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journal article 1 journal article 2...

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journal article 1

journal article 2

and I want theAcademy of Management referencing style
Answered Same Day Aug 15, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Aug 17 2021
143 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Similarities    3
Differences    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
Management of the performance pertaining to the employees is considered to be an important characteristic facet for the effective functioning of the organization. Organizational functioning is dependent upon the entire workforce as well as the subsystems and their collective synchronization. It tends to attain the goal that organization has fixed in accordance to its vision statement. The structural attributes are believed to focus largely on the matters that provides fine tuning to the organization. This assignment has been undertaken for scrutinizing the matters that have been explored in the two journals. The similarities as well as the differences will be explored extensively to gain an understanding relating to the workings of performance management and workforce efficiency.
The articles undertaken for the study primarily sheds light onto the management of the performance and the involvement of the workforce. The efficiency is relatively considered to be an important aspect that determines the effective functioning of the organization. As opined by Aleksić, and RašićJelavić (2017), adaptation of an effective strategy relating to the workforce is considered to be essential. Since they will lead the organization towards it success despite any kind of impediments whatsoever. Both the articles discuss the effectiveness of training which is instrumental in deliverance of the desired number of outcomes. As opined by Mone, London, and Mone (2018) providing training will ensure the engagement of the employees at the level of delivering effective outcome. It shows how the aspects relating to strengthening the foundational base of the organization will help in striving them for the longer run. The journals go deep beneath the discussion of the setting of the tactics for formulation of the goals. The goals that determines the endeavour of the individuals as well as of the collective workforce. It is effective in
ewing the invigorating fervour that strives towards providing the best efforts that will be instrumental in
inging out the desired goals. As observed by Sharma, Sharma, and Agarwal (2016) once the goals pertaining to the organization as well as that of the individuals get synced in then the itinerary will be built forth for ensuring the operational functions of the organizations.
Along with this the striking resemblance in between the journals lies in the fact how both of it determines the involvement of the employees in the workplace to be an essentially important aspect. Since ambience is supposedly a major contributing factor pertaining to the effectiveness that
ings out the efficiency relating to the organization. As opined by Davis, White, and Stephenson (2016) the ambience is regarded to be an important aspect since it determines the resultant outcome of the engagement of the employees. Both the journals show how the ambience determines in retaining the employees. They will retain only in...

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