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1 HRMT 11011 – Assessment 2 – Academic Essay – T3, 2017 HRMT XXXXXXXXXXHuman Resources in Organisations Term 3, 2017 Assessment 2 Essay Due date Wednesday, 20 December XXXXXXXXXXp.m. AEST Weighting...

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HRMT 11011 – Assessment 2 – Academic Essay – T3, 2017
HRMT XXXXXXXXXXHuman Resources in Organisations
Term 3, 2017

Assessment 2 Essay
Due date Wednesday, 20 December XXXXXXXXXXp.m. AEST
Weighting 35%
Length 1500 words +/- 10%
Learning outcomes 1- 6
Graduate attributes Intermediate level 1- 6
Format Essay style, with APA referencing
Task In this task, students are required to view McDonald’s recruitment video (available at -
https: and write an academic essay on
“Changing face of recruitment in Australia”.
Your essay should focus on
(a) recruitment and its importance to organisations,
(b) recruitment trends, and
(c) challenges and opportunities for potential employees and organisations.


The essay should also draw on relevant sections of the textbook (Chapters 1, 5 and 6),
plus at least five (5) references from relevant academic peer reviewed journal articles.

This written assessment is designed to assist students to develop their skills in the analysis
of a typical business situation based on the HR theories and models relevant to the
employment relationship. Students are expected to demonstrate their research, analysis,
critical thinking and written communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing an
argument in the context of academic essay writing.

NOTE: Copy detection software (TurnitIn) is used in this course and work found in
contravention of the copying and plagiarism rules will be investigated. Severe penalties
apply in the case of proven instances of copying, plagiarism and academic dishonesty

Students must familiarise themselves with the following policies and procedures at
Assessment and examination policy and procedures -
Assessment of Coursework Policy
Assessment of Coursework Principles
Assessment of Coursework Procedures

HRMT 11011 – Assessment 2 – Academic Essay – T3, 2017

Note: Refer to the marking ru
ic for Assessment 2 (made available in the Unite Moodle site) for detailed
information under each making criterion.


Research A thorough knowledge of the relevant material demonstrated through use of
an appropriate body of quality sources (including three chapters of the
textbook and at least 5 references from relevant academic peer reviewed
journal articles).
Analysis Identification of the issues/implications, critical analysis, and clear
argument supported by evidence
Application of
Application of theory and integration into the discussion to answer the
Presentation Logical structure, well organised material, within word limit (10%) Clear
introduction, and conclusion (5%)
ect referencing of sources (5%)
Communication Clear and concise written communication, including grammar 5%
Referencing Consistent use of APA style of referencing in the body of the essay and in the
list of references.
Answered Same Day Dec 20, 2019 HRMT11011 Central Queensland University


David answered on Dec 24 2019
144 Votes
Recruitment Analysis
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Importance of recruitment    3
Recruitment trends    4
Recruitment ba
iers    6
Conclusions    7
References    8
The report aims to analyse the recruitment importance for organization. It mentions about the recruitment trends prevalent. It also illustrates about the challenges of recruitment. For this purpose, the report considers the McDonald strategy for simplification of recruitment of candidate through the snap chat that assists organization to recruit people around Australia. Therefore the report considers the simplification in recruitment and suggests eliminating the ba
iers of recruitment.
Importance of recruitment
The importance of recruitment is reflected by the literature review. First consideration is moved towards human capital that considers that investment should in the human assets because humans are the key assets for the organization development. They provide increased productivity as well as sustained competitive advantages to the organization (Becker, 1964; Smith, 1998). The strategic focus here is to enhance the skills of employees with retention by the career management, training and development, and progression or succession planning (Garavan, Morley Gunnigle & Collins, 2001). The second theretical perspective that is the resource based view of the company or RBV is considered (Penrose, 1959; Barney, 1991). The focus of organization towards retaining the human talent is to gain the competitive advantages such as being valuable, skills that cannot be imitable, and rare (Barney, 1991). This can be achieved with the recruitment of competent people in the organization. Many scholars have considered RBV approach and Human capital theory to demonstrate the recruitment importance for organization (Wright, Dunford & Snell, 2001; Boxel & Purcell, 2003; Garavan et al., 2001).
The analysis reveals that recruitment is necessary for the effective function of organization and the resources apart from human resources can be effectively utilised with the recruitment of human assets in organization. It not only provides productivity but also builds good reputation of organization for its products and services. It enhances the
and image of company as well as the costs of recruitment can be saved. It is found that recruitment process when hinders by the inefficient people causes great productivity loss, and increased cost. Therefore recruiting people in effective way promotes not only the organizational interests but also serves the community interests because the finite resources can be utilised very well.
Recruitment and training are expensive and therefore to save these costs, effective recruitment must be placed. Co
ect recruitment process not only provides the job fit persons for organization but organization can also practice succession planning effectively. With good talent, organization can promote innovation and creativity in organization. It can create blue ocean market and gain competitive advantages. Today big organizations have a cut throat competition amongst them to gain exceptionally talented people to run the organizational activities and therefore this fact also reveals the importance of recruitment for organization. Organization also has a work culture that can be impaired by...

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