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Course Objectives: CO4 Apply legal concepts to business to business scenarios CO5 Analyze the differences between major forms of intellectual property protection, and current ethical issues that arise...

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Course Objectives:

CO4 Apply legal concepts to business to business scenarios

CO5 Analyze the differences between major forms of intellectual property protection, and current ethical issues that arise under intellectual property law

Prompt:In 250 words, list the difference between a patent and a trademark. Should a company be allowed to patent a life form? Does it matter if the life form is a non-sentient organism like a plant? Incorporate the material from the required readings along with scholarly outside research. All sources used must be cited. Please review the grading rubric that is posted in the lessons.

Answered Same Day Mar 12, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 14 2020
145 Votes
RUNNING HEAD: Assignment
Assignment        3
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March 14,2018
A trademark is basically a word, phrase or design that helps in identifying and differentiating between sources of goods of one party from that of another. Example of trademark could be
and names and slogans. Trademarks have a distinguishing character where in they do not expire after a set term of years. Patent on the other hand is a limited duration property right. It relates to invention, ie; one which is granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in lure of disclosure in public of the actual invention...

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