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Assessment 2, 2018 Weighting: 30% Due Date: Monday 30th July by 5pm Task aim/purpose: The aim of this case-based assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your clinical reasoning skills, your capacity...

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Assessment 2, 2018
Weighting: 30%
Due Date: Monday 30th July by 5pm
Task aim/purpose:
The aim of this case-based assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your clinical
easoning skills, your capacity to differentiate normal from abnormal presentation
and to identify appropriate (evidence-based) investigations and treatment
modalities associated with the assigned case-study, which are skills that are
crucial to safe and effective nursing practice.
Individual, Written Assignment, concept map
Total Marks: 100
Task description:
For this task you need to create a single (1) slide (using PowerPoint) colour coded
concept map and provide a 750 words explanation, demonstrating analysis of
the case study scenario emailed to you. A PowerPoint template file will be made
available for you to customise based on your assigned case scenario.
In your concept map you must include:
1) Your Interpretation of the patient’s risk factors (from the case-study scenario)
and determine how these risk factors relate to the diagnosed disease/disorder
using evidence-based literature;
2) An outline of the links between the aetiology, cellular pathology and the
pathophysiology of the diagnosed disease;
3) A description of how the pathophysiology of the disease/disorder accounts for
the patient’s clinical manifestations (described in the case-study scenario); and
4) An analysis and interpretation including evidence-based research to suggest
appropriate diagnostic assessments and treatment modalities for the patient’s
In your 750 words written explanation you must:
1) Explain the links between the patient’s risk factors and aetiology to account for
the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology.
2) Describe how the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology manifests through the
patient’s signs and symptoms (clinical manifestations).
3) Justify your suggested diagnostic tests and treatment modalities listed in the
concept map on their relevance and appropriateness for the diagnosed
Due Date:
Submission via Turnitin within the course Learning site by Monday 30th July 2018,
Other elements:
• The concept map (colour coded) should be a maximum of 1 PowerPoint
slide in length and the 750 words written explanation (excluding reference
list) should follow on the next slide/s;
• The submitted file MUST BE a PowerPoint file
• You will be presented with a case study scenario electronically (via email)
• Use APA 6th edition for in-text referencing and in the reference list;
• Reference list should be on separate slide/s following the 750 words
written explanation;
• Ensure that the majority of your references have been published within the
last 10 years;
• Marking, moderation, and student feedback will be provided electronically
ased on marking criteria that is in accordance with University assessment
• 5% late penalties apply for each working day after submission date/time; if
you submit your assignment more than five days after the due date, you
will receive zero.
• Please ensure you receive a turnitin receipt (take a screen shot) after
submitting your assignment and please check you have uploaded the
ect assessment piece.
• Always refer to the marking criteria as this will assist you to determine the
depth of response for each section;
• No coversheet is required; instead complete the eAssignment Cover Sheet
Quiz before submitting your assignment.

PowerPoint Presentation
It MUST be colour coded
DO NOT change the colours
Keep the font this size (10)
1 powerpoint slide only for the concept map
Risk Factors
Clinical manifestations
Diagnostic tests
Easier for the marker ;-)
Use APA 6th edition
Use cu
ent resources
You can change the font style though
Evidence based
Use in-text referencing
Markers like Cali
750 words for the explanation (lose valuable marks if you go over 750)
Referencing list last page
Assignment is due 30th July by 5pm
Submit through turnitin
Lose valuable marks
Separate page
Easier for the marke
1-2 slides in length
5% late penalties apply for each day after the submission date
Otherwise you wont fit everything in
Check the marking guide for more information
No fewer than 10
Good luck
Ensure it has a logical structure
Keep the font size at 12
Ask your tuto
convenor for assistance if your stuck
            750 word written explanation.
Start writing
1-2 slides in length
Reference list
NEW PAGE for reference list

• Emilia, an 11-year-old girl is
ought to Lady
Cilento Hospital by her parents due to 20 hours
of worsening vomiting and lethargy.
• Over the last week she has been extremely thirsty
and has been urinating excessively.
• Physical examination reveals a very thin girl with
eathing and no response to ve
• Emilia moved to Australia with her family from
Finland (where she was born) five years ago.
• Emilia was diagnosed with coeliac disease at the
age of seven and has had her tonsils removed,
otherwise has an unremarkable clinical history.
• Emilia’s father has type 1 diabetes.
After a
iving to hospital, Emilia is diagnosed with
Type 1 diabetes, due to an autoimmune dysfunction.




Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2020


Dr. answered on Jul 24 2020
149 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Autoimmune destruction of ẞ-cells of pancreas
Inability to produce insulin
Glucose uptake by cells hampered
Risk Factors
Clinical manifestations
Diagnostic tests
Family history of type 1 DM
Finnish (environmental factor)
Unknown aetiology
?viral cause (tonsillectomy)
Nausea and vomiting
Increase in blood sugar levels
Liver relesaes stored glucose (COMPENSATORY)
Fats and structural proteins
oken down to acidic ketones
Excessive thirst
Coelic disease
Insulin, exercise and diet modifications
Rapid-deep (Kussmaul)
Blood sugar tests:
Fasting Blood glucose
2-hr PG
Frequent urination
Weight loss
Age (11 years)
IV Fluids and insulin therapy
Blood and urine test for ketones
No ve
al response
    Diabetes mellitus type 1, the aetiology of which is still unknown, occurs when the body cannot produce insulin (WHO, 2017). There are multiple risk factors like genetics, environment and autoimmune disorders which are implicated in the development and disease progression. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is also known to often coexist with other autoimmune diseases (Majeed et al, 2011). Autoimmune disorders are conditions in which the body’s immune system tends to attack its own healthy cells. Emily has been diagnosed with coelic disease, also an autoimmune disorder which might contribute significantly in causing an autoimmune reaction with the insulin producing ẞ-cells of the pancreas.
Only 5% of all Diabetes is classified as type 1, however, it is the commonest type among children and young adults (Mahajan, 2015). Studies have shown that highest incidence of the disease occurs between 10-14 years (Maahs et al, 2010). Emily typically is 11 years old and hence age acts as a risk factor in her case. Furthermore, the strong family history, Emily’s father being type 1 diabetic, is also in congruence with what researches have put forward (Jane et al, 2014).
The incidence of Type 1 diabetes in Finland is the highest in the world and this is attributed to the presence of Colloidal Amorphous Silica (Asi), a compound that occurs in natural water which together with zinc can trigger an autoimmune reaction which destroys ẞ- cells of the human pancreas (SK,2015). The fact that Emily is born in Finland and has spent her early years living in such a high risk environment makes her susceptible to...

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