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I need a essay written for first year biology I'll give you the question soon and need it back in n hour

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I need a essay written for first year biology I'll give you the question soon and need it back in n hour
Answered Same Day Jun 28, 2021


Lisha answered on Jun 28 2021
146 Votes
Question: Discuss a range of animal adaptations for osmoregulation, especially in regard to water conservation.
Osmoregulation is the process of maintaining salt and water balance (osmotic balance) across mem
anes within the body. The fluids inside and su
ounding cells are composed of water, electrolytes, and nonelectrolytes. An electrolyte is a compound that dissociates into ions when dissolved in water. A nonelectrolyte, in contrast, does not dissociate into ions in water. The body’s fluids include blood plasma, the fluid that exists within cells, and the interstitial fluid that exists in the spaces between cells and tissues of the body. The mem
anes of the body (both the mem
anes around cells and the “mem
anes” made of cells lining body cavities) are semipermeable mem
anes. Semipermeable mem
anes are permeable to certain types of solutes and to water, but typically cell mem
anes are impermeable to solutes. Animals conserve or dissipate heat in a variety of ways. Endothermic animals have some form of insulation. They have fur, fat, or feathers. Animals with thick fur or feathers create an insulating layer of air between their skin and internal organs. Polar bears and seals live and swim in a subfreezing environment and yet maintain a constant, warm, body temperature. The arctic fox,...

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