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Example Outline for this Report Exec Summary Table of Content 1.0 Intro to the Hotel 1.1 The hotel 1.2 The customer/ market 1.3 Vision, Mission, & Values 2.0 Orientation 2.1 Training Program 2.2...

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  1. Example Outline for this Report

    Exec Summary Table of Content

    1.0 Intro to the Hotel

    1.1 The hotel
    1.2 The customer/ market

    1.3 Vision, Mission, & Values

    2.0 Orientation
    2.1 Training Program

    2.2 Theoretical and Industry Rationale

    2.3 Sample activity brief

    3.0 Training & Development

    3.1 Training & Development Program

    3.2 Theoretical and Industry Rationale 3.3 Sample training activity outline

Answered Same Day Mar 07, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 08 2020
145 Votes
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March 08 ,2018
Training & Development
Training and Development program in hotel industry starts with conducting of an orientation program. This is conducted for all the newly joined employees and they are made aware about the culture,
and and certain specifications of the hotel. Being a major part of hospitality sector, hotels have the ultimate aim to satisfy guests and provide them with good experience during their stay at the hotel("Human Resources HR: Ma
iott employee training and development program", 2010).
Theoretical and Industry Rationale
The idea of training and development provides a rationale where hospitality at the hotel premises is being specified. With this rationale in place, the employees get to...

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