Ethics and Professional Practice
Question 1.Consider the ethical dilemma surrounding Internet of Things, as reported in the following report:"The Internet of Things, as it’s called, is also lacking a critical ethical framework, argues Francine Berman, a computer-science professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a longtime expert on computer infrastructure."
Waddell, K. (2017, XXXXXXXXXXThe Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics.
Retrieved from The Atlantic:
Research the ethical concerns surrounding Internet of Things and analyse the issue using the philosophical ethics perspective.
Question 2.TheAustralian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Ethicsare part of the ACS Constitution. ACS members are expected to uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional.
Critique the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics using suitable examples.
Question 3.Utilitarians stress the “social utility” or social usefulness of particular actions and policies by focusing on the consequences that result from those actions and policies. (Tavani, 2014)
Critique the concepts of Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism using suitable examples.
All sources of information must be appropriatelyreferenced using the APAstyle (