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Evaluate Leo Tolstoy’s statement in his essay “Religion and Morality” (1893): “The attempts to found a morality apart from religion are like the attempts of children who, wishing to transplant a...

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Evaluate Leo Tolstoy’s statement in his essay “Religion and Morality” (1893): “The attempts to found a morality apart from religion are like the attempts of children who, wishing to transplant a flower that pleases them, pluck it from the roots that seem to them unpleasing and superfluous, and stick it rootless into the ground. Without religion there can be no real, sincere morality, just as without roots there can be no real flower.”
Answered 117 days After May 20, 2022


Sudipta answered on Sep 14 2022
61 Votes
Evaluate Leo Tolstoy’s statement
As per the statement by Leo Tolstoy, it can be stated that both meta-ethics and theory of normative can grow and have a direct reflection on mankind. A comparison with religion has been made with the desire of children to transplant a flower. The role of religion is to development of ethics. There is a number of contradictory ideologies and implications presented within the religions. As per the statement, it was meant that it’s quite impossible to endorse all productive and...

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