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For this assignment you will access a Museum or Gallery of your choice "virtually", meaning online. Google Museums/Virtual reality/Art museum be sure to include all of the information about the museum...

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For this assignment you will access a Museum or Gallery of your choice "virtually", meaning online. Google Museums/Virtual reality/Art museum be sure to include all of the information about the museum or gallery in a work cited page. I need to know which museum or gallery you are talking about. Then pick 4-5 artworks that appeal to you. See PDF file on how to write a Gallery Review.Writing_a_Review_of_an_Exhibition (7).pdf
Answered Same Day Jul 05, 2021


Taruna answered on Jul 06 2021
136 Votes
A Review of Artwork Available at Google Cultural Institute: Virtual Tour to Art Gallery
    The rise and widespread applications of online world have revolutionized the experiences of users in many ways and visiting art galleries is one of them. In fact, projections of fine arts are now available online i.e. virtual tours of art galleries are now possible because of the availability of artworks over various online platforms. Even the renowned artists have their own web portals from where, lovers of their artworks can access to new and old productions. The Google Art and Culture is one of such virtual platforms where a collection of more than six thousand artworks, 228 media and almost 121 art movements are now successfully combined (Wani, Ali & Ganaie, 2019). “The whole thing is pretty fun to play around with, if still a bit clunky. It packs almost too many features together with the seeming grand ambition of becoming the one-stop web portal for art aficionados, and feels a bit like a palatial new trophy museum that you slowly realize was built by robots who aren’t totally sure what anything really means. One minute you are staring in awe at some cool virtual attraction, the next you wander into another digital dead end” (Davis, 2014). The Google Cultural Institute is the part of Google Art and Culture that has excelled in presenting some of the finest artworks of the world by listing them over its virtual catalogue. The following is an analysis of the educational assignment by C B Qing, a selection of the five artworks posted in the Google Cultural Institute is analyzed with personal perspective.
The Birth of Venus:
    The very first picture in this collection is Birth of Venus, Sandro B. 1483-1485 and is literally bo
owed from the Uffizi Gallery. The picture showcases medieval impressionistic art tradition in which, the birth of Venus, Greek Goddess is shown thoroughly. The picture truly represents a combination of the spirit and matter from which, the origin of Venus is captured effectively. Because of being a goddess, divine powers are naturally associated with Venus and a blow of air is shown by some angle on the left side of the picture who seems to have given those powers to the womb of Venus’s mother so that she can hold her as divine child. The appealing aspect of the picture are related to the casual grey shades at the corners; the picture contains several grey and finely painted areas that make divine personalities included in it look amazing and worthy to be admired.
    Additionally, Birth of Venus is portrayed in medieval tradition therefore; the picture has some impressions of the middle Ages culture like believing in the magic, divine and supernatural. It indicates towards...

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