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Chapter 9 and chapter 10 brief cases choose one case from each chapter it will be one page for each case briefingbrief cases in order to gain a fuller understanding of this topic. A briefing must include at least the four areas listed below, with the fifth optional, but very valuable if the student wishes to brief the case fully. 
1) The relevant facts, extracted from the case narrative; 
2) Identification of the issue(s); 
3) Holding(s) or ruling(s); 
4) Reasoning for the holding(s)/ruling(s); 
5) The dissenting opinion(s) and the accompanying reasoning. 

Answered Same Day Jul 30, 2021


Swati answered on Aug 02 2021
158 Votes
Sharon Toney Finch
Business Law Case Briefs: Chapters 9 & 10
Chapter 9 Case Summary: No Hogging generic terms
    Relevant Facts
The word ‘hog’ is used differently and does have a generic meaning. Its emergence was done by motorcycle enthusiasts followed by using it for Harley Davidson by enthusiasts eventually leading Harley Davidson to pick this word for their merchandise in year 1983. Ronald has opened his motorcycle repair shop under name The hog farm in 1969.Ronald had been using Harley’s bard and shield logo on products since 1979 which he dropped using the name of Harley Davidson in 1982 after receiving protest letter. Use of prefix unauthorized dealer by Ronald post receiving letter is done along with adding image of pig to original logo to promote products.    
As Ronald using the name hog prior to Harley took its merchandise but, Is prohibiting Ronald Grottanelli from using the word hog in his products and services is valid by Harley?
For Harley, as the word hog is generic language term and use of same...

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