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Doctors and scientists now have the ability to sequence a person's DNA to look forabnormalities. One common example of genetic testing is screening for an extrachromosome 21 in human fetuses. This...

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Doctors and scientists now have the ability to sequence a person's DNA to look for
abnormalities. One common example of genetic testing is screening for an extra
chromosome 21 in human fetuses. This test is used to detect if a child will have
Down's Syndrome. Do some research and describe another example of genetic testing.
What specifically do they look for in the DNA? How can genetic testing be beneficial and
how far should we take it?

Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2023


Bodapati Sai Sri answered on Mar 27 2023
32 Votes
Another example of genetic testing is the BRCA1 and also BRCA2 gene testing. These tests are used to detect mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that enlarge the danger of developing
east and ovarian cancer. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes produce proteins that allow to suppress the growth of tumors, and mutations in these genes can lead to an increased risk of developing cancer.
In BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing, the DNA of the person being tested is studied to identify any mutations in the genes. If a mutation is found, the person may be at an increased risk of developing
east and ovarian cancer. The results of the test can then be used to inform medical decisions, such as whether to undergo increased surveillance or undergo...

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