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History of diversity training emergence (journal referenced) Prepare PowerPOint slides on the above topic: 3 slides with...

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History of diversity training emergence

(journal referenced)

Prepare PowerPOint slides on the above topic: 3 slides with speaker notes

Topics to be covered:

Recruitment and selection

Performance Management

Managing Diversity and Work-life Balance

Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 03 2021
141 Votes
Table of Contents
Recruitment and Selection    3
Recruitment    3
Selection    3
Performance Management    3
Managing Diversity and Work-Life Balance    4
Managing Diversity    4
Work-Life Balance    4
References    5
Recruitment and Selection
· Recruitment is the process of identification of the right candidate
· It includes finding and choosing best-qualified candidate for a job opening in an organization.
· On the other hand, selection and recruitment process earlier were not same; it depends upon job specification, as earlier more youngsters were preferable.
· Selection is a process picking up more competent and suitable employees.
· It is negative process, which includes rejection of the unsuitable candidates
· A Recruitment agency played a significant role for hiring in a company in previous days.
· Due to lack of education and workforce, women left behind and assumed that they were not capable of doing any job.
Recruitment involves process of finding the candidate for the purpose of employment and influences them to apply for the job in company (Ferdman & Brody, 1996). However, selection process is more specific, which includes steps of screening the right candidate for the vacant position in the company. Recruitment is the first step and it proceeds with selection process (Ployhart, Schmitt & Tippins, 2017). They were adaptable and more receptive (Brown et al. 2019).
Both processes follows different approaches, recruitment process follows positive as it invites the candidate and selection process follows negative as it includes rejecting process. Recruitment process is a simple communication process of informing about the vacancy that might develop the interest of the candidate. Whereas, selection mechanism consist of written agreement between superior and candidate (Brown et al. 2019).
Performance Management
· Performance management is significant process in the Human Resource Management (HRM)
· It ensures that a set of activities and outputs meet the organization’s objectives in an effective as well as efficient manne
· Earlier performance...

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