CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B
BEA704 Environmental Finance
Assignment 1
Your group assignment must be submitted electronically to MyLo.
All work must have the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics Assignment Cover
Sheet attached. The cover sheet is available from http:
You must submit the assignment by 4.00pm on Wednesday 28 March 2018.
You MUST complete and submit this assignment to pass the unit.
Learning modules of Academic Skills for Business Students are available from the TSBE
website below:
Read instructions carefully before attempting the assignment.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B
Each group consists of 1-3 students.
Each group completes and submits one assignment as a group work and all group members
will gain the same mark.
It is each group's responsibility to allocate the share of work.
This assignment is worth 25% of your final mark.
The maximum length of the assignment is 1,500 words (excluding references)
The appropriate reference style for this unit is the Harvard style (see
Your paper should use at least three print-based (i.e., not web-based) reference materials. You
may use web-materials as well, but they should be substantive and credible. For example, do
not use Wikipedia or online forum as a reference).
Your assignment must be typed and double-spaced.
Your assignment needs to be well-structured, i.e., it should have a clear introduction, main
ody and conclusion.
Use section headings to help structure your arguments and to improve the readability.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B
The Australian Commonwealth Government has established a network of marine parks that will
protect more than a third of Commonwealth waters (http: Marine parks are parts of
the ocean that are managed primary for the conservation of their ecosystems, habitat and the marine
life they support. Marine parks (alternatively known as marine protected areas or marine reserves) are
widely used, both nationally and internationally, as a central management tool for maintaining the
long-term heal and productivity of the oceans.
The government has asked you to prepare a consulting report on the following considerations:
1. Key ecosystem services provided through the network of marine parks;
2. Existing and emerging risks associated with the degradation of the marine ecosystems in
Australia at both the national and international level;
3. How the value of the ecosystem services provided through the marine parks can be fully
4. Role of markets in the provision of the ecosystem services; and
5. Role of government in the provision of the ecosystem services.
Your tasks in this assignment are:
Identify and outline 3 ecosystem services provided by the network of marine parks in
Australia. Make sure that you choose a variety of different types of the benefits provided. This
will be a basis for the rest of your assignment.
Categorise each of the ecosystem services you have identified above. Explain your reasoning.
Discuss both existing and emerging risks threatening the value of these ecosystem services.
Is there a tradeoff between the provision of these ecosystem services above and other benefits
derived from the marine ecosystems?
Explain whether the provision of each ecosystem service you have identified above is subject
to market failure. If it is, specify the source(s) of market failure and discuss why markets fail
to set efficient prices. If it is not, explain why the ecosystem services can be provided by
markets in a socially desirable way.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B
Grafton, R.Q., Akter, S. and Kompas, T., 2011. A policy-enabling framework for the ex-ante
evaluation of marine protected areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 54(6), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Angulo-Valdés, J.A. and Hatcher, B.G., 2010. A new typology of benefits derived from
marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 34(3), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Chapters 4 and 5 in Markets and the Environment by Keohane and Olmstead (Available on
the UTAS li
ary website as an eBook).
Chapters 2 and 3 in Nature and the Marketplace by Geoffrey Heal (Hard Copy available at
the UTAS li
Chapter 2 in Capitalizing on Nature by Edward Ba
ier (eBook available from the UTAS
ary website)
[Title of your report]
Prepared by
[Your names]
Tasmanian School of Business and Economics
University of Tasmania
March 2018
1. Introduction
Discuss the aims of this report and provide the overview and background information;
i.e., what topics are discussed in this report? what makes the topic important? What
are you are going to present in this report? Outline the organization of the report.
2. Ecosystem services
Identify and outline 3 ecosystem services provided by the network of marine parks in
Australia. Make sure that you choose a variety of different types of the benefits
provided. This will be a basis for the rest of your assignment.
Categorise each of the ecosystem services you have identified above. Explain your
3. Risk and market failure
Discuss both existing and emerging risks threatening the value of these ecosystem
Is there a tradeoff between the provision of these ecosystem services above and other
enefits derived from the marine ecosystems?
Explain whether the provision of each ecosystem service you have identified above is
subject to market failure. If it is, specify the source(s) of market failure and discuss
why markets fail to set efficient prices. If it is not, explain why the ecosystem services
can be provided by markets in a socially desirable way.
4. Conclusion
Summarise the key story in your report.
Briefly discuss an implication for how policy should be made given your discussion
Make sure you use the Harvard reference style (see