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ERPBIM501A Use accounting processes ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Student name: Assessor name: Date of assessment / evidence: Venue: 251 PITT STREET, MANNING BLDG, HAYMARKET, SYDNEY, NSW Qualification title:...

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ERPBIM501A Use accounting processes
    Student name:
    Assessor name:
    Date of assessment / evidence:
    Qualification title:
    1. BSB XXXXXXXXXXAdvanced Diploma of Leadership and
2. Management
    Unit(s) of competency assessed:
    BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
    Instructions to the student:
    To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Assessment Task 1:
Knowledge questions
    Assessment 1
    □ Satisfactory
    □ Not Satisfactory
    □ Not Completed
    Instructions to the assesso
    To complete this unit’s assessment, the student is required to answer all questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Once the booklet is completed, you are to make the assessment decision. Please refer to the marking guidelines when making this decision.
    Context of Assessment
    Assessment tasks will be completed in the College, including the computer lab, using provided software and documentation.
    Assessment outcome:
(please tick to indicate)
    ( Competent
    ( Not Yet Competent
    Is re-assessment required?
    Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
    Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
· The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
· I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not applicable) with the assessment result.
    Student signature:
· The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
· The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
· I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
· I certify this assessment record is accurate.
    Assessor signature:
*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*
Assessment - Submission Guidelines
· All work must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of literacy (i.e. standard spelling and co
ect grammar).
· All assessment tasks must be submitted via Moodle Submission Link by due date i.e., two weeks after the receipt of assessment task details.
· Students are advised that extensions beyond the due date must be negotiated with the relevant facilitator in advance.
· Marked assessments will be returned with written feedback comments in the Moodle website within one week of receipt of the assessment tasks.
· Resubmitted assessments must include the original co
ected submission.
· Students are required to keep a soft copy of all work submitted.
You are an orgnisational development specialist. You have been called in (by a company of your choice or you may choose one of the case studies provided) to draw up and implement an Organisational Development plan.
Please use the template provided in Appendix 1 for your plan
Your focus on developing the OD plan must cover the following:
1. Increasing effectiveness and efficiency
2. Creating openness in communication
3. Empowering employees to act
4. Enhancing productivity
5. Promoting organizational participation
Values considered to be most important:
1. Empowering employees to act
2. Creating openness in communication
3. Facilitating ownership of process and outcome
4. Promoting a culture of collaboration
5. Promoting inquiry and continuous learning
Appendix 1
ORGANIZATION Development Plan, DATES (no more than 3 years recommended) Date Created
Purpose of this document
Focus on the following:
What are the change/improvement goals of the program?
What parts of the organization are most receptive to the OD program? What are the key leverage points( individual or group) in the organization What are the most pressing problems in the client organization?
What resources are available for the program in terms of client time and energy and internal and external facilitators?
Brief History of the organisation
Insert your mission here.
Insert vision here. Some organizations replace this with a values statement.
Unique Value Proposition
What makes you different from every other organization? Get to the root of it and insert that here.
Strategic Priorities
Roles and Responsibilities of the Development Program (OPTIONAL)
Environmental Conditions
Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats (SWOT) analysis
Development Priorities
Key Stakeholders
Development Tactics
Focus on tactics such as:
Eliminating Hierarchical Decision-Making
Focusing on Groups
Building Trust
Reducing Unnecessary Competition
Investing in Employees
Interim Measurements of Control
Active Employee Participation
Strategic Interventions
Additional Resources Needed
Insert additional staff, budget, etc. that may be needed to implement your plan.
ERPBIM501A Assessment Guide V XXXXXXXXXX
5 | Page
Answered Same Day Jun 20, 2020 BSBMGT615


Parul answered on Jun 21 2020
140 Votes
Order No. 31843             Human Resource Management
Overview & Brief History of Organisation
For this assignment I have chosen the organisation where I have worked for quite some time therefore I can understand the intricacies of questions asked in this report and answer them by applying them in real life scenario to the best of my ability.
Taking reference from “Wipro Company analysis” (Ranjanikar, Tilak, Ashutosh Tilak, & Standard, 2017), Wipro is a multinational technology service corporation with its headquartered located in Bengaluru, India. Although the organisation WIPRO that stands for acronyms Western India Palm Refined Oils Limited was incorporated in 1945. However, IT services and IT consulting was established in 1995 by Azim Premji who is the present chairman of the organisation today. Wipro had organised its overseas development and design centre that used to undertake projects, assignments and product development pertaining to international clients. This design centre was called as Odyssey 21. With the expansion of such projects and assignments parent organisation had combined Wipro InfoTech and Wipro System and their manufacturing and development facilities in 1994 and established Wipro IT services and consulting corporation.
Taking reference from “Wipro Annual Report April 2015”, during FY 2014-15, the organisation had employee base of 1,47,452 handling and providing service around 900 large and medium scale corporation and also many Fortune 1000 corporations. Today Wipro is alive and kicking with its presence in 61 countries. Market capitalisation of Wipro in FY 2014-15 was approximately INR 1.27 trillion that had made it one of the largest India's publicly traded company and 7th largest IT consulting and IT services firm globally. In order to concentrate in its core business of IT, the organisation had demerged its non-IT businesses into a separate entity called as Wipro Enterprises Limited that became effective from 31 March 2013. The demerged entity focuses on healthcare, customer care, healthcare and infrastructure. In present era, Wipro Technologies is one of the well-known organisation in the field IT business, consulting and outsourcing. Vision and Mission statement of the organisation is taken from facts and figures expressed in the article Values, Tenets, Vision, Policies (, 2018) and are mentioned below
Vision Statement - " To earn our client's trust and maximize value of their business by providing solutions that integrate deep industry insights, leading technologies and best in class delivery processes"
Mission Statement -
· “Be a Trusted Partner to our clients by providing Transformation and SI Services”
· “Achieve Thought Leadership in emerging Technology areas”
· “Be perceived as a leader by relevant stakeholders among Global IT Service & BPO providers”
During 2004 to 2010 the organisation had grown with compound annual growth rate of 28 % while the revenues of the organisation had grown by 29%.
         Fig1. Wipro’s Performance during FY 2003-04 and FY 2009-10
At present the performance of the organisation on the stock market is not faring well. Reasons for such performance that can be termed as average can be rooted to the restricted approach of the senior management and bounded rationality of applying old answers to new questions. From 2015 to 2016 Wipro Limited was growing 18% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).
As an overall percent it might seem good however all the contemporaries and competitors of Wipro are growing at a faster rate while Wipro has been lagging behind. During the period of 2016 to present date, Wipro's new CEO, xyz, kindled new initiative for organisation development in order to transform the system and service integrator into a high-performing corporation.
Fig 2. Stock performance of the organisation in FY 2018-19
Unique selling proposition of this organisation is that it provides huge varieties and a complete spectrum of the services to the organisation. Moreover, it furnishes the cost leadership without compromising the quality standards. This explains the extraordinary list of clientele and partnership that organisation cherishes. Some of the prominent clients are Cisco, EMC, Oracle, Deutsche Bank and Microsoft.
Purpose of this document
Primary purpose and aim of this organisational development and change is to create a culture of high-performance. However, with the organisation as huge as Wipro having a large employee base bureaucracy is one of the most common foes on has to face. Bureaucracy seems to degrade the value of information and use the power that comes from roles and positions to dictate other employees can and can't do. Control that comes from top management and top-down approach to communicate is something as old as business itself. While this approach of top-down organisation had worked well earlier when frontline employees didn’t have to engaged in innovative thinking. However, this approach will not be able to produce result in present time. This is so because today organisation today are dealing with millennials who doesn’t believe in ca
ot and stick attitude rather this generation is more productive if they are motivated and empowered. Also at the client front, customers were urging the organisation to come up with innovative products and services. Hence, the organisation had stop using the old approach to the new problems as it was leading to talent wasteland and there is a strong requirement to shake up the frontline.
Primary goals of this change and improvement plan are described...

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