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Describe the concept of human resource planning and outline the major steps involved in the process. Understand how business organizations operate in the modern day environment – external factors that...

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Describe the concept of human resource planning and outline the major steps involved in the process.

Understand how business organizations operate in the modern day environment – external factors that affect the day to day operation of business.

Identify the different paths of growth that a business can take and the implications involved.Explain, with the aid of an organisation chart, the organisation structure of your business

Answered 802 days After Oct 07, 2019


Sayani answered on Dec 17 2021
123 Votes
Question 1
Human resource planning is a continuous process in which the systematic process is being used to achieve the optimum usage of an organization’s most valuable asset that is the quality employees. Hence, human resource planning is highly needed in order to ensure that the best fit between the employee and the job. Each organization needs capable, efficient as well as effective employees to gain achievement and shape the future success. Through this resource planning the organization as well as the staff can identify, forecast as well as allocate the various sources related to business and can therefore project the right cost at the right time. Hence, the human resource planning ensures the effectives as well as the efficient utilization of the resources throughout the organization.
Major steps of Human resource planning are:
Firstly, it analyzes the objectives and starts identifying different departs which includes marketing, management, production, finance, sales and many more. Secondly, after identifying what changes are needed, the human resource planning team can proceed towards moving to the inventory of the cu
ent human resources available in the organization. Thirdly, after identifying the requirements of the organization, this stage highlights to forecast the demand and the supply of employees based on the availability in the organization and on the employee market. Fifthly, estimating the gaps that occurs in the foreseeable future. Sixthly, formulating a plan for recruitment,...

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