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In this assignment you will have to choose an area of which HeLa cells have been studied. It can be anything from how they were sent to space or how they helped create a polio vaccine. You will need...

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In this assignment you will have to choose an area of which HeLa cells have been studied. It can be anything from how they were sent to space or how they helped create a polio vaccine. You will need to find a very reliable source for information and a not so reliable source and compare the information gathered from both, in terms of validity, reliability and accuracy
Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Poulami answered on Jul 01 2021
136 Votes
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Table of Contents
Part 1    3
Justification    3
Part 2    3
Review of literature    3
Abstract    3
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Conclusion    5
Part 3    5
Part 4    6
References    7
Part 1
The article published in the Nigerian Website in the year 2019, claimed that cells of a black woman have been stolen to produce polio vaccine. The name of the woman was Henrietta Lacks. The cells were stolen without taking permission from her. The cells were stolen for a major
eak-through in medical science as the cells had the capability to regenerate. Polio is an infectious transmissible disease. The virus invades the CNS leading to paralysis. The cells derived from that woman were named after her as HeLa cells. HeLa cells get easily affected by poliovirus. Thus, the cells are best suitable for the vaccine development of polio.
Part 2
Review of literature
Before going legitimately into the large scale manufacturing of HeLa cells on grounds, a concise authentic point of view on the college’s earlier contribution to polio treatment is justified. Numerous variables and conditions became an integral factor to start Tuskegee's contribution to the polio immunization's turn of events. When patients with polio from the Southeast were guided by basic treatment and recovery programs at the Paralysis Center, across grounds Tuskegee researchers were directing extraordinary examination in the Research building. In any case, none of these events can reduce college’s significance, its commitments, and effect on two biomedical rows in the fight against polio, for all individuals.
Before going legitimately into the large scale manufacturing of HeLa cells grounds, a concise authentic point of view on the college’s earlier contribution to polio treatment is justified. Numerous variables and conditions became an integral factor to start Tuskegee's contribution to the polio immunization's turn of events. As a matter of first importance, there was the pervasive bigot atmosphere found in this nation. This mentality was clarified in the Southeast biased practices that put down and kept down Black individuals and made their ca
ies on with increasingly troublesome. Exace
ating this was confidence in the domain of orthopedic that polio casualty was an i
egularity, with certain individuals, in any event, accepting that Blacks were resistant to the sickness. A mix of these variables prompted negligence for the enduring looked by Blacks tainted with the polio infection.
In the year 1936, a poliomyelitis pestilence moved through the Southeast area of the US, seriously devastating youngsters, including White and Black. The episode again uncovered the difficulties that the polio patients confronted when chasing or accepting clinical consideration. The unfair acts, particularly in South, left almost all polio patients with the infection...

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