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nical updates are concise articles designed for educational purposes on clinical issues that relate to practice. You can find some examples of clinical updates in the “My Assessments” folder. Please...

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nical updates are concise articles designed for educational purposes on clinical issues that
relate to practice. You can find some examples of clinical updates in the “My Assessments” folder.
Please note these are examples only and may not meet all the requirements of this assignment.
There are also some examples of previous student papers that received a HD.
This assignment is an 1800 word clinical update on one of the topics below.
Due date is Week 10, 0900hrs Monday, 9th October, 2017 via Turnitin.
Topic Points to consider
Diagnostic methods/tests
Differences between dementia, delirium, Alzheimer’s
Current theories of pathophysiology
Clinical course and prognosis
Treatment options
Safety interventions for the home or potential hospital admissions
Chronic Heart Failure Risk factors/causes
Types (right and left heart)/classification
Underlying mechanisms (Frank-Starling, after and pre load)
Consequences (remodelling, RAAS, SNS, etc.)
Diagnostic tests
Acute and chronic management (Australian guidelines!)
Later treatment options
Life-style changes
Tuberculosis Detection and diagnosis
Treatment and care (latent TB)
Preventative care
Drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)
TB and HIV
Global impact of TB and Australian considerations
Anaphylaxis Types of reactions (Type IgE/IgG mediated and non-immunological)
Difference to allergic reactions
Diagnostic methods, differential diagnosis
Consider fatalities from upper airway oedema and circulatory shock
Management options (emergency, immediate, short & long term)
Long term prognosis and management

Answered Same Day Oct 08, 2019


David answered on Nov 29 2019
140 Votes
Clinical Update Semester 2 2017:
Alzheimer’s Disease
The study focuses on all the dimensions of Alzheimer’s disease like causes, risk factors, problems associated with the disease, diagnosis, treatment and awareness. The statistical survey of population in Australia , US and worldwide accepts Alzheimer’s disease as one of the main cause of deaths every year.
The study focuses on anatomy, and physiology of dementia, its various levels and stages, elaborating how it affects our
ain, in addition to essential measures, that should be adopted to prevent it.
At last the study focuses on possible measures to prevent the disease.
Keywords: Dementia, Statistical, Alzheime
According to a recent survey conducted in Fe
uary 2017 in Australia, more than 400 thousand people are living with Dementia or Memory loss. Among them about 55% are females and 45% are males. The number of new people joining the population of Alzheimer’s patients is continuously increasing with the rate of 244 people a day. In Australia, Dementia has become second most prominent cause of death and highest cause of disability in old people above 65 years of age.
A recent survey done by Alzheimer’s Association in 2017 stated that in USA about 5.5 million people are suffering from Alzheimer’s in 2017, the disease being 6th largest cause of deaths in US.
World Alzheimer’s Report 2016 said there were 46.5 million people living with Alzheimer’s worldwide in 2015, and the number may increase upto 60 million in 2017.
The disease is found most prominently in older adults causing loss in Cognitive capacities like thinking, remembering, focusing, recalling, identifying and reasoning. The patient feels inability to perform day to day activities and to regulate his/her normal behavioral responses. Alzheimer’s disease can be defined as I
eparable, gradually developing disorder of
ain cells that slowly suspends memory capabilities altering behavioral abilities as well.
Objective of this paper is to identify different levels of this disorder by understanding various available theories of patho-physiology of the disease, to properly conduct diagnosis and provide appropriate clinical support with treatment. The paper also envisages safety interventions and care to be given to potential sufferers.
    Causes and Risk factors: The causes of Alzheimer’s Disease can be many as the changes occu
ing in
ain take place at different levels causing mental illness of varying degrees. In patients who exhibit the symptoms at an early age, the causes of disease are genetic or hereditary. The patients, who suffer from the disease in later years of age, develop it due to continuous and gradual changes in their
ain over many years of time.
The possible contributing factors can be genetic, environmental or a lifestyle that involves lot of over-thinking and wo
ying which causes extra stress on the neurons and interconnections between them. People spending sedentary lifestyle with no physical exercise/activity (obese or diabetic) and no social interactions (depressed) can be...

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