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in a written essay using and citing material from primary source documents,, your textbook, and lectures: Primary sources Can be found on or...

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in a written essay using and citing material from primary source documents,, your textbook, and lectures:

Primary sources Can be found on or

How did the results of the Mexican-American War lead to the division of the Democratic Party, the disintegration of the Whig Party, and the creation of the Republican Party?

Answered 159 days After Jul 22, 2021


Dr. Vidhya answered on Dec 29 2021
114 Votes
The collapse of Whig Party and the rise of new political system in America was a result driven venture of the ongoing dissatisfaction of the two party systems. In fact , after Mexican American war, a group of political pressure group known as abolitionists emerged in the national politics (Buck, 2019). These people were against the
ewing of political agendas over so called secondary matters such as taxation or trade policies in 1830s. The...

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