CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
Assessment 1 Knowledge task
Assessment 1 Knowledge 3
Part A Short answer questions 3
Part B Scenario and questions 4
Assessment 1 Knowledge
Assessment Event
of (number of events)
Assessment Method
Knowledge evidence
Type of Assessment
Written task
Conditions of Assessment
Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace or simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions
Resources/Materials to be used
Use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources including
- Relevant organisation policies and procedures
- Modelling of typical workplace conditions and contingencies including interactions with users of the service and co-workers from a diverse range of backgrounds
- Client information
ent legislation, regulations and codes of practice
Recommended texts, resources and readings
Access to internet
Answer each question with an appropriate/co
ect response
Learner to acknowledge sources where relevant using Harvard or APA
Criteria for successful completion
To achieve a satisfactory result you must answer each question with an appropriate response.
This knowledge assessment is used by the assessor to assess the learner’s knowledge. This assessment forms one piece of evidence and should be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the assessment process.
The learner must answer each question with an appropriate response to achieve a satisfactory result. Unless otherwise stated, a suggested word count of approximately 50-80 words is required for each question. For example, (150 words) requires a written answer with a word count of approximately 150 words for this question; provide 6 strategies, requires a list of 6 items.
Part A Short answer questions
1. How would you ensure ongoing consultation with all key stakeholders of your agency’s programs?
2. Provide two examples of how you could identify client needs when designing community service programs.
3. Explain two methods you could use in the continuous improvement process of community based service programs.
4. Provide three examples of possible sources of funding for new programs at a community service agency.
5. How could you identify any unmet needs in service provision for the client group with whom you work?
6. Explain the process you would use to communicate with key stakeholders about the details of a new service or program in your agency.
7. Explain how you would monitor and review a new program while it is being delivered.
8. How would you obtain feedback from key stakeholders on the effectiveness of service programs in your agency?
9. Discuss how you would meet the diverse needs of individuals in program development.
10. Explain the strategies you would use to evaluate the program after completion.
11. Explain the responsibility of the organisation and its management structure in the development and implementation of services and programs.
12. Explain how the term ‘sustainability’ is relevant to the design and implementation of services and programs in the community sector.
Part B Scenario and questions
You are a Community Development Worker for your local New South Wales (NSW) Council. There has been an increase in youth offending, truancy and public vandalism in the area and many stakeholders have expressed concerns about the impact of these issues on the community. Your role on this project is to investigate the situation and recommend strategies your department could pursue to address these issues.
From this scenario answer the following questions.
13. How would you identify the need for additional services and programs for young people in the area?
14. List four possible stakeholders who you would consult with in relation to this project.
15. Describe one suggestion for a program or service which could be developed, to address the needs of young people in this community.
16. Based on your program suggestion, answer the following
a Identify a list of possible resources required for this program.
Explain two risk factors you would need to consider in designing this program.
c Explain one example of relevant legislation, and how it would impact on this program.
d Provide a summary of two other factors you will consider in the design of this program.
e Describe how you could collaborate in partnership with another agency to deliver this program.
f How would you include young people as consumers in the development and implementation of this program?
17. Describe how you would present the information and recommendations to your organisation.
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