included.
process is simplistic or
overly detailed; Unrealistic
evaluation measures
defined in
diagram/flow chart and
shows most steps;
Some realistic
evaluation measures
Answered Same Day Jun 02, 2021 MGT2HRM La Trobe University


Bhavna answered on Jun 05 2021
133 Votes
www.ij journal. org

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