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Assignment Topic: Select any two real-world business organisations and compare organizational/employees’ performance between your selected organisations. Analyse the human resource management (HRM)...

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Assignment Topic:

Select any two real-world business organisations and compare organizational/employees’ performance between your selected organisations. Analyse the human resource management (HRM) practices in your chosen companies and show the impact of HRM practices on job satisfaction and employee performance.


Analyse the human resource management (HRM) practices in these two organisations. HRM practices could be comparatively better, good, not bad, or poor. Establish a correlation between the HRM practices with job satisfaction and employee performance. Did you find any relationship with better HRM practices with job satisfaction and employee performance?

Essay Task Details:

1500 words

Task 1

Select any two real-world business organisations, it could be local, multinational, or global business organisations. While finding the business organisations you may consider one organisation with relatively better HRM practices and other one with relatively poor HRM practices. Find organizational/employees’ performance between these two organisations, which could be high, medium, or low.

Task 2

2. Write a 250 words introduction discussing employees’ performance and HRM practices.

Task 3

3. Write approximately 1000 words per organization on:

a. Analyse the human resource management (HRM) practices use by the organisation.

b. State organizational/employees’ performance in terms of either sales, production or revenues earned, and

c. find any relationship with better HRM practices with job satisfaction and employee performance.

Task 4

4. Write a 250 words conclusion recommending appropriate HRM practices to your selected organisation, where the organizational/employees’ performance is below standard.

Task 5

5. Write a reference list correctly:

– It must use the Harvard referencing style.

The work should be in the format of a research essay following the academic style. The essay must contain:

o Cover Page

o Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Sections and Sub Sections Covering Part A Questions (You Must Choose Suitable Headings)

3. Sections and Sub Sections Covering Part B Questions (You Must Choose Suitable Headings)

4. Recommendations/Conclusion

5. List of References that Align with Approved Referencing Format

6. Appendices as required

Develop the report by using peer-reviewed journal articles. While using a minimum of twelve (12) journal articles is expected,use between sixteen (16) and twenty (20) research sources. Please note that many of the references you use must come from peer reviewed journal articles and that these articles should not be the same as the ones provided in the textbook and tutorials.

Furthermore, please note that using WIKIPEDIA and other online encyclopedia is not allowed.

Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2021


Sourav Kumar answered on Jun 16 2021
150 Votes
Table of contents:
Introduction -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 3
Conclusion -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 7
Referencs -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 8
In the United States te
itory of Michigan an organization attempted and failed to get an age discriminatory claim excused because no one landed the job position. Since with regards to enrollment, you can't simply shroud your words away, that is why the court didn't toss the case out (Donate, 2016). A job candidate, who is 67 and started the claim, Frank Branham, was going for a position of general maintenance at Detroit Baptist Manor retirement community. The organization's chief of activities confessed to telling Branham that he wasn't hoping to recruit anybody at [Branham's] age since he had enough workers who were 40 or 50-year-old folks. In response to his meeting Branham got in contact with the retirement home's HR and raised complaints about being excused subjectively as a result of his age. At exactly that point did the organization choose not to enroll anybody? Presently it's dependent upon a jury to choose whether that dubious chain of occasions is a fortuitous event or not. This and many more can be an example of bad HRM practices which
ings about a lot of problems for a company (Hassan, 2016). This essay is a comparative study of HRM practices in two organizations from different countries. One is an example of how effective a good HRM practice is for any organization and the other one is an example of poor knowledge and ignorance. A good HRM practice can keep the employees satisfied and involved with their work which
ings more efficiency in the workplace and in turn keeps the work environment good too.
HRM practice includes the selection and hiring methods of employees. Results indicate that the company originated in Bangladesh (Annan Garments) applies less standardized selection methods. It uses references of local people, internal recruitment process and pay less attention to objective criteria (eligibility of employees) as compared to companies originated in US and UK (Vanhala, 2016). However, they (Anjan Garments) never fail to allot importance on cu
iculum vitae and interviews while selecting it's workers. The interview with local HR manager revealed that recommendations and social networking are not important. However, their emphasis on the method of internal recruitment and less on eligibility never allows them to shift swiftly towards the peak of their success. The method of the Bangladeshi company use while advertising their vacancy is posters, walk-in, refe
als and newspaper. They never use psychometric practices. They do not even consider re-checking the references. These all acts as a back draw for the company and restrict it within the na
ow margin of revenues.
Development strategy and training is critical to the organizational success of any company. The Bangladeshi garment company always use off-the-job and on-the-job training programmers to sustain the quality of skills among the chief employees. Whereas, more structured and beneficial companies only use on-the-job training. To give coaching by the...

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