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LAW504 Length: 1000 words Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task You must write an answer to the problem-type question below, using the ILAC (Issues, Law, Application,...

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Length: 1000 words
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
You must write an answer to the problem-type question below, using the ILAC (Issues, Law, Application, Conclusion) format, a worked example of which is in the Resources folder. 
**In this subject, assignments are marked on-line, using an adapted MS Word programme. You therefore MUST submit your assignment in Word format, NOT as a PDF document. If you submit in PDF it will not be able to be marked.**
##If you think you may need and extension for this assignment, please read the rules relating to extensions in the Subject Outline before applying for an extension. ##
Question (10 marks)
Sam Speed runs a business which provides a re-fuelling service for aircraft at the regional airport at Albury in New South Wales. Sam stores his fuel at a depot he owns in an underground tank. One day, Sam receives a tanker load of XXXXXXXXXXlitres of fuel from his supplier. The fuel is pumped into Sam’s underground tank, and Sam puts a dip-stick into the tank to check that the co
ect amount has been delivered. Unfortunately, Sam is distracted by a phone call, and forgets to screw the lid back onto the tank, with the result that dust enters the fuel during the night, contaminating it.
The next day, still unaware of what has happened, Sam refuels three light aircraft with the fuel. Each aircraft is owned by a different company, White Ltd, Blue Ltd and Green Ltd.
The aircraft owned by White Ltd takes off successfully, but about 2 km from the end of the runway the engine cuts out because of the fuel contamination and the aircraft, which is worth $ 1 million, crashes onto a road and is totally destroyed, although the pilot miraculously survives without any injury. 
The aircraft owned by White Ltd also destroys a Mercedes Benz car worth $ XXXXXXXXXXowned by Ms Susan Swift, who usually never parks her car on that street but did so that day because the parking lot she uses was full.
Sam hears on the radio what happened to the aircraft owned by White Ltd, and that the pilot reported a problem with the fuel system to air traffic control moments before the crash. Fearing that the accident might have been due to contaminated fuel, Sam runs across to the aircraft owned by Blue Ltd, waving his arms to attract the attention of the pilot, who is just about to start his engine. Sam tells the pilot that there seems to be something wrong with the fuel and that it could damage the engine, and the pilot decides not to take off for Sydney.  There are no other aircraft able to fly to Sydney, and because the aircraft owned by Blue Ltd does not take off, one of the passengers, Ms Mary Harper, who is a maritime engineer, is unable to get to Sydney to certify that a cargo ship owned by Safmarine Ltd is seaworthy, with the result that Safmarine Ltd loses $ XXXXXXXXXXin profit because its vessel cannot put to sea that day. 
After alerting the pilot of the Blue Ltd plane, Sam also runs to the aircraft owned by Green Ltd and gives him the same information about the fuel, but the pilot says “Look, mate, I understand what you are saying, but I don’t have time for this. I’m going to take off anyway.  I have to get to Melbourne by 10 am”, and with that the pilot closes his window and taxis towards the runway. As the pilot starts his take-off run, the aircraft’s engine cuts out, it swerves across the runway and suffers $ XXXXXXXXXXworth of damage.
Accident reports confirm that the aircraft owned by White Ltd and Green Ltd crashed because their engines were damaged by the contaminated fuel. 
Advise Sam on what liabilities he may have to all potential plaintiffs who have suffered loss under the above facts. 
** Please check that you have complied with all the points in the Style Guide before handing in your assignment.**

Format of Law Assignment
1. Issues of that Case
HINT: Just co
ect A-Z statement.
2. LAW
HINT: Don’t use the actions provided in question. Don’t talk about what happened in the case.
NOTE: Briefly describe about what Laws implement in that case. That’s why, Maximum words will use here in that part.
HINT: Here you’ll use X,A,B,C,D and what happened in the question.
4. Conclusion
HINT: Be assure that every issue has a conclusion.
Subject name: Business and corporations Law
Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2020 LAW504 Charles Sturt University


Preeti answered on Aug 11 2020
148 Votes
Law Question
The underlying case scenario has outlined certain issues:
i) Whether Sam is responsible for compensating losses or damages incu
ed to each aircraft company, White Ltd, Blue Ltd and Green Ltd.
The re-fuelling services provided by Sam to the regional airport located in New South Wales. In this process of pumping fuelling in the underground tank, Sam gets distracted by the phone call. The distraction caused dust entering the fuel and contaminated it, and, the fact still remained unaware among Sam for large period of time.
ii) Should Sam be considered as liable for paying compensation to the owner of Mercedes Benz on account of destroy and crash by aircraft.
The poor handling of aircraft and fuel contamination result destroy of aircraft worth $1 million, crashed onto the road and destroyed Mercedes Benz, whose owner askes for compensation and damages.
iii) The damages or crash caused to aircraft engines due to accidental handling of aircraft, poor handling of air traffic control moments and other aspects.
The aircraft companies suffered losses due to ineffective fuel system, fear of accidents and poor air traffic control moments. Due to contaminated fuel, pilot and aircraft companies faced engine damage and crash cases. All these factors led aircraft companies to face some kind of damages and losses led owners to sue Sam.
Under the area of the Corporate and Business Law, Tort of negligence is evolved for discussing some types of loss or damage occu
ed between parties. The Tort of Negligence is understood as a legally wrong or loss suffered by someone due to act done by another person. When someone fails to understand and takes proper care to avoid foreseeable risk, claim of negligence exist and succeed. The contractual relationship among doctor and patient, employer and employee, bank and customer and other ones always exist, and, asks for parties to act with reasonable care and responsibilities. The civil law relating to negligence has evolved for dealing with the situations arising between two or more parties, even when...

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