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QUESTION Q. HRM has a vital role in supporting Fastway’s organisational strategy. Note: · (in this assignment sample there is no explanation of what strategy is and did not link the points with...

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Q. HRM has a vital role in supporting Fastway’s organisational strategy.
· (in this assignment sample there is no explanation of what strategy is and did not link the points with strategy).
· Can you at least write 5 key points other than or some similar to the sample and elaborate on it with some citation and references please.
· Word limit; at 500 words.
Sample assignment
What can HRM do to support Fastway’s strategy?
The business world is always in the state of transformation. Recently we have witnessed kind of managerial revolution where a new approach of HRM has emerged designed to support strategic direction (Saini, Beardwell et al XXXXXXXXXXTherefore a contemporary approach to HRM is very crucial for our organisation because of the following main functions which will definitely support our fastway’s strategy.
I.    Recruit and select the most talented people
Since staffing is the most important aspect of being opportunity focused, HRM will ensure effective executives in employing the best people on the opportunities rather than on problems (Noe, Hollenbeck et al XXXXXXXXXXThrough appropriate methods of selection and recruitment, HRM will always work towardsright people for the right position, with not only the right skills but right attitudes, values and culture fits that are very predictive of turnover and performance (Pfeffer and Veiga XXXXXXXXXXMoreover with designing and updating of organisational structures,the business is properly staffed and thus able to pull in the human resources it needsat the various levels of the organisation(To
ington and Hall). It’s the HR’s role which enables an organisation to attract, recruit the best individuals and then develop to harness the highest potentials in them. How will this help them to achieve the strategy? Make the link between employing the best people and achieving their strategy.
II.    Maximising the performance
HRM will ensure that the employees feel cared and motivated and thus remain dedicated to the organisation so as to maximise their performance. Since Line managers are the main point of interface with employees, motivating them is very important. This will support employee’s innovations and the firm can harness the creativity necessary to achieve its strategic aspirations (Ramus XXXXXXXXXXHRM will ensure that our people are protected and motivated through various methods like financial incentives, goal settings, participation, job designs, professional growth, recognition and ultimately job security (Durant, Kramer et al XXXXXXXXXXLink to strategy
III.    Administrative function
HR personnel have a responsibility to facilitate the smooth operation of the organization(Mahoney and Deckop XXXXXXXXXXThe relationship among the people, relationship between the organisation and the resources, the organisation’s relationship with the various stakeholders, all these links and connections are maintained and strengthened by HR managers. This in turn willenhance organisational performance by contributing to employee and customer satisfaction, innovation, productivity, and development of favourable reputation in the firm's community. Developing and maintaining accurate and inclusive information and data of the organisation which includes employee’s profile, their performance reports, their employment, training and any other reports pertaining to the individuals or to the business as a whole is yet another administrative function ca
ied out by the HRM (Lucas, Marinova et al. 2004).
4.    Adaption to the change and sustaining business
In any kind of business organisations, change is inevitable and companies like ours- the change is part of our daily growth. Through successive analysing and planning of the HRM, the company identifies any future transformations or changes in the business environment and hence allows the company to meet the needs of its stakeholders at any given time (Dessler, Sutherland et al XXXXXXXXXXThis is an important function undertaken by HRM as it can guarantee the stability and future successof the business.
5.    Compliance of law
Another advantage of the HRM is in keeping the organization compliant with laws relating to employees, salary, insurance and the business at large(Nankervis, Compton et al XXXXXXXXXXToday, there are various complex regulations and policies governing business. These laws and policies can vary between nations and jurisdictions. However, HR has a key role to play in making sure that the organization's strategic plans and its business operations are not only legal at the time but also has enough rooms for amendable that it can adapt to changing times and changing legal situations.
ief, SHRM in an organisation meansthat the success of the business is guaranteed as it helps the organization to achieve its mission, vision, strategy, and goals (MSVG).
Thank you
Dessler, G., et al XXXXXXXXXXHuman resources management in Canada, Pearson Education Canada.
Durant, R. F., et al. (2006). "Motivating employees in a new governance era: The performance paradigm revisited." Public Administration Review66(4): XXXXXXXXXX.
Lucas, R., et al. (2004). "HRM practice in emerging economies: a long way to go in the Slovak hotel industry?" The international journal of human resource management15(7): XXXXXXXXXX.
Mahoney, T. A. and J. R. Deckop (1986). "Evolution of concept and practice in personnel administration/human resource management (PA/HRM)." Journal of management12(2): XXXXXXXXXX.
Nankervis, A., et al XXXXXXXXXXHuman resource management: strategy and practice, Melbourne: Cengage.
Noe, R. A., et al. (2006). "Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage."
Pfeffer, J. and J. F. Veiga (1999). "Putting people first for organizational success." The Academy of Management Executive13(2): 37-48.
Ramus, C. A. (2001). "Organizational support for employees: Encouraging creative ideas for environmental sustainability." California management review 43(3): 85-105.
Saini, D. S., et al XXXXXXXXXXHuman Resource Management—A Contemporary Approach, JSTOR.
ington, D. and L. T. Hall "S. 2005." Human resource Management (6th Edition). Edinborgh, Pearson Education Limited.
Answered Same Day Mar 30, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Mar 31 2020
134 Votes
What can HRM do to support Fastway’s strategy?
HRM is critical to support Fastway’s strategy. They take care of the most important resource of Fastway, their workforce. It helps lead a thriving workforce. This thriving workforce can then be used to obtain productive outcome from them. Via this productive outcome, Fastway can grow and its employees can perform their tasks effectively. HRM can help utilize the existing talent pool in a cost-effective manner. (Business Case Studies n.d.) They can help in establishing formal processes and guidelines which will act as framework for the employees of Fastway. These policies will fall majorly in the field of staffing, compensation and work management. (Editor's Note n.d.) The following main functions will help further support Fastway’s strategy.
1. The Staffing Process
The work in the human resource management begins with the staffing process. In this the right talent pool is hired which can help Fastway grow. A good staffing process thus becomes critical to Fastway’s needs. Only with a good process can the right kind of employees be hired and they then given a chance to work for the Fastway. (Sherzay 2015) It is important to have a good staffing process as it then can also help reduce the stress on training and selecting more employees. The staffing process begins with any form of advertisement that Fastway puts up seeking people who want to work for them. It runs through its cycle and then ends up with the right screening process and the interview rounds to find the right set of candidates. (Johnston n.d.)
2. Improving the Working Conditions
Having work environment suitable to the needs of the employees help them by keeping them motivated. This then ensures their focus and work progresses. Even in case of Fastway, this strategy of HRM can help them as improving the working conditions for their employees will be beneficial. This can be...

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