Dr. Cho
Human Resource Management in Hospitality
Group Research Project
The group project gives you an opportunity to work with a group of your peers and investigate a topic that interests you and is related to human resource management studies. The purpose of this assignment is fourfold. First, as a group project it is designed to be a practicum for learning interpersonal skills including group decision making, conflict resolution, interpersonal communication, and critical analysis. Second, writing is an important skill in any profession and this is an opportunity for you to hone your writing skills. Third, developing a scholarly research project provides you an opportunity to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. Finally, you will also learn the skills for effective communication and presentation.
In scientific writing, researchers develop tools to find answers to research questions based on the research literature from scientific articles. The advantage of this literature is that it is rather objective, unbiased, and in many cases, provides directions for practical applications. With the tools such as survey instrument or person-to-person interview questions, researchers collect data which will give them clues to the research questions.
For this assignment you are asked to conduct the research project and write a research paper based on the scientific literature, measurement development, data collection, and data analysis. Specifically, you will synthesize research from the scientific literature, develop interview questions, conduct the interviews, analyze the interview data, and draw conclusions based on your research. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to explore an area of interest in hospitality human resource studies in greater depth than time allows in our course. Research in the field of human resource management has important implications for individuals, groups, organizations, the government, and society at large.
For the research topic, students will choose one of eight topics in relation to human resource management.
There are nine components of this project (All assignments must be submitted by 11:59pm on due dates)
Project Component:
Due Date:
Meeting Minutes and research objectives
Selection of articles
Introduction and Literature Review
Interview subjects, questions, relationships
Interview process and schedule
Interview scripts
Results of the data analysis
Final draft of research paper
1) Meeting Minutes and Research Objectives
Your group will have a first meeting on 1/26 Friday. One member should take meeting minutes. The meeting minutes must include participants, things discussed, and plans to accomplish this project successfully. At the meeting, you should also discuss and identify research objectives along with research title. Research objectives describe what you expect to achieve by the project. The objectives provide an accurate description of the specific actions you will take in order to achieve by the project. Research objectives must be related to the topic you chose. Within the topic, think about things that you are curious about.
For example, let’s say my topic is technology in human resource. I am curious about how social media (technology) affects employees’ (human resource) satisfaction. Thus, my research objective is to investigate impacts of social media use during work on employees’ satisfaction. I am specifically interested in finding out if an employee checking
eading on his/her social media for personal purposes would be more satisfied.
The meeting minutes and research objectives should be typed, double spaced, and 1-2 page long. It should include
· Title and research objective(s)
· Paragraph description of your project
· Attendees
· Meeting minutes
2) Selection of Articles for Literature Review
Each member will select at least one scholarly journal articles and trading journal/magazine articles which are related to the research objectives. The articles should be published after 2010. The group should submit a list of articles (reference list) for the group project by the due date. There should be at least 12 articles for a group of four.
Each member will summarize the articles and write a reflection for the individual assignment (see the instruction for article summary and reflection).
The reference list should be typed and single spaced. The reference list must follow APA style. See the link for more information. http:
Lawrence, S.E., 1992. Empowerment: trust vs. control: your hotel can improve operational efficiency,
increase employee productivity and improve guest satisfaction through empowerment. Cornell Hotel &
Restaurant Administration Quarterly 33 (1), 68–72.

Levine, D., Tyson, L.D., 1990. Participation, productivity, and the firm’s environment. In: Alan Blinder
(Ed.), Paying for Productivity. The Brookings Institution, Washington, pp. 183–235.

MacDuffie, J.P., 1995. Human resource bundles and manufacturing performance: organizational logic and flexible production systems in the world auto industry. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 48,

3) Introduction and Literature Review
Introduction should discuss:
· the general topic and give some background by providing
ief review of the literature related to the topic.
· Identify the importance of the proposed research
· State the research objectives
· Discuss expected outcomes by the project
Literature review is an evaluation of previous research on your topic. The purpose of the literature review is to provide background information needed to understand your research. The literature review should be done after individual members summarized and wrote a reflection for their individual assignment. You should use the group members’ article summary and reflection writing assignments for this literature review. However, you should make sure the literature review flows as a whole document, not sum of the individual writing assignments. This means that all group members should participate in writing the literature review. Google doc is an excellent source for collaborative work.
Introduction should be 1-2 page long, double spaced, typed, and titled as Introduction. Literature review should be 3-5 page long, typed, double spaced and titled as Literature Review. Introduction and literature review must include in-text citations. All articles individual members summarized must be cited.
In-text Citation
Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a co
esponding entry in your reference list.
APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, XXXXXXXXXXFor direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number. More information on citing sources without pagination is given on the APA Style web page.
Example paragraph with in-text citation
A few researchers in the linguistics field have developed training programs designed to improve native speakers' ability to understand accented speech (Derwing, Rossiter, & Munro, 2002; Thomas, XXXXXXXXXXTheir training techniques are based on the research described above indicating that comprehension improves with exposure to non-native speech. Derwing et al XXXXXXXXXXconducted their training with students preparing to be social workers, but note that other professionals who work with non-native speakers could benefit from a similar program.
4) Research Interview Questions, Subjects, and Relationship between the research objectives and the questions
You will develop in-person interview questions to collect necessary data to accomplish your research objectives. The questions should be based on the literature review. There should be at least three interview questions. You need to identify and confirm two managers and two non-managerial employees working in the hospitality industry for the data collection. You also need to write a report on how each interview questions are related to the research objectives and how they will help you to answer the research questions.
The document should be 3-4 pages, double spaced, typed, and titled as Interview Questions, Interview Subjects, Relationships between the research objectives and interview questions.
5) Interview process and schedule
You should write a page long report on how the interview will be conducted, what you will say to the interview subjects, and interview schedule. The interview schedule should include the interviewees’ name, contact information, time and date, and location. All interviews must be recorded.
The document should be 1-2 pages, typed, and double spaced.
6) Methodology
Methodology should include the following:
· Instrument: this is about the interview questions. You should include discussion on how the questions were developed and which articles used for the development. Provide citations.
· Data Collection and Samples: interview is your data collection method. Explain how long the interview were, where the interview were conducted, who the interviewees were, how you identified the interviewees, how you took notes for the interviews.
Methodology should be 2-3 pages, typed, and double-spaced.
7) Research Interview Scripts
Using the interview recording, you will type the conversation in a format of scripts. The scripts should look like
Interviewer: ………word by word that the interviewer said.
Interviewee A: ……….word by word that the interviewee said.
8) Results / Findings
The analysis for the interview data refe
ed to qualitative data should be by thematic content analysis. The step for the analysis is as follows:
· Get familiar with the data by reading the scripts carefully.
· Search for themes with
oader patterns of meaning.
· Review themes to make sure they fit the data.
· Define and name (label) themes.
· Write up the findings by creating a coherent na
ative that includes quotes from the interviewees.
This section should be 3-4 pages long, double spaced, and typed.
9) Final Research Paper
The final paper is an assembly of the documents you have submitted. It should include the followings:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix
a. Interview Scripts
Conclusion should discuss implications from the findings for the hospitality industry. This is the place you can share your thoughts and opinions based on the research objectives and the literature review connecting to the findings. You can tell a story about what you have found and what you think of the findings, and how hospitality managers and companies should use the findings.
Article Selection
Hospitality Human Resource Management – Writing Intensive
Stephan Kim
Scholarly Journal
· Fok, R. H., & Yeung, R. M XXXXXXXXXXWork attitudes of Generation Y in Macau’s hotel industry: management’s perspective. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(1), 83-96.
· Brown, E. A., Thomas, N. J.