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Course Objectives: CO10 Define ethical environment that is applicable to the business world. Prompt: Review the articles on the gulf oil spill and corporate social responsibility. In 250 words,...

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Course Objectives:

CO10 Define ethical environment that is applicable to the business world.

Prompt: Review the articles on the gulf oil spill and corporate social responsibility. In 250 words, explain how the philosophy of Milton Friedman played a role in management’s decision. Identify one other ethical framework, other than Free Market Ethics, that influenced management during this event. Incorporate the material from the required readings along with scholarly outside research. All sources used must be cited.

Answered Same Day Apr 09, 2020


Ritika answered on Apr 11 2020
146 Votes
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Milton Friedman was a prominent economist from the Chicago University and he has always been respected for the philosophical work that he has done. Being a strong defender of capitalism, he made sure that the government doesn’t believe and involve itself in economic matters.
The Gulf Oil Spill that took place in Gulf of Mexico in the year 2010 saw a great shock to oil crude that continued to gush disaster fallout of 4 million ba
els of oil. The ecosystem was also damaged to a great extent and it even resulted...

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