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BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment One: Individual Assessment Written Memo CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ...

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BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment One: Individual Assessment Written Memo CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017ǀ Assessment 1: Written Memo | Term 1, 2018 | Page 1 | General Information:  This assessment accounts for 20% of your grade. The assessment is due in Week 5 Monday, April 2nd at 5.00 pm AEST  The essay must be between XXXXXXXXXXwords in length.  Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words.  There is a late deduction of one point per day after the due date.  The essay must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title, and lecturer and/or tutor.  You will not need to include references for this assignment. This does not mean that you do not need to do research. You will need to do some background reading to enable you to understand the problems to provide logical and effective solutions to these problems. Task description: In this task, you will write a memo in response to the case study provided below. The memo must be logically structured, free of grammatical errors, professionally styled; in addition, follow the writing conventions for memos as discussed in the lecture. This assessment is aimed to assess your written communication skills. Students who do not perform well will be highly recommended to consider training with Academic Learning Centre (ALC). The assessment is aimed to ensure that you have an advanced level of writing skills before you proceed into other units in the postgraduate course. The assessment will also assess the integrity of your work. Given all students will do the same assessment, plagiarism will be monitored to ensure that your submitted work is original and not purchased or copied from other students. Where assessments are found to be similar, penalties may apply in accord with University policy. Case study: Data Solutions is a medium sized company that sells data management software. The company is based in Brisbane and has offices in both Melbourne and Sydney. After conducting an organization- wide communication audit it has become apparent that external communication processes, such as marketing and promotions of the products, are effective and cost-effective. However, the audit has highlighted that there are problems with the internal communication processes. Specifically, the problems are as follows: 1. Employees are not always choosing the appropriate means of communication (traditional or digital) for the context and the audience. 2. The internal organizational communication network is limited and partial, with some groups being left out. 3. Inter-organisational meetings are ineffective. BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment One: Individual Assessment Written Memo CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017ǀ Assessment 1: Written Memo | Term 1, 2018 | Page 2 | You are the director of the organisation and you are sending out a memo to your employees. The memo should reflect the following structure: 1. Opening a. To: b. From: c. Date: d. Subject: 2. Objectives and background a. Describe the communication audit process b. Specific purpose c. General purpose 3. Problems a. Problem one—quantitative and qualitative significance b. Problem two—quantitative and qualitative significance c. Problem three—quantitative and qualitative significance 4. Action steps to solve the problems a. Problem one b. Problem two c. Problem three 5. Closing a. Briefly outline a synopsis of the memo b. Explain the benefit of compliance to the employee and/or organisation. c. Offer assistance and provide contact details
Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020 BUSN20017 Central Queensland University


Soumi answered on Mar 28 2020
159 Votes
Table of Contents
a) Opening    3
) Objectives and background    3
c) Problems    3
d) Action steps to solve the problems    4
e) Closing    4
References:    5
a) Opening
To: The Workforce of Data Solutions
From: The Director of Data Solutions
Subject: Resolving Problems in Internal Communication Processes
) Objectives and background
The communication audit process in the organisation consists of 4 steps that include identification and setting the scope and framework followed by the discovery process that includes surveys, focused group and others. As per the views of Murshed, Uddin and Hossain (2015), the distillation process in which the assessment of collected data is done follows it. After that, the pattern is analysed and interpreted to identify the communication opportunities and the existing gaps.
The specific purpose of this audit is to identify the issues in the communication channel for further improvement of the communication process.
The general purpose of this audit is to
ing about an improvement in the communication channel so that there is better coordination among various departments. It will lead to efficiency in the workflow that will lead to better outcomes for the organisation.
c) Problems
The first problem identified in the audit is that the employees are not using appropriate means of communication. There are no standard means of communication for a specific purpose. In addition to that, certain communication that needs to be done in written form through e-mail is done ve
ally. Due to this, there is no proof of the...

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