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Course Objectives: CO9 Evaluate employment laws affecting business Prompt: Review this video: XXXXXXXXXXDiversity Day at the Office) What are your...

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Course Objectives:

CO9 Evaluate employment laws affecting business

Prompt: Review this video: XXXXXXXXXXDiversity Day at the Office) What are your thoughts on this method of diversity training in the workplace? What would be your advice to a co-worker who wanted to use this method of diversity training in your place of employment?

Using the EEOC website, research and in 250 words, summarize a recent employment law case that has been filed by the EEOC. What was the legal issue? Do you believe this case has merit?

Incorporate the material from the required readings along with scholarly outside research.All sources used must be cited.Please review the grading rubric that is posted in the lessons.

Answered Same Day Apr 02, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Apr 04 2020
153 Votes
The methods of diversity training, as depicted in the concerned video, seem quite justified and rational. The process of providing more emphasis on interpersonal interactions and discussions and the effort rendered to establish an environment promoting knowledge sharing and engagement – all seem to be co
ect approaches towards promoting diversity in the workplace.
If a co-worker wants to use this method of diversity training in our workplace of employment then I must support her cause and endeavour. This is primarily because; our workplace is ingrained with diversity in the workforce and...

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